Lena Janshen (Universität Göttingen)
Some physical systems are described by a mathematical model that has a redundancy. Such a model is called a gauge theory, where redundancies are described by gauge transformations. When the underlying...
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Jane Knöchel (InSilicoTrials, Sweden)
Quantitative system pharmacology models (QSP) are a subset of mathematical models focused on drug pharmacology. They integrate datasets from diverse studies, contexts, and spatiotemporal scales into a...
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Jane Knöchel (InSilicoTrials, Sweden)
Model Informed Drug Development (MIDD) has revolutionized the way pharmaceutical companies approach Phase 3 clinical trials. By integrating predictive modeling, MIDD enables more accurate and...
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Peter Grabs
We investigate the Rarita-Schwinger operator using methods previously applied in the Dirac case. The structure of the underlying manifold \(\mathcal{S}^3 \cong \mathrm{SU}(2)\) as a Lie group implies...
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Linda Kleist (Universität Potsdam)
In 1959, Ringel asked for the chromatic number of tangency graphs of a collection of circles in the plane in which no three circles have the same tangent point. Particularly, he wondered whether a...
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Remy Dubertrand (Northumbria university, UK)
Abstract: CAT maps (for Continuous Automorphisms on the Torus) are known as one family of chaotic systems. They have been intensively used to study the quantum/classical correspondence. In the last...
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Christiane Klein (York University, UK)
Rotating black holes, which are the kind of black holes we observe in our universe, are an excellent stage on which to explore the effects of quantum physics. One possible approach to do so is the...
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Miguel Donoso Echenique (UC Chile)
Abstract: We review the property of periodic approximations (PA) for groups, and generalize some results to semigroups. In order to do this, we develop the tool of natural extensions, dealing with...
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Simon Puchert (Jena)
Abstract: The subject of nonlinear Dirichlet forms is rather new and as such, still has many simple open questions. In this talk, we will establish a new characterization that more closely resembles...
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Lennart Ronge (UP)
This is a work-in-progress description on an unfinished approach to proving a Lorentzian version of the equivariant index theorem, which assigns an index to a Dirac operator in the presence of a group...
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Rainer Verch (Leipzig), Hanno Gottschalk (TU Berlin)
14:00 Rainer Verch (Universität Leipzig): Quantum non-causality in spacetime may be not exclusively quantum.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Hanno Gottschalk (TU Berlin): How classical gravity...
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Emiel Claasen (MPI, Potsdam)
Modular Graph Forms (MGFs) are a class of modular forms represented by lattice sums associated to directed simple graphs. They originated from the calculation of graviton amplitudes in type II string...
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Chenchang Zhu (Göttingen)
In this talk, based on many previous works, we will introduce a helpful new tool for differential geometers using:
• higher: to deal with quotient singularities
• derived: to heal transversality...
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Felix Medwed (Potsdam)
Following Chapter 8 of the book "An introduction to infinite dimensional geometry" by Alexander Schmeding, I will discuss the (infinite-dimensional) geometric framework for rough paths and their...
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Lennart Ronge
Given a Dirac type operator on a manifold with boundary and a group action that preserves all relevant structures, one can define a generalized index for any group element. Analogous to the APS index...
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Glenn Shafer (Rutgers Business School, Newark)
Most applications of mathematical probability rely, in one way or another, on theorems that give certain events high probability. Since the 1950s, mathematicians have largely agreed that these...
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Undine Falkenhagen
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Alexey Bufetov (Leipzig)
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Spectral Methods in Markov chain mixing
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Analytical methods in interplay with physics
A workshop to explore Asymptotics, Randomness and Noncommutativity
This three day workshop aims at fostering interactions between mathematicians who use...
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Giulia Meglioli (Bielefeld)
Abstract: The talk is concerned with uniqueness of solutions to a class of heat equations with positive density posed on infinite weighted graphs. We separately consider the case when the density is...
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Yunan Li (Guangzhong, China) (online)
Recently, Ferri and Sciandra introduced two equivalent notions, matched pair of actions on a Hopf algebra and Yetter-Drinfeld brace. Any of these objects actually provides a solution of the quantum...
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Mitia Duerinckx (Brussel), Marius Lemm (Tübingen)
14:00 Mitia Duerinckx (Bruxelles): Quantitative elliptic homogenization: a regularity perspective and Bourgain's surprising insight.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Marius Lemm (Tübingen): ...
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Emil Claasen (MPI, Potsdam)
Abstract: Modular Graph Forms (MGFs) are a class of modular forms represented by lattice sums associated to directed simple graphs. They originated from the calculation of graviton amplitudes in type...
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Martin Peev (Inperial College, London) (online)
When attempting to construct QFTs that include Fermions using the methods of Stochastic Quantisation, one is naturally forced to consider noncommutative stochastic PDEs. I shall show how to formulate...
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Tao Wang (Fudan University Shanghai)
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce Cheeger type constants via isocapacitary constants introduced by Maz'ya to estimate first Dirichlet, Neumann and Steklov eigenvalues on a finite subgraph of a...
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Marten Steuer (UP)
The Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem is one of the most fundamental results in Riemannian geometry, which connects the geometry of a compact, oriented Riemannian manifold \( (M,g)\) with its topology. For...
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Lucas Broux (MPIMS, Leipzig) (online)
This talk will be concerned with some aspects of the renormalization of the \( \Phi^4\) stochastic partial differential equation, in the singular but subcritical (also called super-renormalizable)...
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Sumati Surya (Raman Research Institute, Bengalore)
In this talk I will sketch in broad lines a proposal for quantum space time, which is built purely on discrete, order theoretic principles. A key motivation is the Lorentzian character of spacetime,...
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Christoph Böhm (Münster)
Let \(M^n\) be a smooth, compact manifold and let \(N\) denote the set of Riemannian metrics on \(M^n\) with a fixed smooth volume density \(\mu\) of volume 1. For any \(g_0 \in N\) , we show that...
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Florentin Münch (Universität Leipzig)
Abstract: In this talk, we prove that every salami has exactly two ends. As is well known to experts, a salami is a weighted graph with non-negative Ollivier Ricci curvature with at least two ends of...
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Olga Klopp (Paris), Nicolas Verzelen (Montpellier)
14:00 Nicolas Verzelen (MISTEA Laboratory, INRAE, Univ. Montpellier)
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Olga Klopp (ESSEC Business School, CREST)
Title: Network models and sparse graphon...
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Lothar Reichel, Kent State University, USA
A tensor bidiagonalization method for singular value decomposition of third order tensors
The need to know a few singular triplets associated with the largest singular values of a third-order tensor...
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Alexandro Luna (UCI)
Abstract: We prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the spectrum of a Sturmian Hamiltonian of bounded type tends to one as the coupling constant tends to zero. We give a sketch of the proof which...
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Jan Szalankiewicz
We develop the mathematical framework for filtering problems arising from biophysical applications where data is collected from confocal laser scanning microscopy recordings of the space-time...
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Haonan Zhang (University of South Carolina)
Abstract: Recently, Eldan and Gross developed a stochastic analysis approach to proving functional inequalities on discrete hypercubes. Motivated by a conjecture of Talagrand, one of their main...
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Sven Raum (UP)
Hecke C*-algebras are deformations of the group C*-algebra of Coxeter groups. Their K-theory could so far only be determined in few cases. I will survey these and provide ideas of proof for the case...
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Emiel Claasen (MPI, Potsdam)
Modular Graph Forms (MGFs) are a class of modular forms represented by lattice sums associated to directed simple graphs. They originated from the calculation of graviton amplitudes in type II string...
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Johannes Blümlein (Desy, Zeuthen)
A survey is given on the present status of analytic calculation methods and the mathematical structures of zero- and single scale Feynman amplitudes which emerge in higher order perturbative...
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Luisa Herrmann (Potsdam)
If one interprets the Kepler-Poinsot-polyhedra as the union of several objects and applies Euler's polyhedron formula on their number of vertices, edges and faces, than the result is two. This is also...
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Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)
The classical Atiyah-Singer theorem tells us: if \(M\) is a closed spin manifold, carrying a metric \(g\) of non-negative scalar curvature, then either the Dirac operator is invertible or \((M,g)\)...
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Jamie Bell (University of Münster)
Thanks to Gelfand duality, C*-algebras are often considered noncommutative topological spaces. A very profitable approach to studying C*-algebras is to formulate noncommutative generalisations of...
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Frau Zilm (Bereich Sicherheitswesen)
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Christopher Cedzich (Düsseldorf)
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce the unitary almost-Mathieu operator (UAMO) and discuss its connections to several model systems in physics and mathematics. We draw parallels to the self-adjoint...
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Elke Rosenberger (Potsdam)
For a class of elliptic self-adjoint pseudo-differential operators in a discrete semi-classical setting we give asymptotic estimates for the number of eigenvalues in a fixed interval. Here we assume...
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Botond Tibor Szabo, Università Bocconi, Italy
Gaussian processes (GP) are frequently used in Bayesian nonparametrics as a prior distribution on infinite dimensional functional parameters. However, even in case of the simple nonparametric...
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Botond Tibor Szabo, Bocconi University, Italy
We consider recovering an unknown function f from a noisy observation of the solution uf to a partial differential equation of the type Luf = c(f, uf ) for a differential operator L, and invertible...
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Onirban Islam
For differential operators preserved by the action of a Lie group G, the notion of index generalises to the G-index. A prototype of this situation arises for spin-Dirac operators on a compact...
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Jonathan Taylor (UP)
Since Renault's reconstruction of Cartan pairs as (twisted) groupoid C*-algebras, later generalisations of the theory have partially diverged. Staying in the realm of C*-algebras with a 'large'...
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Anke Lindmeier (Jena), Rolf Biehler (Paderborn)
14:00 Anke Lindmeier (Jena): „Lehramtsaufgaben" in fachwissenschaftlichen Übungen: Vom Konzept zu Practices und ersten Wirkungsanalysen.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Rolf Biehler (Paderborn): ...
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Martin Burger, Helmholtz Imaging
7th Kálmán Lecture with Martin Burger
The use of methods resembling (interacting) particle systems has gained a lot of interest for different tasks in machine learning, inverse problems, and related...
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Luisa Herrmann (Uni Potsdam)
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Lars Andersson
Lecture is cancelled!
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Christian Bär (UP)
I will explain an eigenvalue estimate for Dirac operators in terms of the hyperspherical radius of the underlying manifold. When combined with other known eigenvalue estimates this has a number of...
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Edriss Titi , University of Cambridge
In this talk, I will present a unifed approach for the effect of fast rotation and dispersion as an averaging mechanism for regularizing and stabilizing certain evolution equations, such as the...
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Florian Hanisch
The spectral shift function is an object from scattering theory. It was invented to describe/compute traces of certain operators and generalizes the notion of spectral flow. It is moreover closely...
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Christoph Stephan
I will give an introduction to the Lean 4 proof assistant, focusing on basics of interactive theorem proving, dependend type theory and its applications in mathematics. The talk will be suitable for...
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Piotr Nowak (Warsaw), Adam Skalski (Warsaw)
14:00 Adam Skalski (Academy of Science, Warsaw): Haagerup property: groups and operator algebras.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Piotr Nowak (Academy of Science, Warsaw): Rigidity results for...
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Andrea Mondino (Oxford)
Optimal transport tools have been extremely powerful to study Ricci curvature, in particular Ricci lower bounds in the non-smooth setting of metric measure spaces (which can be been as a non-smooth...
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Jonathan Taylor (University of Potsdam)
Groupoid homomorphisms do not, generally, lift (functorially) to *-homomorphisms of the associated C*-algebras. The crux of this lies in the fact groupoids span a class of objects ranging from groups...
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Franziska Krüger (Senior Manager bei d-fine) & Max Lewandowski (Senior Consultant bei d-fine)
d-fine ist ein europäisches Beratungsunternehmen mit Fokus auf analytisch anspruchsvolle Themen, die von einem mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlich geprägten Team bearbeitet werden. Franziska Krüger...
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Apatsara Sareeto
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Christian Bär (UP)
Let \(M\) be an n-dimensional closed Riemannian spin manifold. A fill-in of \(M\) is a compact (n+1)-dimensional Riemannian spin manifold \(X\) whose boundary is \(M\). If \(X\) has nonnegative scalar...
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Mathematics by master students for master students.
13:00 - Hans Riemann “A Novel Approach to Sequential Change Point Detection in Dynamical Systems - Investigations at an Origin of the...
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Sven Raum
Ein Livestream zur Vorlesung wird zu gegebener Zeit auf der Webseite bereitgestellt.
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David Fajman (Universität Wien)
Fluids are generally known to form shocks in finite time from small inhomogeneities. When the fluid evolves in an expanding spacetime, as in standard cosmology,
the expansion of spacetime...
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Hang Wang (East China Normal University)
We introduce the K-theory class of higher Kazhdan projections and its relation with a variant of Lott's delocalised ℓ2-Betti numbers. We will also relate the K-theory class of higher Kazhdan...
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Alexander Schmeding (Trondheim) via ZOOM
From finite dimensional Lie theory, it is well known that the Lie group exponential yields a local diffeomorphism from the Lie algebra onto a unit neighborhood of the Lie group. These exponential...
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Onirban Islam
I shall introduce the Chazarain method to construct retarded and advanced Green operators for a Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime with timelike boundary.
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Bernard Helffer
This is a hybrid talk. For Zoom login data please contact Elke Rosenberger.
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Public Viewing: Das EM-Spiel läuft ab 18:00 Uhr auf großem Bildschirm!
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Sergei Fedotov, University of Manchester
The talk will be concerned with time-fractional master equations with random transition probabilities describing a heterogeneous population of random walkers. This formulation leads to an effective...
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Leonid Ryvkin (Lyon)
The goal of the talk is proving a conjecture of Claude Roger about the universal central extension of the Lie algebra of volume-preserving vector fields. In the beginning we will briefly review the...
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Heiko von der Mosel (University of Aachen), Henrik Schumacher (University of Georgia)
14:00 Heiko von der Mosel (University of Aachen): On the Tangent-Point Energy.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Henrik Schumacher (University of Georgia): Numerical Optimization of the...
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Wushi Goldring (Stockholm University)
My talk concerns the algebraic properties of automorphic representations. These infinite-dimensional representations of reductive groups over number fields are defined using harmonic analysis....
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Kolja Wichmann
Kolja Wichmann hat nach seiner Bachelorarbeit ein Praktikum bei KPNG gemacht und arbeitet jetzt parallel zu seinem Masterstudium bei KPMG in Teilzeit. Er wird kurz (20-30 Minuten) über sein Praktikum...
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Florian Fischer
Disputation zur Dissertation "Hardy Inequalities on Graphs" aus der Wissenschaftsdisziplin Diskrete Mathematik.
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Luisa Herrmann (Uni Potsdam)
We will introduce the notion of Newton polytope and then prove a result on normal vectors to polyhedra built from Newton polytopes. For this we follow a proof by Thierry Champion using the Mini-Max...
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Abhiram Kidambi (Leipzig), Noah Arbesfeld (Vienna)
14:00 Abhiram M. Kidambi (MPI, Leipzig): Computer assisted number theory: Past, Present and Future.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Noah Arbesfeld (University of Vienna): Structures from points...
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Sven Gnutzmann
Abstract: Given an arbitrary Hermitian matrix, considered as a finite discrete quantum Hamiltonian, we use methods from graph and ergodic theories to construct a corresponding unitary scattering...
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Rosa Marchesini (Göttingen)
Several extensively studied cohomology theories play an important role in differential geometry and mathematical physics. Examples are De Rham cohomology, Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology, BRST...
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Stefano Ronchi (Göttingen)
In the same way Lie groupoids can encode local symmetries of a manifold, Lie 2-groupoids are a way to encode higher symmetries. After a short crash course on this topic, we present the construction of...
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Alexander Drozdov, University of California, Los Angeles
This seminar presented an overview of numerical modeling, data assimilation, and machine learning in understanding Earth's electron radiation belts. Central to the discussion is the Versatile Electron...
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Fabrizio Zanello (Universität Potsdam)
The mathematical toolbox of multysimplectic geometry was introduced in order to generalize the symplectic formulation of classical mechanics to Lagrangian field theories. After a substantial body of...
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Alessio Figalli und Clara Silvia Roero
Die Euler-Vorlesung in 2024 wird von dem Mathematiker Alessio Figalli von der ETH Zürich gehalten. Den traditionellen historischen Vortrag wird die Mathematikerin Clara Silvia Roero von der Univerität...
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Alberto Richtsfeld (UP)
In this talk I will report on my progress in computing the transgression forms for characteristic classes. First, I will compute the transgression form of characteristic classes of power sum symmetric...
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Ada Masters (University of Wollongong)
Since Connes’s 1989 paper, the use of length functions to build spectral triples for group C*-algebras has become commonplace in noncommutative geometry. This construction, although sound at the level...
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Gabriele Steidl, TU Berlin
We consider gradient flows with respect to the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) of certain kernels. For the efficient computation, we propose slicing techniques that restrict the kernel evaluations to...
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This is a one-day workshop aiming to bring together researchers and students from the Universities of Berlin and Brandenburg.
It is an opportunity to discover the latest advancements in research in...
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Fabrizio Zanello (Universität Potsdam)
The mathematical toolbox of multysimplectic geometry was introduced in order to generalize the symplectic formulation of classical mechanics to Lagrangian field theories. After a substantial body of...
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Christian Bär (UP)
If M is a spacelike hypersurface of a Lorentzian manifold, then M inherits an induced Riemannian metric g and a second fundamental form q. The triple (M,g,q) is then called the induced initial data...
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Karen Strung (Czech Academy of Science, Prague), Sven Raum (Potsdam)
14:00 Karen Strung (Czech Academy of Science, Prague): Operator algebras arising from topological dynamics.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Sven Raum (Uni Potsdam): Operator algebras from...
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Luisa Herrmann (Universität Potsdam)
Based on an article by Mathias Beigelböck and Nicolas Juillet, I will first describe the martingale version of the optimal transport problem after which I will define the convex order and give some...
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Adam Rennie (University of Wollongong)
I will discuss the main results and consequences of recent workwith Bram Mesland. Using mostly algebraic techniques, with just a littleHilbert module analysis, we present necessary and sufficient...
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Matthias Täufer (Hagen)
Abstract: We speak about the heat content at time t on metric graphs. This quantity measures how much mass of a constant initial configuration remains in the graph at time t under the action of the...
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Luca Ganassali (Universite Paris Saclay)
We propose a method of proving impossibility results based on applying strong data-processing inequalities to estimate mutual information between sets of variables forming certain Markov random...
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Alejandro Peñuela Díaz (Universität Potsdam)
In physics, marginally outer trapped surfaces (MOTS) can be understood as quasi-local versions of black hole boundaries. Therefore, these surfaces are crucial to understand black holes and are widely...
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Christian Lomp (University of Porto)
Motivated by Lusztig's basis of Hecke algebras, Graham and Lehrer introduced cellular algebras in 1996. As a generalisation of Graham and Lehrer’s cellular algebras, affine cellular algebras have been...
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Alberto Bonicelli (Pavia, Italy)
The importance of the sine-Gordon model in 1+1 spacetime dimensions resides in the integrability of the field theory that it describes. A recent result showed how, within the setting of algebraic...
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Ibrahim Kaddouri (Universite Paris Saclay)
Motivated by the problem of detecting a change in the evolution of a
network, we consider the preferential attachment random graph model with
a time-dependent attachment function. Our goal is to...
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Lennart Ronge (UP)
Vorbereitung auf das Blockseminar "Geometrie" nach dem Inverted-Classroom-Prinzip.
Indexsatz, Chern-Klassen, Pontrjagin-Klassen (3.4 - 4.3.7 im Skript)
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Frau Zilm (Bereich Sicherheitswesen)
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Jannis Marquardt, TU Braunschweig
Seminar talk followed by a young researcher network meeting.
The common solution techniques of the data assimilation problem typically require the numerical treatment of large systems....
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Stefanie Zilm
Für alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Mathematik ist jährlich eine Arbeistsschutzunterweisung verpflichtend. Bitte sprechen Sie es mit Ihren Vorgesetzten ab, dass Sie diesen...
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Juliane Harnisch
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Leonard Schmitz (MPI Leipzig)
Signature transforms have recently been extended to data indexed by two and more parameters. With free Lyndon generators, ideas from B∞-algebras and a novel two-parameter Hoffman exponential, we...
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Clément Berenfeld (UP)
Given i.i.d. random variables drawn from a mixture of immersed low-dimensional submanifolds of different dimensions, we study the minimax estimation of the family of submanifolds in Hausdorff...
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Christian Bär (UP)
Vorbereitung auf das Blockseminar "Geometrie" nach dem Inverted-Classroom-Prinzip.
2.4-2.5.11, 2.5.17-18, Thm 5.1.1 im Skript
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Gilad Sofer (Technion)
Abstract: A classical result by Belissard et al states that the spectrum of a 1-dimensional Hamiltonian with a Sturmian potential is a singular continuous Cantor set of Lebesgue measure zero. More...
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Ulrik Enstad
Frames provide a robust notion of infinite spanning sequences in a Hilbert space. Dually, a Riesz sequence is a strong type of linearly independent sequence. The frame property of certain structured...
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Ulrike Herzschuh & Thomas Laepple, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
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Alexander Schmeding (NTNU, Trondheim)
Functions of bounded variation (BV) with values in a Banach space are a classical topic of analysis with specific applications for example in rough path theory. In the theory of rough paths one...
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Christian Bär (UP)
Vorbereitung auf das Blockseminar "Geometrie" nach dem Inverted-Classroom-Prinzip.
Clifford-Algebren, Spingruppe, Spinoren (2.1-2.3 im Skript)
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Bettina Just (Gießen), Dominique Unruh (Aachen)
14:00 Bettina Just (Gießen): Some Basics of Quantum computing.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
Zoom 15:15 Dominique Unruh (Aachen): Quantum Hoare Logic ... and Ghosts.
Bettina Just (Gießen): Some...
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Anatolii Zhuchok (Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Poltava, Ukraine)
A trioid is an algebraic system consisting of a set with three binary associative operations satisfying certain axioms. Trioids are a generalization of semigroups. They play a prominent role in...
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Pavel Exner (Prague)
Abstract: The topic of this talk are quantum graphs with the vertex coupling which does not preserve the time-reversal invariance. As a case study the simplest example with the asymmetry being maximal...
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This workshop is organised in the setting of the FOR 5381 project on Mathematical Statistics in the Information age, and will be broadly on statistical efficiency and computational tractability.
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Lennart Ronge (UP)
Given a Dirac operator on a Lorentzian manifold with timelike boundary, its Fredholm index (and whether it is Fredholm at all) heavily depends on the boundary conditions that one imposes on the...
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Agniva Datta, Jan Albrecht
First Presentation
Speaker: Agniva Datta
Topic: The mysterious motion of swimming bacteria: a bridge connecting biology and non-equilibrium physics
From the mesmerizing patterns formed by...
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This workshop is organised in the setting of of the ASCAI project and is on batch and sequential unsupervised learning.
Here is the schedule of the workshop.
For more information on the ASCAI-Project...
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Stefan Heyder, TU Ilmenau
Importance sampling is a Monte Carlo technique that estimates posterior expectations in Bayesian computation by sampling from a tractable proposal distribution instead of the intractable posterior....
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(English? click here) (Flyer der Veranstaltung)
Hinter wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen stehen oft mehr Beteiligte als die, deren Namen sichtbar sind. Damit Forschung gelingt, muss das Umfeld stimmen,...
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(Deutsch? Hier klicken) (Event Flyer)
Scientific results are often the result of a team work which involves more people than those whose names are visible. A favourable environment contributes to...
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The meeting is part of a series of meetings initiated by Professor Schulze devoted to micro-local, singular and global analysis and their interactions with geometry and mathematical physics.
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Paolo Meda (U. Pavia) - Online
The semiclassical formulation of gravity is discussed in the framework of algebraic quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. The main topic of the talk is the Semiclassical Einstein Equations, which...
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Rebecca Roero
Presentation of an innovative way to compute the eta invariants for the Dirac operator of the Berger spheres. We can use the Atyiah-Patodi-Singer theorem for the index of the classical Dirac operator...
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Tristan Bice (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Cartan subalgebras allow C*-algebras to be represented on effective twisted étale groupoids by utilising key properties of their normaliser semigroup. Isolating these key properties, we formulate an...
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Hannes Thiel (Chalmers)
Nonclosed ideals of bounded operators play a prominent role in the theory of singular traces as developed by Dixmier, Connes and many others, and the Calkin correspondence is a powerful tool that can...
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Rosario Tomasello, FU Berlin
To grasp the meaning of words and their relationship to the outside world, higher cognitive processes unique to the human brain are at work. However, despite decades of research on the neural...
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David Kern (U. Göttingen)
In this talk we first motivate constraint geometry by recalling Poisson geometry. Afterwards we introduce constraint manifolds as well as constraint vector bundles and prove a constraint Cartan...
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Jonathan Taylor (UP)
Abstract: Given a directed row-finite graph, one may define representations of such a graph in C*-algebras and deduce the existence of a unique C*-algebra that is universal for such representations....
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Catherine Drysdal, University of Birmingham
In this talk, I look at two examples regarding the numerical computation of spectra for infinite-dimensional non-self-adjoint operators. Two conditions are need to compute the spectrum of operators in...
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Dominique Manchon (Clermont-Ferrand) - Online
Tracial Lie-Rinehart algebras are a purely algebraic version of finite-dimensional Lie algebroids, for which the trace is given fibrewise. A tracial Lie-Rinehart algebra is pre-Lie if moreover both...
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Véronique Fischer (Bath), Lashi Bandara (Deakin Uni, Melbourne)
14:00 Véronique Fischer (Bath): Sub-Riemannian quantum limits.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Lashi Bandara (Deakin Uni, Melbourne): Functional calculus, garnished with a little geometry.
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Andrey Pilipenko (Nat. Acad. of Sciences & Nat. TU of Ukraine, Kyiv)
This will be the second and last part of a mini-course on locally perturbed random walks and their limits after normalisation.
Prerequisite: a first course of Probability theory (+ measure theory).
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Kamal Khuri Makdisi (AUB, Beirut)
Colloquium "Mathematics in Lebanon and beyond"
A \(g\)-dimensional abelian variety over the complex numbers is a special kind of complex torus \(C^g/L\), where \(L\) is a lattice of rank \(2g\). The...
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Rudolf Zeidler (Münster)
We will present variants of the spacetime positive mass theorem in the spin setting: Firstly, its conclusion \(E \geq|P|\) holds for a single asymptotically flat (AF) end in a spin initial data set...
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Rudolf Zeidler (University of Münster)
We will discuss situations where a lower bound on the scalar curvature of a Riemannian manifold leads to a quantitative distance estimate as well as corresponding rigidity results. The study of these...
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Andrey Pilipenko (Nat. Acad. of Sciences & Nat. TU of Ukraine, Kyiv)
This will be the first part of a mini-course on locally perturbed random walks and their limits after normalisation.
Prerequisite: a first course of Probability theory (+ measure theory).
For more...
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Igor Cialenco, Illinois Institute of Technology
Unlike traditional finite-dimensional stochastic differential equations, statistical models driven by SPDEs are predominantly singular, when the solution is observed on a finite time interval. Hence,...
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Harprit Singh (Edinburgh)
We shall discuss the solution theory to a large class of singular SPDEs in various non-translation invariant settings. In particular, I shall present results on Riemannian manifolds and...
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Andrey Pilipenko (Nat. Acad. of Sciences & Nat. TU of Ukraine, Kyiv)
The Skorokhod reflection was used in 1961 to create a reflected Brownian motion on the half-line. Later, it was used for processes with jumps such as reflected Lévy processes. Like a Brownian motion,...
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Lashi Bandara
In this talk, I will discuss the Hodge theorem in the context of rough metrics (locally bounded measurable coefficient metrics). This is work in progress with Georges Habib (Beirut).
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Thorsten Wagner, University of Potsdam
The recent State of Global Water Resources report by the World Meteorological Organization concluded that the hydrological cycle is spinning out of balance due to climate change and human activities....
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Alexander Schmeding (NTNU, Trondheim)
Due to an idea by V. Arnold, certain partial differential equations (PDE) can be rewritten as ordinary differential equations (ODE) on infinite-dimensional manifolds.
One of the most...
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Jonathan Glöckle (Regensburg)
Initial data sets are pairs of a Riemannian metric and a symmetric 2-tensor on a manifold \(M\). They arise in General Relativity as induced Riemannian metric and induced second fundamental form,...
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Norbert Schappacher (Strasbourg), Marie-Françoise Roy (Rennes)
2-2:45pm: Framing Global Mathematics.
The International Mathematical Union between Theorems and Politics
Norbert Schappacher (Strasbourg)
I will present examples that show how national and...
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Michael Högele (Univ. de los Andes, Kolumbien)
In this talk we present a quantitative version of the Borel-Cantelli lemma, which allows for a quantification of the "tradeoff" between a.s. rates of convergence and the precise integrability of the...
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Georges Habib (Lebanese University, Beirut)
We prove a new general Poincaré type inequality for differential forms on compact Riemannian manifolds with nonempty boundary.
When the boundary is isometrically immersed in Euclidean...
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Anna Muranova (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn)
Abstract: In this talk we consider graphs, whose weights belong to an ordered field. It is known, that in the case of real weights every weighted graph defines a Markov chain, whose states are...
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Giovanni Conforti (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
It has been known for a long time that Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations preserve convexity, namely if the terminal condition is convex, the solution stays convex at all times. Equivalently,...
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Mohamed Belkasim
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Mert Ugurlu
Evolutionary Graph Theory extends the Moran-Process of Population Genetics to a random process where the population has some structure. A typical question is for fixation when a new mutant allele...
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Konstantin Pankrashkin (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)
Abstract: For a class of weighted infinite metric trees we propose a definition of the boundary trace which maps H^1-functions on the tree to L^2-functions on a compact Riemannian manifold. For a...
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Jean-David Jacques (Potsdam)
Post-Lie algebra structures are a generalization of Pre-Lie algebras. They have their roots in geometry and correspond to the algebraic properties satisfied by the covariant derivative in...
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Ihsane Malass
Ray and Singer proved that on a closed manifold the analytic torsion is independent of the choice of Riemannian metric and on a compact manifold with boundary under relative / absolute boundary...
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Tim Jahn
We consider linear inverse problems under white (non-Gaussian) noise. For the solution we have to discretize the problem, and we consider a sequence of discretization schemes with increasing...
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Fabrizio Zanello (Univ. Potsdam)
Higher currents for the sine-Gordon model in perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
First, we review the 2-dimensional sine-Gordon model in Classical Field Theory and derive...
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Prof. Dr. Daniel Huson (University of Tübingen)
Abstract: This talk has four parts. In the first part - topology -, we recall the classification of two dimensions manifolds and orbifolds, and introduce their Conway notation. In the second part -...
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Claudia Grabs
The solution of a boundary value problem for static deformations of hyperelastic membranes depends on some constant material parameters describing the elastic properties of the material. These can be...
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Lorenz Schwachhöfer (TU Dortmund), Nihat Ay (TU Hamburg)
14:00 Lorenz Schwachhöfer (TU Dortmund)
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Nihat Ay (TU Hamburg)
Lorenz Schwachhöfer (TU Dortmund): Information Geometry in the classical and quantum setting
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Marwa Banna (New York University Abu Dhabi)
Abstract: In this talk, I start with a brief introduction to random matrices and free probability theory and highlight the connection between the two domains. I will then show how free probability...
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Umida Baltaeva (Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences)
Title: Boundary value problems for loaded partial differential equations with the classical and nonclassical operators
Abstract: I will introduce loaded equations and their applications to applied...
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Onirban Islam
Loosely speaking, if two (pseudo)differential operators differ only by smoothing operators then they are called microlocal conjugate to each other. It is a classic result by Duistermaat and Hörmander...
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Torben Sell, University of Edinburgh
Missing data are ubiquitous in modern statistics, posing a major challenge in a plethora of applications. In the first half of the talk, I will firstly introduce the general missing data problem and...
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Jianchao Wu (Fudan University)
Finite nuclear dimension is a regularity property of C*-algebras that have played a pivotal role in the Elliott classification program of C*-algebras. It has been a key problem in the field to verify...
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Prof. Olaf Post (Trier)
Abstract: In this talk I will present a construction of discrete magnetic non-isomorphic graphs with isospectral Laplacians. The construction is based on gluing building blocks according to a...
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Onirban Islam (UP)
Loosely speaking, if two (pseudo)differential operators differ only by smoothing operators then they are called microlocal conjugate to each other. It is a classic result by Duistermaat and Hörmander...
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Simon Barthelmé
Abstract: Joint work with Nicolas Tremblay, Pierre-Olivier Amblard
Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs) are an important class of models of random sets that arise in many areas of mathematics and...
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Simon Barthelmé, CNRS, Gipsa-lab
Kernel matrices are ubiquitous in statistics, numerical analysis, and machine learning, appearing in methods for interpolation, regression, inverse problems, etc. One perennial difficulty in kernel...
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Pierre Clavier (Mulhouse), Yannic Vargas (Graz)
Pierre Clavier (Mulhouse):
This talk will be introductory and non-technical, with the aim to introduce the participants to
current research questions about shuffle of rooted forests. I will start by...
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Adam Dor-On (Haifa University)
When studying quotients of C*-algebras generated by creation and annihilation operators on analogues of Fock space, the existence of a unique smallest equivariant quotient becomes an important...
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Christoph Stephan
The talk commences with an exploration of the fundamental mechanisms of modern electronic exchanges and their statistical properties, setting the groundwork for understanding price formation in crypto...
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Renaud Leplaideur (Université de la Nouvelle-Calédonie)
Abstract: I will present a new object, called substreetution, which is an extension of substitutions in dynamics (Z-action) to colored trees (free-group action). The main part of the talk will be...
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Sven Wang (HU Berlin)
We consider the problem of generating random samples from high-dimensional posterior distributions. We will discuss both (i) conditions under which diffusion-based MCMC algorithms mix...
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Pablo Linares (Imperial College, London)
Following the approach of Otto et. al., we derive a notion of rough path based on multi-indices suitable for real-valued rough differential equations, and build its associated algebraic...
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Christian Bär (UP)
The holographic index theorem relates the index of a Dirac-type operator on a compact manifold with boundary subject to certain local boundary conditions to the index of an induced operator on the...
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Sabine Jansen (LMU München)
Studying the time-evolution of a many-particle system is a difficult task. For some interacting particle systems in Z^d, duality and intertwining allow to map the time evolution of one- or two-point...
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Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbeck (Roskilde)
14:00 Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbeck (Roskilde)
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbeck (Roskilde): 1943-2023, Tribute and Review - 80 Years of Mathematical Modelling of Geosphere, Biosphere, and...
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André Nies (University of Auckland)
We introduce t.d.l.c. groups and then study their algorithmic aspects. A useful tool is the meet groupoid, which is the natural groupoid on compact open cosets, enriched by the intersection operation....
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Alfonso Garmendia (CRM, Barcelona)
Abstract: This talk will explore the structure of vector bundle grupoids, which are groupoids in the category of vector bundles. The most well-known example is the tangent bundle of a groupoid, which...
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Lennart Ronge (UP)
Hadamard coefficients are a Lorentzian equivalent to the Riemannian heat kernel coefficients. They encode information about the geometry of the underlying Lorentzian manifold (e.g. the scalar...
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Jonathan Taylor (UP)
Renault's theorem for Cartan pairs of C*-algebras states that C*-algebras with particularly nice commutative subalgebras, called Cartan subalgebras, admit twisted groupoid models. One of the...
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Anthony Réveillac (INSA Toulouse)
Hawkes processes have proved to be a powerful probabilistic model for various applications in neurosciences or insurance. These counting processes are defined through their intensity which is...
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Paul Hege (Tübingen)
Abstract: The spectrum of infinite-volume operators is often computed numerically by considering finite sections with Dirichlet or periodic boundary conditions, but such artificial boundary conditions...
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Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)
A geodesic \(c : \mathbf{R}\to M\) is called minimal if a lift to the universal covering globally minimizes distance. On the 2-dimensional torus with an arbitrary Riemannian metric there are...
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Christian Bär (UP)
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The Potsdam DA Days 2023 will take place from September 11th to 13th at the Campus Griebnitzsee at the University of Potsdam. The event will be combined with the SFB Annual Meeting and will we opened...
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Richard Nickl
This 6th Kálmán Lecture with Richard Nickl is opener for the 2nd Potsdam DA Days. Title of his talk is
'On posterior consistency in non-linear Bayesian data assimilation problems'.
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Speakers: David Damanik (Rice university, Houston), Anton Gorodetski (University of California, Irvine), Jake Fillman (Texas State University)
Organizers: Ram Band, Siegfried Beckus, Matthias Keller
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Dr. Christian Seifert (TUHH)
Abstract: Given a radial metric tree graph, we consider Laplacians with self-adjoint coupling conditions at the vertices. We consider the questions whether presence of absolutely continuous spectrum...
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Laura Hucker (HU)
Abstract: We consider estimators obtained by applying the conjugate gradient algorithm to the normal equation of a prototypical statistical inverse problem. For such iterative procedures, it is...
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Georg Lehner (FU Berlin)
The Rosenberg Conjecture through the lens of Solidification
The Rosenberg Conjecture states that for a given Banach Algebra A, the
comparison map between algebraic and topological K-theory becomes an
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Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbeck (Roskilde,Danemark), Chaofeng Zhu (Nankai,China)
10:30 Uhr Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbeck (Roskilde,Danemark)
Title: The Calderón Projection for Elliptic Differential Operators on Manifolds with Boundary:
Concept, Meaning, and Deformation Properties
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Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (UNAM, Mexico and UC Berkeley, USA), Maite Wilke Berenguer (HU Berlin)
14:00 Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (UNAM, Mexico and UC Berkeley, USA)
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Maite Wilke Berenguer (HU Berlin)
Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (UNAM, Mexico and UC Berkeley, USA):...
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Tomáš Kocák
Reinforcement Learning (RL), like Multi-Armed Bandits, is a popular paradigm for sequential decision-making under uncertainty. A typical RL algorithm operates with only limited knowledge...
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Karen Veroy-Grepl
The use of model order reduction techniques in combination with data assimilation methods for estimating the state of systems has been of great interest in recent years. In this talk, we discuss some...
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Martin Grepl (RWTH Aachen)
The reduced basis method is a certified model order reduction technique for the rapid and reliable solution of parametrized partial differential equations (PDEs), and it is especially suited for the...
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Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine University), Roman Sauer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
14:45 Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine University)
15:30 Tea and Coffee Break
16:00 Roman Sauer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine University): Can one recover...
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Ofir David (Technion)
Abstract: In 1978, Apery proved the irrationality of the Riemann zeta value ζ(3) by utilizing a fast converging sequence of rational approximations. However, the details of his proof remained...
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Patrik Ferrari (Univ. Bonn)
We will discuss results on the correlation structure of some models in the KPZ universality class, for instance, on the covariance of limiting the processes along characteristic lines and of the...
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Dan Ursu (University of Münster)
Results from a few years ago of Kennedy and Schafhauser characterize simplicity of reduced crossed products AxG, where A is a unital C*-algebra and G is a discrete group, under an assumption which...
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Giovanni Conforti (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)
The aim of this talk is to provide with an introduction to score-based diffusion models, that are a special class of generative models that has recently provided with impressive experimental results...
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Max Graf
As motivation, we consider a bunch of experts responding to a set of questions, where we can observe whether an expert answers a question correctly or not. Assume that for every pair of...
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Nathan Couchet (University of Clermont-Auvergne, France)
The aim of this talk is to present a groupoidal approach to pseudodifferential calculi and how it can be implemented to define pseudodifferential operators on smooth manifolds,...
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Christian Bär (UP)
We give a simple proof of the tameness of the Fréchet space of smooth sections of a vector bundle over a compact manifold.
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Selim Sukhtaiev (Auburn University)
Abstract: This talk is centered around a symplectic approach to eigenvalue problems for systems of ordinary differential operators (e.g., Sturm-Liouville operators, canonical systems, and quantum...
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Pierre-Yves Louis (Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté)
We will present an overview of some new models and results about the long time behaviour of stochastic processes with reinforcement. Some applications will be outlined : urn models with different kind...
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Tabea Krause & Tabea Bacher, MaRDI
In this talk we will introduce a definition of 'research data' in mathematics which encompasses all digital objects you handle in the process of doing research. We will discuss how these data can be...
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Brian Harvie (National Taiwan University)
In general relativity, many physically and mathematically important questions concern the uniqueness of the Schwarzschild space. For example, the black hole uniqueness theorem states that the...
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We cordially invite you to our joint event between visitors from Rennes who participate in the EDUC program and our Master's students. There will be short talks by students from Potsdam and Rennes on...
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Ulrik Enstad (UP)
The HRT conjecture states that any finite set of time-frequency shifts of a nonzero, square-integrable function is linearly independent. While the conjecture is still open, it was settled by Linnell...
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Johannes Happich (Leipzig)
Abstract: When comparing the complexity of different aperiodic quasicrystals, it appears that linear repetitivity is a useful property that only applies to the - in some sense - most regular...
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Victor Thuot
We investigate the problem of active clustering with bandit feedback, a pure exploration bandit problem.
Unlike the well-known and extensively studied problem of clustering, active...
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Gregory Berkolaiko
Eigenvalue interlacing is a tremendously useful tool in linear algebra
and spectral analysis. In its simplest form, the interlacing
inequality states that a rank-one positive perturbation...
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Alexander Grabow
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Rubens Longhi
Connections on Fréchet vector bundles and Fréchet Lie groups. [I.4.5-I.4.6]
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David Kerr (University of Münster)
I will discuss some recents applications and developments surrounding the Ornstein-Weiss Rokhlin lemma involving quantitative versions of orbit equivalence and questions of tileability in topological...
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James Kennedy
Abstract: SMPs offer a way of dividing a given object (domain, manifold or graph) into a given number of pieces in an ``analytically optimal'' way: typically, one attempts to minimise an energy...
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Nicolas Rougier (INRIA, Bordeaux)
14:00 Nicolas Rougier (INRIA, Bordeaux): On the design of scientific visualization
15:00 Tea and Coffee Break
Nicolas Rougier (INRIA, Bordeaux): On the design of scientific visualization
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Christian Bär (UP)
I'll give a concise introduction to jet bundles of vector bundles. They allow to treat (higher) derivatives of sections in a coordinate invariant way without the need to introduce connections....
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Fernando Lledo (University Carlos III de Madrid)
In the present talk I will briefly review certain aspects of the dichotomy amenable/paradoxical in the category of metric spaces and inverse semigroups. Then I will address the question of defining a...
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Wioletta Ruszel (Univ. Utrecht)
The sandpile model (aka chip-firing game) is a toy model for studying self-organized criticality (SOC). SOC models are characterized by displaying power-law probability behaviour of certain quantities...
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Dr. Christian Rose (Potsdam)
Abstract: On Riemannian manifolds the conjunction of Gaussian upper heat kernel bounds and the volume doubling property of balls are equivalent to Sobolev inequalities in arbitrarily small balls. The...
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Pierre Youssef (New York University, Abu Dhabi)
What do high dimensional convex bodies look like? How does the spectrum of a random matrix behave as its dimension grows? How does the connectivity of a graph evolve as its size grows? In...
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Gregor Pasemann (HU)
We consider the problem of estimating the diffusivity of a stochastic heat equation (or more generally, the parametrized drift of an abstract linear stochastic parabolic evolution equation) from...
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Carlo Bellingeri (TU)
Following the work of Diehl, Ebrahimi-Fard and Tapia on discrete signatures of a time series, we will discuss the geometric properties of the discrete signature variety, i.e. the points...
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Virginia Agostiniani
In this talk, we will explore the role of harmonic and p-harmonic functions in establishing fundamental geometric inequalities in mathematical relativity, such as the positive mass theorem and the...
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Marvin Weidner (Barcelona)
Abstract: The celebrated De Giorgi-Nash-Moser theory establishes Hölder regularity of solutions to second order equations in divergence form without any regularity assumptions on the coefficients....
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David Dereudre (Univ. Lille)
For an inverse temperature β>0, we define the β-circular Riesz gas on Rd as any microscopic thermodynamic limit of Gibbs particle systems on the torus interacting via the Riesz potential...
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Vitalii Konarovskyi, University of Bielefeld
My talk will be devoted to the convergence of stochastic interacting particle systems in the mean-field limit to solutions of conservative SPDEs. We will discuss the optimal convergence rate and...
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Anna Seigal (Harvard University)
Causal disentanglement is the problem of finding a representation of data involving variables that relate causally to one another. In this talk, the focus will be on linear causal...
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Florian Hanisch
Fréchet manifolds and vector bundles. [I.4.1-I.4.4]
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Gilad Sofer (Technion)
Abstract: Sturmian Hamiltonians appear in mathematical physics as popular models for one-dimensional quasicrystals. This family of discrete quasiperiodic Schrödinger operators, including the well...
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Ben Povar (Univ. of Warwick)
We study the joint convergence of Bienaymé-Galton-Watson processes with immigration (BGWI) and its ``naive'' local times at 0 to the corresponding Continuous Branching Process with immigration (CBI)...
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Pablo Lummerzheim (Leipzig)
Title: Ergodicity of Skew-Products over Markov Chains
Abstract: We extend a criterion of Alexander I. Bufetov for the ergodicity of skew-product extensions of Markov shifts with finite state space to...
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Joseph Ayoub (University of Zurich)
Starting from the general notion of `symmetry' in mathematics, we give a gentle introduction to the theory of motives, which is the universal cohomology theory for algebraic varieties.
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Alejandro Morales (University of Massachussetts Amherst)
A flow polytope of a directed acyclic graph is the set of flows on the edges of the graph with prescribed netflows on vertices. The conservation of flow is analogous to conservation of...
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Christian Bär
Higher derivatives in Fréchet spaces. [I.3.5-I.3.6]
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Prof. Dr. Helmut Kaul (Universität Tübingen)
Within the framework of general relativity a star model is treated, consisting of a rotating liquid in the equilibrium of gravitational forces, pressure and centrifugal forces. I show the existence of...
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Dr. Sophie Pénisson (Univ. Paris-Est Créteil)
We present a mathematical model of tumor evolution that includes all phases in the life of a tissue, from tissue development to cancer occurrence. The effects of a carrying capacity, different types...
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Florian Fischer (Potsdam)
Abstract: We show various sharp Hardy-type inequalities for the linear and quasi-linear Laplacian on non-compact harmonic manifolds with a particular focus on the case of Damek-Ricci spaces. Our...
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Avi Wigderson und Catherine Goldstein
Die Euler-Vorlesung in 2023 wird vom Mathematiker Avi Wigderson aus Princeton gehalten. Den traditionellen historischen Vortrag wird die Mathematikerin Catherine Goldstein aus Paris geben.
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Duván Cardona (University of Gent, Belgium)
Some of us will follow the talk in the seminar room 2.22 of the maths building Golm Campus. Here is the link for the access per Zoom:
Login data for the Zoom Meeting
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Christoph Stephan
Differentiation in Fréchet spaces [I.3.1-I.3.4]
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Dr. Jens Fischer (D-fine AG, Zürich; Univ. Toulouse)
With the advancements in quantum computing in recent years, the need for secure encoding methods, which can withstand quantum attacks, has motivated a new research branch in cryptography known as...
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Grégoire Sergeant (INRIA and Sorbonne Université, Paris)
Statistical physics is a framework that focuses on the probabilistic description of complex systems: a collection of interacting 'particles' or components of a whole in most generality. In (rigorous)...
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Diego Andrés López Valencia
Ameldungen für ZOOM unter paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de
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Christian Bär
In a series of lectures we introduce some basics for the block seminar on the Nash-Moser inverse function theorem. We start with the definition of and examples for Fréchet spaces and discuss Fréchet-s...
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Laetitia Colombani (Univ. Bern)
In this seminar, I will introduce a biological model we are constructing, and explain the questions that drives us. In link with this model, I will present the notion of experimental design, and how...
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Maximilian Graf
Abstract: The aim of this talk is the introduction of basic concepts of estimation theory illustrated by some simple examples. We focus on the notion of risk bounds and minimax risk. In this context,...
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Antje Weisheimer, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Seasonal forecasts aim to provide physically-based probabilistic outlooks of the climate conditions for the coming seasons. We create them by initialising coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice models with...
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Yannik Thomas
Abstract: In this talk we study the spectral map of the Hamiltonians associated to quasi Sturmian dynamical systems. We describe a non-Euclidean metric on the parameter space which makes the spectral...
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Alberto Richtsfeld (UP)
The APS theorem is the extension of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem to manifolds with boundary. While the Atiyah-Singer index theorem holds for all elliptic differential operators, the APS theorem in...
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Pierre Martinetti (University of Genoa)
We shall give an overview of the applications of spectral triples to high energy physics, in particular the Standard Model of fundamental interactions. Time permitting, we will present some recent...
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Anna von der Heydt (Utrecht University) and Robbin Bastiaansen (Utrecht University)
14:00 Anna von der Heydt (Utrecht University): Dynamical systems approaches to climate response and climate tipping (via zoom)
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Robbin Bastiaansen (Utrecht University):...
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Abdallah ASSI (University of Angers)
A numerical semigroup (NSG for short) is a monoid S of the set N of non negative integers such that the group generated by S in Z is Z (that is, S is stable under addition, 0 is an element of S, and...
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Eine Konferenz der besonderen Art: Schülerinnen und Schüler französischer Gymnasien aus ganz Europa präsentieren ihre jährlichen mathematischen Forschungsergebnisse, die in Arbeitsgruppen zusammen mit...
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Matti Richter (Potsdam)
Abstract: We study positive generalized eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators associated to graphs with cocompact group actions of nilpotent groups. For such a graph, we investigate the topological...
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Karma Dajani (Utrecht University)
In this talk we give an exposition on one of the interactions between ergodic theory and number theory. We will concentrate on the concept of β-expansions, which are representations of numbers of the...
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Matthias Himmelmann
Abstract: In a geometric context, framework materials are structures composed of many rigid bars (or edges), pinned together at vertices where the bars can freely rotate relative to each other. These...
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We have the pleasure to invite you to the next edition of a series of meetings initiated by Professor Schulze devoted to microlocal, singular and global analysis and their interactions with geometry...
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Georges Habib (University of Lebanon, Beirut)
In this work, we introduce the magnetic Hodge Laplacian, which is a generalization of the magnetic Laplacian on functions to differential forms. We consider various spectral results, which are known...
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Giuseppe Della Sala (American University of Beirut)
The field of Several Complex Variables studies the properties complex manifolds of dimension at least 2, and the corresponding holomorphic maps. In the subfield of CR Geometry, the main objects of...
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Claire Vernade, DeepMind, London (UK)
Reinforcement Learning (RL) builds learning systems from the ground up by trial and error: as the agent takes actions, they receive rewards and observations that allow them to build a more...
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Herr Lukas Minogue
Betreuerin: Prof. Myfanwy Evans
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Albachiara Cogo
Maximal surfaces are spacelike hypersurfaces of a Lorentzian manifold which are critical points of the area functional. They are very important tools in General Relativity and can be studied by...
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Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann (Chemnitz)
Abstract: We report on recent results from a joint work with B. Güneysu, S. Pigola and. G. Veronelli. Using a new notion of subharmonicity we can prove a version of the Braverman-Milatovic-Shubin...
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(English? click here) (Flyer der Veranstaltung)
Anlässlich des internationalen Tages Women in Science – der die Leistungen und spezifischen Herausforderungen von Wissenschaftlerinnen sichtbarer machen...
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(Deutsch? Hier klicken) (Event Flyer)
On the occasion of the international day Women in Science – aiming to make the achievements and specific challenges of female scientists more visible – we invite...
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George Saliba (AUB) and Hussein Mourtada (IMJ, Université Paris-Cité)
Opening session of the colloquium "Mathematics in Lebanon and beyond". The colloquium will serve as a meeting place for scientific exchange, bringing together mathematicians and physicists from the...
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Max Graf
As motivation, we consider a bunch of experts responding to a set of questions, where we can observe whether an expert answers a question correctly or not. Assume that for every pair of...
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Sara Mazzonetto (Univ. de Lorraine, Nancy)
In this seminar we first describe a class of real Markov processes with continuous sample paths which
shows singular behavior at a point, let us say barrier. The barrier is semi-permeable or sticky....
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Sumati Surya (Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India)
Causal set theory is a discrete approach to quantum gravity, where the Lorentzian spacetime continuum is replaced by locally finite partially ordered sets. The latter, which we call a "causal set" is...
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Onirban Islam
The Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime admits unique retarded and advanced fundamental solutions. They are well-known to be Lagrangian distributions. Recently, Bär and Gehring...
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Dr. Siegfried Beckus (UP)
Title: Dry Ten Martini Problem for Sturmian Dynamical Systems
Abstract: Are all possible spectral gaps, predicted by the Gap labelling theorem, open for a given Schrödinger operator? This is the so...
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Olga Aryasova (Inst. of Geophysics, Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Ukraine / Friedrich–Schiller–Univ. Jena)
We study the homogenization problem for a multivariate stochastic differential equations with local times that determine semipermeable reflecting hyperplane interfaces. We show that this system has a...
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Jeremy Schiff (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
I will review the notion of integrability for different kinds of (systems of) ordinary differential equations, and the relationship with the Painlevé property, that the only movable singularities of...
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Maia Tienstra
In this talk I will briefly discuss statistical inverse problems, and how we can solve them using the Ensemble Kalman filter. I will then explain how in this setting, we implement early...
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Martin Stoll (Uni Chemnitz) und Melina Freitag (Uni Potsdam)
Zoom 14:00 Martin Stoll (Uni Chemnitz): From PDEs to data science: an adventure with the graph Laplacian
14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause
15:15 Melina Freitag (Uni Potsdam): Large scale Lyapunov...
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Markus Wolff
By identifying the conformal structure of the round $2$-sphere with the standard lightcone in the $3+1$ Minkowski spacetime we gain a new perspective on $2d$ Ricci flow on topological spheres in the...
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Dr. Angelo Valleriani (Max-Planck-Inst. of Colloids and Interfaces, Dept of Biomaterials, Potsdam)
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is ingested by the mosquito of the species Anophele, when
the mosquito gets a blood meal from an infected host. Inside the mosquito, the parasite's first 24...
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Malte Leimbach (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
A couple of years ago, Connes and van Suijlekom introduced the notion of spectral truncation of a spectral triple as a means to trea noncommutative geometry at finite resolution.
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Die Siegerehrung der Stadtolympiade Potsdam als zweite Stufe der Landesmathematikolympiade findet dieses Jahr wieder unter der Schirmherrschaft des Instituts für Mathematik der Universität Potsdam...
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Sven Hirsch
An interesting feature of General Relativity is the presence of singularities which can happen in even the simplest examples such as the Schwarzschild spacetime. However, in this case the singularity...
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Penelope Gehring
Non-local boundary conditions – for example the Atiyah–Patodi–Singer (APS) conditions – for Dirac operators on Riemannian manifolds are rather well-understood, while not much is known for such...
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Dr. Ulrik Enstad (Stockholm University)
Abstract: Many structured function systems in harmonic analysis arise from the action of a unitary group representation on a single vector in the underlying Hilbert space. A central question is...
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Oleksandra Antoniouk (Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv Academic University)
The talk gives a brief overview of the results related to the theory of pseudo-differential equations in the spaces of test and generalized functions on the field of p-adic numbers. Results related to...
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Andrey Pilipenko (Inst. of Mathematics, Nat. Acad. of Sciences & Nat. TU of Ukraine, Kyiv)
Let X be a diffusion in a cone with oblique reflection at the boundary. We study the question whether X reaches a vertex of the cone in a finite time with positive probability. A new probabilistic...
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Alfonso Garmendia (CRM, Barcelona)
Quantization tries to associate a classical system (a Poisson Manifold) to a quantum system (a C*-algebra) in a way that preserves the symmetries. This talk tries to convey the motivation and a...
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Christoph Lippert (HPI)
In my talk I will give an overview on our ongoing work on the development of methods for finding associations between variation that is encoded in images and another variable such as genetics. To do...
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Peter Grabs
We look at \(S^3\) as a Lie Group and its representations, spin structure and Rarita-Schwinger operator. (In preparation to one day compute the Rarita-Schwinger spectrum using representation...
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Zhongshan An
The study of static vacuum Riemannian metrics arises naturally in differential geometry and general relativity. It plays an important role in scalar curvature deformation, as well as constructing...
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Shubham Gupta
Abstract: In the continuum, symmetrization inequalities are a fundamental tool in various parts of analysis: variational problems, spectral geometry, mathematical physics just to name a few. In this...
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Hans Reimann
Change point detection may be considered an essential step in data exploration and diagnostics. Offline approaches reformulating the problem as a subset selection problem in linear...
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Fabio Punzo
Abstract: The talk is concerned with uniqueness, in weighted l^p spaces, of solutions to the Schrodinger equation, posed on an infinite graph. We shall distinguish the case p>=2 and 1<=p<2.
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Sharmila Gunasekarans
Gravitational solitons are globally stationary, horizonless asymptotically flat spacetimes with positive energy. I will address the stability of a particular family of solitons at the simplest level...
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Claudia Grabs (UP)
Following chapter 10 in the book "Theoretical Elasticity" of A.E. Green and W. Zerna from 1968, we present basic equations for elastic shells. Since the three-dimensional equations for an elastic...
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Mirjeta Pasha (Tufts University)
Abstract: Inverse problems are ubiquitous in many fields of science such as engineering, biology, medical imaging, atmospheric science, and geophysics. Three emerging challenges on obtaining relevant...
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Gerd Schröder-Turk, Murdoch University and Łucja Kowalewska University of Warsaw
14:00 Gerd Schröder-Turk: Nature's amazing mazes: bicontinuous surfaces in butterflies and their physical properties
15:00 Łucja Kowalewska: Structural dynamics of plant plastid membranes
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Prof. Yehuda Pinchover (Technion)
Abstract: Let p ∈ (1,∞) and Ω⊂ℝN be a domain.
Let A:=(aij) ∈ L∞loc(Ω ; ℝN× N) be a symmetric and locally uniformly positive definite matrix. Set |ξ|A2:= ∑i,j=1N aij(x) ξi ξj, ξ ∈ ℝN, and let V be...
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Clément Berenfeld
Abstract: In manifold learning, the reach is an ubiquitous regularity parameter that encompasses the well-behavior of the support of the underlying probability measure. Enforcing a reach constraint...
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Claudia Schillings, Freie Universität Berlin
Approaches to decision making and learning mainly rely on optimization techniques to achieve “best” values for parameters and decision variables. In most practical settings, however, the optimization...
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Nicolas Ginoux (Université de Lorraine, Metz)
We present the construction of the so-called CCR-representation of any given symplectic vector space. We shall follow Section 4.2 in the book "Wave equations on Lorentzian manifolds and quantization"...
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Leonardo Garcia Heveling
Can one encode the causal information of a spacetime in a metric space structure? In 2016, Sormani and Vega conjectured how this may be done. In this talk, I will present some recent results...
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Christian Haase, FU Berlin and Federico Ardila, San Francisco State University
15:00 Christian Haase: Lattice Point Semigroups — Toric and Non-Toric
15:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause
16:15 Federico Ardila: Combinatorial Intersection Theory: Three Examples
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Prof. Ron Rosenthal (Technion)
Abstract: In the talk we will introduce a model for random simplicial complexes which are high-dimensional counterparts of random regular graphs.
We will present some results for such random complexes...
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Diego López (Uni Potsdam)
In this talk, we will present a locality version of two celebrated structural theorems of Hopf algebras and universal enveloping algebras, namely the Milnor-Moore theorem and the...
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Andoni Royo Abrego
Ancient solutions of geometric flows such as Ricci flow and Mean curvature flow arise naturally as models for singularity formation. There has been significant progress towards the classification of...
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Rubens Longhi (UP)
We aim at extending the classical notion of smooth wavefront set employing the Radon transform in order to capture different degrees of lack of \(\mathcal{F}\)-regularity of a...
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Bernard Helffer (Nantes Université)
in collaboration with
G. Berkolaiko, G. Cox, and M. Persson Sundqvist
Recent work of the authors and their collaborators has uncovered fundamental connections between the...
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Antonio Ocello (Sorbonne-univ., Paris)
We study the existence of optimal control for branching diffusion processes. The considered problem use rewards that can be nonlinear in the final payoff and linear in the running payout. We give a...
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Julien Chhor
Benign overfitting is a counter-intuitive phenomenon recently discovered in the deep-learning community. In specific cases, it has been experimentally observed that deep neural networks can...
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Gianmarco Vega-Molino (Uni Bergen)
In the field of Riemannian geometry, the incredible Gauss-Bonnet theorem was the starting point for Index Theory, arguably one of the most important and successful endeavors in modern differential...
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Francesca Oronzio
In this talk, we describe some monotonicity formulas holding along the level sets of suitable p–harmonic functions in asymptotically flat 3–manifolds with a single end, either with or without...
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Bernd Ammann, Uni Regensburg und Klaus Kröncke, KTH, Stockholm
14:00 Bernd Ammann (Uni Regensburg): From Pythagorean triples to constant mean curvature surfaces
14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause
15:15 Klaus Kröncke (KTH, Stockholm): From the heat flow to the Ricci flow:...
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Karen Seidel (UP)
Abstract: In machine learning, algorithms generalize from available training data to unseen situations. The engineering practices used in the respective technologies are far from understood....
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Peter Nejjar (Bonn Uni./Potsdam Uni.)
The standard CLT is characterized by a fluctuation exponent of one half and a gaussian limit distribution. We will discuss several examples, e.g. of random growth models and interacting paticle...
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Carolina Neira (Universidad Nacional, Bogotá)
On closed manifolds, there are functional traces on pseudodifferential operators, some of which appear in noncommutative geometry.
The noncommutative residue, the Kontsevich and Vishik canonical...
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Albachiara Cogo (U Tübingen)
In this joint work with Cederbaum, Leandro and Dos Santos, we generalize to any dimension n+1 Robinson’s divergence formula used to prove the uniqueness of (3 + 1)-dimensional static black holes. To...
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Anna Muranova (University of Warmia)
We consider discrete normalized Laplacian for finite graphs, whose edge-weights belong to an arbitrary real-closed ordered field. We show that eigenvalues of Laplacian always belong to the...
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Suren Poghosyan (Nat. Acad. of Science, Armenia)
For a pair potential Φ in a general underlying space X satisfying some natural and sufficiently general
conditions we define by means of the so called Ursell kernel a function r which is shown to be...
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Ulrich Parlitz, Universität Göttingen
The myocardium is an electrically excitable medium that supports various types of excitation waves, including stable or chaotic spiral waves that cause life-threatening arrhythmias such as ventricular...
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Yannic Vargas (Universität Graz)
We investigate and compare two different ways of associating multiple sums and multiple integrals to a certain class of planar rooted trees (Schröder trees). These give rise to characters on the...
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Alberto Richtsfeld (UP)
In this talk, I will review Seeley's groundbreaking paper 'Complex Powers of an Elliptic Operator'. In this paper, he defines complex powers of an elliptic, classical pseudo-differential operator...
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Martha Nansubuga (HU Berlin)
We study stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by semimartingales with jumps, where the jumps of the solution are obtained as small relaxation time limits of fast curvilinear motions along...
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Carolina Neira (Universidad Nacional, Bogotá)
In this talk we will view the noncommutative torus as a deformation of an appropriate C*-algebra following Rieffel's definitions, and define pseudodifferential operators on this quantum space.
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Peter Scholze (MPI Bonn)
Zoom stream of talk taking place at HU Berlin
One of the central notions of mathematics is the notion of a topological space: it captures the idea of a space with a notion of "nearness" of points....
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Claudia Grabs
Elastic deformations of thin plates include stretching, shearing and compression, as well as bending. As the thickness of the plate goes to zero, different limit theories arise, depending on the...
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Borbola Gerhat (Prague)
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Alexander Schmeding (Nord Universitet, Norway)
In rough path theory one seeks to solve differential equations driven by rough signals (i.e. Hölder paths of low regularity). To this end one needs to take a close look at the technical setup enabling...
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Peter Cameron
A spacetime is said to satisfy the Penrose property if every pair of points on past and future null infinity can be connected by a timelike curve. Penrose showed that this property fails in Minkowski...
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Onirban Islam (UP)
The Atiyah-Singer index theorem is one of the monumental results in Mathematics of the last century. Various extensions of this theorem in the context of Riemannian geometry are available but a...
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Daniela Cadamuro (Uni Leipzig)
In quantum theory, certain observables may yield negative values even if their classical counterparts are nonnegative. This applies in particular to the averaged energy density in quantum field...
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Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Jonathan Rohleder (Stockholm University)
Die Hot-spots-Vermutung wurde 1974 von J. Rauch formuliert: der heißeste und kälteste Punkt in einem isolierten, homogenen Medium sollte für “die meisten” Anfangs-Wärmeverteilungen zum Rand...
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Philipp Bartmann
Abstract: As higher dimensional analogues of graphs, simplicial complexes appear in many areas of mathematics such as topology, combinatorics, data analysis and number theory. However, it is still...
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Tanja Eisner (Leipzig)
Abstract: We discuss a proof of multiple recurrence for ergodic systems (and thereby of Szemerédi's theorem) being a mixture of three known proofs. It is based on a conditional version of the...
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Max Lein (Tohoku University)
Physikalisch gesehen verhalten sich mikroskopische, quantenmechanische Systeme vollkommen anders als makroskopische, klassische Systeme. Weil aber Quantenmechanik die grundlegendere physikalische...
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Dr. Helge Dietert (Université Paris Cité und Sorbonne Université)
In statistical physics, an irreversible macroscopic behaviour can emerge from a reversible model through mixing by a transport operator (Landau damping). I will show how this can be captured...
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Matthias Ludewig (Uni Regensburg)
Topological insulators are certain materials or metamaterials featuring a topological non-triviality in their mathematical description. This feature typically manifests as a non-trivial class in the...
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Willem van Zuijlen (WIAS, Berlin)
We investigate a model of simple-random walk paths in a random environment that has two competing features: an attractive one towards the highest values of a random potential, and a self-repellent one...
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PD Dr. Clemens Sämann (University of Oxford)
I will introduce a synthetic approach to Lorentzian geometry akin to Alexandrov- or CAT(k)-spaces in metric geometry. The role of the metric is taken over by the time separation function, in terms of...
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Prof. Dr. Julie Rowlett (TU Chalmers, Schweden)
Have you heard the question "Can one hear the shape of a drum?" Do you know the answer? In 1966, M. Kac's article of the same title popularized the inverse isospectral problem for planar domains....
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Prof. Dr. Batu Güneysu (TU Chemnitz)
Ein klassisches Resultat von Kato besagt, dass die Eigenfunktionen eines molekularen Schrödinger-Operators global α-hölderstetig sind, für alle Hölderexponenten α≤1. Insbesondere folgt hieraus, dass...
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PD Dr. Rainer Mandel (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Die Maxwell’schen Gleichungen beschreiben die Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen in Abhängigkeit von Materialeigenschaften des Mediums und potentiell vorliegenden Ladungen und Strömen. In meinem...
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Dr. Kasia Rejzner (York University)
In this talk I will present a mathematically rigorous framework for perturbative quantum field theory. This framework, called perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT), combines the idea of...
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Geoff D. Reeves, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
The Earth’s magnetosphere is a complex system composed of about a dozen major subsystems that are not only complex in-and-of themselves but also interconnected in complex, sometimes nonlinear ways. In...
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Carolina Neira (Universidad Nacional, Bogotá)
The noncommutative torus (NCT), or quantum torus, which is a mild noncommutative perturbation of the ordinary torus, is a prototypical object in noncommutative geometry.
Our main aim in this talk is...
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Rubens Longhi (UP)
The theorem of microlocal elliptic regularity is useful to determine the singularities of the solution of linear partial differential equations on manifolds. It states that if \(P\) is a linear...
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Annachiara Piubello (Universitiy of Miami)
In this talk, we will discuss some recent estimates on the Bartnik mass for data with non-negative Gauss curvature and positive mean curvature. In particular, if the metric is round the estimate...
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Prof. Dr. Myfanwy Evans
Hochschulöffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen des Perspektivverfahrens von Prof Evans, Professorin für Angewante Geometrie und Topologie am Institut für Mathematik.
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Frau Melanie Trudrung
Konnte der Mathematikunterricht zur Vermittlung der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie überhaupt genutzt werden?...
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Florian Fischer
Abstract: A natural classification of random walks is the one into recurrent and transient ones. This is equivalent to the non-/validity of the Hardy inequality for the energy functional associated...
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In recent decades, the search for a fundamental understanding of renormalization methods in quantum field theory has led to new mathematical structures and tools in various areas of mathematics,...
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The joint ‘Symposium on Inverse Problems: From experimental data to models and back’, is co-organized by the SFB 1456 Mathematics of Experiment, SFB 1294 Data Assimilation and the Gesellschaft für...
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- Ram Band (Israel Institute of Technology)
- Siegfried Beckus (University of Potsdam)
- Jonathan Breuer (Hebrew University)
- Matthias Keller (University of Potsdam)
- Daniel Lenz...
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Nicolas Chopin , ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Nested cubing integration: how to get a O(N{-10}) error when you compute your favourite integral
This talk will explain why computing integrals remains such an important task in applied mathematics,...
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Georges Habib (Lebanese University, Beirut)
In this talk, we shall introduce the notion of biharmonic Steklov operator, which we then extend to differential forms. The definition is motivated by the extension of the Serrin problem to...
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Christian Bär
We prove a local version of the index theorem for Dirac-type operators on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds with Cauchy boundary. In case the Cauchy hypersurface is compact, we do not assume...
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Federico Castillo (Catholic University of Chili)
Motivated by an instance of the quantum marginal problem in physics, we define the r-lineup polytope of P as a polytope parametrizing all possible linear orders on the vertices of P. We focus on the...
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Caterina Vâlcu
We study the constraint equations for Einstein equations on manifolds of the form $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}\times T^m$, where $T^m$ is a flat m-dimensional torus. Spacetimes with compact directions were...
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Carlo Bellingeri (TU Berlin)
Considered one of the key identities in classical analysis, the Euler-McLaurin formula is one of the standard tool to relate sums and integrals, with remarkable applications in many areas of...
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Giada Franz
A free boundary minimal surface (FBMS) in a given three-dimensional Riemannian manifold is a critical point of the area functional with respect to variations that constrain its boundary to the...
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Mario Schulz
The case of the Euclidean unit ball as ambient manifold for free boundary minimal surfaces arises naturally in the study of extremal metrics for Steklov eigenvalues on surfaces with boundary and is
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Christian Bär
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Mikaela Iacobelli (ETH Zurich) und Toan Nguyen (Penn State University)
14:00 Mikaela Iacobelli (ETH Zurich): Stability and singular limits in plasma physics
15:15 Toan Nguyen (Penn State University): Landau damping in plasma physics
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Christian Seifert (Technische Universität Hamburg)
Abstract: Given an abstract Cauchy problem in a Banach space we consider two questions:
1. Can we steer the system to any given state (or to zero, say) in finite time by some inhomogeneity?
2. Can we...
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Yannic Vargas (Weierstrass Institute)
We investigate and compare two different ways of associating multiple sums and multiple integrals to a certain class of planar rooted trees (Schröder trees). These give rise to characters on the...
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Céline Duval (Université de Lille)
We consider the problem of estimating the Lévy density of a pure jump Lévy process, possibly of infinite variation, from the high frequency observation of one trajectory. To directly construct an...
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Jörn Dunkel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Recent experimental advances enable high-resolution observations of biological and synthetic active matter across a wide range of length and time scales. A major interdisciplinary challenge is to...
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Yannic Vargas (Weierstrass Institute)
We investigate and compare two different ways of associating multiple sums and multiple integrals to a certain class of planar rooted trees (Schröder trees). These give rise to characters on the...
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Emily Schaal
We formulate the almost rigidity statement associated with the spacetime version of Penrose inequality, and establish it under the assumption of spherical symmetry in all dimensions. In particular, it...
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Alessandro Contini (Leibniz University Hanover)
In 1971 Egorov proved his famous Theorem, stating that conjugating a pseudo-differential operator with an invertible Fourier Integral Operator produces a new \(\Psi\)DO with the same principal symbol....
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Xueping Huang (Nanjing University)
Abstract: We consider the discrete analogue of semi-linear differential inequalities on weighted graphs. Under some technical conditions, we obtain almost sharp volume growth criteria for the...
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Franziska Göbel
Function systems are widely used in mathematics to adress various questions like approximation, compressing and denoising of functions. Famous examples are the Fourier basis and wavelets which are...
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Sean Meyn (University of Florida) and Youssef M. Marzouk (MIT)
A Not So Random Walk around Extremum Seeking Control - Sean Meyn
How can you optimize a function based on observations, without any way of computing a gradient? Kiefer and Wolfowitz proposed a...
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Rosa Preiss (University of Potsdam)
Looking at the action of the orthogonal group on a path in a finite dimensional real vector space, we apply Fels-Olver’s moving frame method paired with the log-signature transform to construct a set...
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José Luis Jaramillo
The spectral theorem provides a powerful tool to study physical systems
controlled by a self-adjoint or, more generally, normal operator. The situation changes qualitatively when the normal...
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Marie Farge (ENS, Paris) und Dieter Meschede (DPG, Bonn)
14:00 Marie Farge (ENS, Paris): The Diamond Open Access: a model for researchers and funding agencies to recover control of their articles
14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause
15:15 Dieter Meschede (DPG, Bonn):...
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Jan Martin Nicolaus
Differential equations are ubiquitous throughout most topics of applied mathematics, physics and engineering.
The study of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) enables the modeling and...
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Christoph Richard (Erlangen)
Abstract: We define a notion of uniform density on translation bounded measures in unimodular amenable locally compact Hausdorff groups, which is based on a group invariant introduced by Leptin in...
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Onirban Islam
A Duistermaat-Guillemin-Gutzwiller trace formula for a Dirac-type operator D on a globally hyperbolic spatially compact standard stationary spacetime \((M,g,Z)\) is achieved by generalising the recent...
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James Lucietti
The uniqueness theorems for asymptotically flat, static, black hole solutions to Einstein-Maxwell theory in four and higher dimensions are only valid for non-extreme black holes.
In the extreme case...
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Anton Gorodetski (UCI)
Abstract: In this talk we will formulate a non-stationary version of the Furstenberg Theorem on random matrix products. As a main application we will discuss how it can be used to prove a...
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Laetitia Colombani (U Toulouse)
Hawkes processes were introduced by Hawkes in 1971, and are widely used in many applications (earthquakes, neurons, social network, finance, etc.) They are random point processes on the real line, and...
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James Cheshire
We will consider several multi armed bandit problems (MAB), with a focus on structured, pure exploration bandit problems. We will first identify the minimax rate for the Thresholding Bandit Problem...
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Marie-Therese Wolfram, University of Warwick, UK
Collective dynamics can be observed in many situations in our daily lives, for example the motion of bird flocks, the formation of directional lanes in pedestrian flows or opinion dynamics on social...
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Peter Grabs (UP)
We look at what might be involved in determining the above.
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Kirstin Erath (Uni Halle) und Alexander Salle (Uni Osnabrück)
14:00 Kirstin Erath (Uni Halle): Herausforderungen auf dem Lernpfad zum Ähnlichkeitsbegriff
14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause
15:15 Alexander Salle (Uni Osnabrück): Grundvorstellungen und individuelle...
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Andrey Pilipenko (Acad. of Science, Kyiv)
We consider the random motion of a particle, whose jumps outside of a bounded set (membrane) are mean-zero i.i.d. with a finite second moment. Jumps from the membrane have other finite mean...
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Maximilian Graf
The Laplacian Eigenmaps algorithm as a non-linear dimensionality reduction method was introduced by Belkin and Niyogi in 2001. Key objects are the Graph-Laplace-Matrix and the related...
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Shantanu Dave (University of Vienna)
A filtered manifold is a manifold with a graded (noncommutative) group structure on its tangent space. These include familiar examples of foliations and contact structures. The new group structure on...
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Jan Metzger
Let (M, g) be a Riemannian 3-manifold that is asymptotic to Schwarzschild. We study large area-constrained Willmore spheres $\Sigma\subset M$ with non-negative Hawking mass and inner radius $\rho$...
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Gioele Gallo (Köln)
The study of Gaussian free field level sets on supercritical Galton-Watson trees has been initiated by Abächerli and Sznitman. We continue this investigation by means of different tools in order to...
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Maximilian Schanner
Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen,
ich möchte Sie auf folgende Veranstaltung hinweisen:
Verteidigung der Doktorarbeit von
Maximilian Schanner
"Correlation based modeling of the archeomagnetic...
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Maurilio Gutzeit
We start with a short introduction to the IQTIG (Institut für Qualitätssicherung und Transparenz im Gesundheitswesen) as a key player in quality insurance in the German health care system and to the...
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Jens Fischer (Toulouse, UP)
Social network models are a common tool to further the understanding of relation based interactions in societies. Nonetheless, a complete mathematical understanding is lacking due to the complexity of...
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Theresa Wagner, TU Chemnitz
Kernel matrices are crucial in many learning tasks and typically dense and large-scale. Depending on the dimension of the feature space even the compu- tation of all its entries in reasonable time...
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Noema Nicolussi (Potsdam)
There are many interesting parallels between analysis on Riemann surfaces and graphs. Both settings admit a Laplace operator and the Poisson equation reflects crucial geometric information.
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Julien Chhor
Joint work with Flore Sentenac (CREST)
Although robust learning and local differential privacy are both widely studied fields of research, combining the two settings is an almost unexplored topic. We...
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Marta Dai Pra (HU Berlin)
This talk focuses on the study of population models with a seed bank, in particular presenting their construction from classical models, some duality results and tree properties.The first part is an...
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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lück
Titel: A Panorama of L2-Invariants
Abstract: We give a gentle survey about L2-invariants such as L2-Betti numbers and L2-torsion. They are modelled on their classical counterparts and defined in terms...
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Diego Lopez (Uni Potsdam)
In this talk we will describe an algorithm to distribute some "n-dimensional weight" over the vertices of a graph, such that the weight on each vertex remains higher than a given bound. We will then...
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Penelope Gehring
Non-local boundary conditions - for example the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer (APS) conditions - for Dirac operators on Riemannian manifolds are rather well-understood, while not much is known for such...
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Kristin Courtney (Uni Münster) und Siegfried Echterhoff (Uni Münster)
14:00 Kristin Courtney (Uni Münster): Approximations on Groups
14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause
15:15 Siegfried Echterhoff (Uni Münster): Amenable group actions on spaces and operator algebras
Wenn Sie...
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Prof. Daniel Lenz (Universität Jena)
Abstract: Uniformity of continuous SL(2,R) valued cocycles over uniquely dynamical systems has featured in various contexts. Walters asked in '86 whether every uniquely ergodic system admits a...
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Tobias Hain
Das Thema der von Tobias Martin Hain in der Wissenschaftsdisziplin " Mathematische Physik" eingereichten Dissertation lautet:
Structure formation and identification in geometrically driven soft matter...
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Alexander Zass (WIAS Berlin)
In this talk we present the open problem of Bose--Einstein condensation. In the first part, we provide a
historical background and some physical heuristics for this state of matter that was first...
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Mateo Spriet (Uni Toulouse)
The classical Euler-MacLaurin formula links the sum over integers of a single variable real function with its integral. In their article "Local Euler-MacLaurin formula for polytopes", Nicole Berline...
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Onirban Islam
It is a classic result that any normally hyperbolic operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime admits unique advanced and retarded propagators. With the advent of quantum field theory, a new type of...
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Stephen Lynch
A compact hypersurface in Euclidean space moving by its mean curvature necessarily forms a singularity in finite time. The shape of the hypersurface near a singularity is described by an ancient...
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Andrés Larrain Hubach (University of Dayton, Ohio)
Joint online scientific meeting with the American University of Beirut, Lebanese University in Fanar, and the University of Potsdam in the framework of the cooperation:
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Hossein S. Aghamiry, Université Côte d'Azur, Geoazur, Valbonne, France
Visualizing and quantifying the properties of a medium using sparse indirect measurements is the final goal of all the imaging methods in different fields. In this quest, inverse theory and...
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Anne Flöge (UP & WIAS Berlin)
We investigate the order of the phase transition in the free Bose gas and start with a criterion of a phase transition of order 2 for general q_k. Then we continue the analysis under a gamma...
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Philipp Meyer, UFS Data-centric Sciences, University of Potsdam
Simple stochastic models can describe the fluctuations of a time series. A good way to get a first impression of the data is to look at the mean squared displacement. It describes how strong the data...
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Alejandro Penuela Diaz
The Hawking energy is one of the most famous local energies in general relativity, by using a Lyapunov Schmidt reduction procedure we construct unique local foliations of critical surfaces of the...
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Siobhan Correnty (KTH Stockholm)
We consider parameterized linear systems of the form $A(\mu) x(\mu) = b$ for many different $\mu$, where $A(\mu)$ is large, sparse and nonsingular, with a nonlinear dependence on $\mu$. In this work...
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Tomas Kocak
In this talk, we take a look at a partial-observability model for online learning problems where the learner, besides its loss, also observes some noisy feedback about the other actions, depending on...
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Susanne Ditlevsen, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the risks of collapse or tipping points in a wide variety of complex systems, ranging from human medical conditions, pandemics, ecosystems to...
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William Norledge (Penn State, US)
Abstract: We discuss a bimonoid structure on the toric variety of the permutohedron (=permutohedral space) with multiplication, resp. comultiplication, given by embedding, resp. projecting onto,...
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Viet Dang (Université Paris Cité)
Joint online scientific meeting with the American University of Beirut, Lebanese University in Fanar, and the University of Potsdam in the framework of the cooperation:
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Sonja Hohloch
Hamiltonian systems are an important class of dynamical systems in mathematics, physics, and biology. In this talk, we will explain the impact and ramifications of an underlying S^1-symmetry on the...
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Julian Kern (ENS Lyon, Potsdam)
The Symmetric Simple Exclusion Process (SSEP) is a very important toy model in particle systems. I will use it and related processes to showcase some ideas from the theory of hydrodynamic limits which...
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Jonas Latz (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh) & Jeremie Houssineau (University of Warwick, UK)
Jonas Latz:
Optimisation problems with discrete and continuous data appear in statistical estimation, machine learning, functional data science, robust optimal control, and variational inference. The...
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Alfonso Garmendia (Barcelona)
The abstract will follow.
You are welcome to invite your friends and colleagues to join us! If you wish to attend the talks, please contact Sylvie Paycha paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de for the login...
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Markus Wolff
We study the effects of the null energy condition on both spacelike and timelike umbilical hypersurfaces in a class of static spacetimes. In the spacelike case, we study umbilical warped product...
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Detlef Spalt (Hessischer Landtag, Wiesbaden) und Karlheinz Spindler (Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden)
14:00 Detlef Spalt (Hessischer Landtag, Wiesbaden): Die reellen Zahlen nach Karl Weierstraß - ein bislang unbekanntes Konstrukt, geschaffen vom traditionellen Denken
14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause
15:15 K...
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This is to announce the forthcoming sessions of a joint (online) seminar with two universities in Beirut, the Lebanese University (UL) and the American University of Beirut (AUB).
The seminar consists...
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Die Vereinigung MATh.en.JEANS veranstaltet jedes Jahr in den französischen Schulen, Collèges und Gymnasien im Ausland sowie in französisch- oder englischsprachigen Einrichtungen in Europa...
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Jin W. Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
In this talk, I will present the dual control system for the hidden Markov model (HMM). This is a direct extension of classical duality between observability and controllability of linear systems. The...
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Mehran Seyedhosseini
I will first talk about the relationship between the spectral theory of Schrödinger operators and the dynamical properties of physical systems. I will then motivate the study of the spectral...
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A joint online scientific meeting between the American University of Beirut, Lebanese University and University of Potsdam. This meeting, organized in the framework of the Research Group Linkage...
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Franziska Thoma and Katherine Briceno Guerrero
Abstract: Model-informed precision dosing (MIPD) employs a combination of mathematical modelling and individual patient measurements to calculate optimal drug dose and maximize treatment success in...
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Karen Seidel
Abstract: In machine learning, algorithms generalise from available training data to unseen situations.
The engineering practices used in the respective technologies are far from understood.
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different Speakers
We have the pleasure to invite you to the next edition of a series of meetings initiated by Professor Schulze devoted to microlocal, singular and global analysis and their interactions with geometry...
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Emilio Rossi Ferrucci (Imperial College, London)
I will begin by introducing geometric (controlled) rough paths from the algebraic/combinatorial point of view, as done in recent work with Cass, Litterer and Driver. Geometric rough paths can be...
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Artem Nepechiy
Zoom link available at this moodle.
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Lynn Heller (Leibniz University, Hannover) und Markus Röser (University of Hamburg)
2 pm: Lynn Heller (Leibniz University, Hannover): Minimal and constant mean curvature surfaces in the 3-sphere
3 pm: Markus Röser (University of Hamburg): Harmonic maps and the Deligne--Hitchin...
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Celine Duval (Université de Paris)
Abstract: After a shot introduction on Hawkes processes, we introduce a general class of mean-field interacting nonlinear Hawkes processes modelling the reciprocal interactions between two neuronal...
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Clemens Sämann
We define a one-parameter family of canonical volume measures on Lorentzian (pre-)length spaces. In the Lorentzian setting, this allows us to define a geometric dimension - akin to the Hausdorff...
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Dominik Ulrich
Die Determinante ist eine wichtige Kenngröße quadratischer Matrizen und jeder, der auch nur ein Semester Mathematik studiert hat, hat bereits von ihr gehört. Aber wussten sie zum Beispiel, dass die...
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(English? click here)
Wissenschaftlerinnen zur Zeit von Corona
Der Beginn der Corona-Pandemie jährt sich diesen Winter zum zweiten Mal. Nach wie vor ist der Alltag aller stark durch diese...
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(Deutsch? Hier klicken)
Women Scientists during the time of COVID
This winter marks the second anniversary of the start of the Corona pandemic. Everyone's daily life continues to be strongly...
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Ludwig Rahm (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway)
Rough path theory is of interest to solve differential equations driven by paths of low regularity. In this talk, I will first give an introduction to rough path theory and then discuss...
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Olivia Vicanek-Martinez
In my talk, we will study photon surfaces, namely timelike, umbilic hypersurfaces, in static, asymptotically flat, n + 1-dimensional spacetimes, possibly carrying a time-independent electric...
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Alberto Richtsfeld
In this talk, I will present a slightly generalized version of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem for Differential Operators with normal adapted boundary operators. This will lead to a version of...
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Rosa Preiss (Uni Potsdam)
The aim of this talk is to give a definite answer to the question posed (in its earliest form) by Chen some 65 years ago, whether or not the signature, i.e. the full time increment footprint in the...
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Bernhard Hanke
Zoom link available at this moodle.
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Penelope Gehring
Second order operators, such as wave operators, are some of the most studied objects in mathematics as well as in physics. On the other hand, the properties of first order operators are still not as...
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Rubens Longhi
The usual notion of wavefront set identifies the directions along which a distribution \(u\) fails to be smooth. We present an equivalent definition that makes use of the Radon transform and which is...
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Nikolas Tapia (Weierstrass Institut, Berlin)
Geometric features robust to noise of curves in Euclidean space are of great interest for various applications such as machine learning and image analysis. We apply Fels-Olver’s moving frame method...
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Georg Frenck
Zoom link available at this moodle.
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Pierre Jacob (ESSEC Paris)
Abstract: Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms are commonly used to approximate a variety of probability distributions, such as posterior distributions arising in Bayesian analysis. I will review the...
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Ali Ben Amor (Gabès, Tunisia)
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Bruno Premoselli
In this talk, we consider sign-changing solutions of critical Yamabe-Schrodinger type equations of second order. Unlike their positive counterpart these solutions have no direct physical or...
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James Cheshire
Abstract: We consider a stochastic multi armed bandit problem with potentially infinite arms, with the assumption that the arm set can be partitioned into an unknown number of \(K\) distinct...
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Vanessa Hahn (UP)
Die Definition des Kreuzproduktes auf \(\mathbb{R}^3\) ist uns bekannt. Nun stellen wir uns die Frage, in welchen Dimensionen wir ein solches noch definieren können und welche Eigenschaften dieses...
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Joachim Kock (University of Barcelona)
The classical constructions of coalgebras and bialgebras from posets, monoids, Möbius categories, operads, and restriction species have a common generalisation to /decomposition spaces/...
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Albachiara Cogo
Equipotential Photon Surfaces are timelike and totally geodesic hypersurfaces in a static spacetime, such that the lapse function and the electric potential are constant at each time on their...
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Emmanuel Pilliat
Abstract: Consider a crowd sourcing problem where we have n experts and d tasks. The average ability of each expert for each task is stored in an unknown matrix M, which is only observed in noise and...
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Nicolò Drago (Trento)
Classical and quantum field theories are based on the study of the space of solutions to certain differential operators \(D\) (e.g. the Dirac operator) on globally hyperbolic spacetimes \((M,g)\) -...
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Barbara Hammer (Universität Bielefeld)
One of the main assumptions of classical machine learning models is that data are generated by a stationary concept. This is often violated due to unexpected events or outliers, sensor drift, or...
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Gihyun Lee (MPI, Bonn)
A decade ago, Connes-Tretkoff interpreted the concept of intrinsic curvature in terms of noncommutative geometric language. Connes-Tretkoff worked on noncommutative tori, which are important examples...
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Rubens Longhi
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David Damanik (Rice University, Houston) und Marko Lindner (Hamburg University of Technology)
2 pm: David Damanik (Rice University, Houston): The Fibonacci Hamiltonian
3 pm: Marko Lindner (Hamburg University of Technology): Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian & Friends
David Damanik...
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Shiwen Zhang (University of Minnesota)
Abstract: The localization landscape theory, introduced in 2012 by Filoche and Mayboroda, considers the landscape function u solving Hu=1 for an operator H. The landscape theory has remarkable power...
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Rodrigo Avalos
In this talk, we will analyse a recent notion of energy which is associated to fourth-order gravitational theories and plays an analogous role to that of the classical ADM energy in the context of...
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Dr. Tomáš Kocák
Abstract: In the first part of the talk, we introduce the framework of adversarial bandits, compare it to stochastic bandits, and present the regret analysis for the EXP3 algorithm, that solves the...
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Claudia Grabs
Besides physical assumptions that need to be made on the energy density function of an hyperelastic material, there are several requirements that arise from the mathematical perspective. In order to...
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Matthias Ludewig (Regensburg)
We construct a representation for the string group String(d), realized as a strict 2-group, where by “representation” we mean a continuous strict homomorphism into the strict automorphism 2-group of a...
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Tim Dietrich (University of Potsdam)
Neutron stars are among the most compact objects in the Universe and the detection of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals from the merger of two neutron stars in 2017 has been a revolution...
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Klaus Kröncke
An Einstein manifold is called scalar curvature rigid if there are no compactly supported volume-preserving deformation of the metric which increase the scalar curvature. We give various...
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Ettore Minguzzi (Florence)
I discuss the properties of global hyperbolicity in general relativity and how its definition should be modified under low regularity assumptions.
Zoom access data are available at this moodle.
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Alexander Hock (Oxford University)
The Grosse-Wulkenhaar model (GW) is a euclidean scalar quantum field theory with quartic interaction on a non-commutative space, more precisely on the Moyal space. The most interesting property of...
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Alberto Richtsfeld
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Christian Ketterer
Rigidity of the spectral gap for non-negatively curved RCD spaces
First I will review results about the connection between spectral estimates and Ricci curvature for Riemannian manifolds and metric...
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Yannic Vargas (University of Potsdam)
The study of relations between moments and cumulants plays a central role in both classical and non-commutative probability theory. In the last decade, the work of Patras and Ebrahimi-Fard provided...
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Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda (Genf)
Abstract: In this talk we will discuss some results in the spectral theory of infinite graphs obtained using techniques coming from the study of self-similar groups and their actions.
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Philip Thonke
The timelike minimal surface equation is a degenerate hyperbolic system describing the motion of a relativistic membrane, or p-brane. Using a harmonic map gauge, Olaf Milbredt has obtained local...
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Enkelejda Kasneci (University of Tübingen)
The use of AI has improved computer-aided diagnosis systems in many areas. However, the underlying models are often black boxes that allow the user only limited control over the predictions, which can...
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Deutsch-Französisches DoktorandenKolleg Potsdam/Toulouse
The French-German graduate school Potsdam-Toulouse called Stochastic processes and statistical machine learning is funded by the French-German University for the period 2018-2021. Aims of this...
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Jonas Rungenhagen
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Elmar Schrohe (Leibniz University Hannover) und Ryszard Nest (University of Copenhagen)
2 pm: Elmar Schrohe (Leibniz University Hannover): Introduction to a Theorem by Duistermaat and Singer
3:15 pm: Ryszard Nest (University of Copenhagen): Order Preserving Isomorphisms of Boutet de...
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Lior Tenenbaum
Abstract: In 1981, Mckay proved an asymptotic result regarding the number of spanning trees in random \(k\)-regular graphs. In this talk we will discuss an analogous result for random high dimensional...
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Bobo Hua (Fudan University Shanghai)
Abstract: We prove sharp l^2 decay estimates of nonnegative generalized subharmonic functions on graphs with positive Laplacian spectrum, which generalizes the result by Li and Wang on Riemannian...
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Thomas Körber
In this talk, I will present recent work (joint with M. Eichmair) on large area-constrained Willmore surfaces in asymptotically Schwarzschild 3-manifolds. Using the method of Lyapunov-Schmidt...
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Solenne Gaucher
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Christian Bär
The Faddeev-LeVerrier algorithm is an algorithm for the computation of the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix. It is slower than Gauss elimination but in contrast to the former it is...
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Penelope Gehring
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Christophe Giraud
A Geometric Approach to Fair Online Learning
Abstract: Machine learning is ubiquitous in daily decisions and producing fair and non-discriminatory predictions is a major societal concern.
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Markus Wolff
We introduce a new inverse curvature flow on asymptotically flat Initial Data sets $(M,g,K)$. In General Relativity, such a triple $(M,g,K)$ arises naturally as a spacelike hypersurface of...
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Alberto Richtsfeld
In this talk, I will present the results of my master’s thesis concerning the index and the spectrum of Dirac operators on metric digraphs, which are subject to general boundary conditions. Relying on...
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Helge Frerichs
Zoom link available at this moodle.
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Florentin Münch
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Florentin Münch (MPI Leipzig)
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Nicolas Marque
When one considers a surface in $\R^3$, the mean curvature quickly appears as a node of geometric insight, tying itself to isoperimetry, elasticity, and regularity. From it one can naturally build a...
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Dr. Tomáš Kocák
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Claudia Grabs
An elastic material, for that the stress tensor field of a certain deformation can be derived as gradient tensor field from a scalar potential function (called strain energy density function) is...
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We have the pleasure to invite you to an in-person Master Class and Workshop to take place at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI) in Vienna.
For more information about the Master Class, the worhop...
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Carsten Hartmann (Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg)
Complex dynamical systems like molecular systems or stochastic climate systems often involve a variety of different time and length scales. We propose a general framework for coarse graining of such...
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Rosa Preiss (University of Potsdam)
We consider the anti-symmetrization of the half-shuffle on words, which we call the "area" operator since it corresponds to taking the signed area of elements of the iterated-integral signature. We...
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Marten Steuer
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Martin Roswall (University of Umeå, Sweden) und Karoline Wiesner (University of Potsdam, Germany)
2 pm Martin Roswall (University of Umeå): Mapping network flows with incomplete information
3:15 pm Karoline Wiesner (University of Potsdam): Information entropy in complex systems: Mathematical...
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Christian Rose (Universität Bremen)
Abstract: The heat kernel as the minimal fundamental solution of the heat equation is one of the most important objects studied in geometric analysis and encodes the geometry of the underlying space...
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Manh Tien Nguyen
I will explain how each function whose Hessian is a multiple of the metric of a Riemannian manifold $M$ corresponds to a monotonicity theorem for minimal surfaces in $M$. When $M$ is the hyperbolic...
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James Cheshire
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Penelope Gehring
Global boundary conditions for elliptic first order differential operators on Riemannian manifolds are rather well understood. Bär-Strohmaier introduced APS-conditions for the Lorentzian...
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Marija Dimitrijevic Ciric (University of Belgrad, Serbia)
In this talk we discuss braided $L_\infty$-algebras and their application in the construction of field theories on noncommutative (NC) spaces. We call these NC field theories, braided field theories.
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Daniel Lenz (Jena)
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Stephen Lynch
An important problem in mean curvature flow is to find conditions on initial data that rule out 'collapsing' singularity models, such as the Grim Reaper. This is a necessary step towards establishing...
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Rubens Longhi
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Philipp Hake (Leipzig)
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Dr. Pierre Menard
We will present the problem of learning a Nash equilibrium in an imperfect information game (IIG) through self-play. Precisely, we focus on two-player, zero-sum, episodic, tabular IIG under the...
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Alejandro Penuela Diaz
Inspired by the small sphere limit for quasi-local masses we study local foliations of constant spacetime mean curvature surfaces, i.e. surfaces characterizing the center of mass in general...
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David Prinz (University of Potsdam)
In this talk, I will give an introduction to renormalization theory in the framework of Connes and Kreimer. To this end, I will start with a brief introduction to perturbative Quantum Field Theory....
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Elias Zimmermann (Leipzig)
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Porf. Myfanwy Evans
Interdisziplinäre Vielfalt von "Tangling"
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David Prinz (University of Potsdam) and Alexander Schmeding (Nord Universitet, Bodo, Norway)
Abstract: It is well known that the Poincaré group is the symmetry group of special relativity. In general relativity, sensible symmetry groups exist only for special spacetimes: the so-called...
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Mihaela van der Schaar
Quantitative epistemology: conceiving a new human-machine partnership
Quantitative epistemology is a new and transformational area of research pioneered by our lab as a strand of machine learning...
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Lassi Roininen, Technische Universität Lappeenranta, Finland
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John Barrett (Nottingham University)
The talk will discuss the rotation of the contour of functional integration in quantum gravity from Lorentzian geometries to Euclidean geometries. In the usual framework of metric tensors the...
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various speakers
The 21th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will take place in Potsdam from 16th‒17th September 2021 if circumstances permit. If the meeting cannot be held in...
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Tijana Janjic Pfander, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The initial state for a geophysical numerical model is produced by combining observational data with numerical model simulation using a data assimilation algorithm. Particularly challenging is the...
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Youssef Marzouk, MIT (USA)
Many practical Bayesian inference problems fall into the "likelihood-free" setting, where evaluations of the likelihood function or prior density are unavailable or intractable; instead one can only...
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Sean Meyn, University of Florida (USA)
The goal of actor critic methods is to estimate the best policy among a parameterized family for a controlled Markov chain. Through the magic of Markov chain theory, it is possible to obtain...
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with talks by Tjiana Pfander, Youssef Marzouk, Sean Meyn, Jana de Wiljes
We are kicking of the 2nd Phase of the SFB with a 1,5 day Kick-Off Event on the 14th and 15th of September.
This includes the annual SFB meeting, poster presentations by all projects to get to know...
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Larisa Jonke (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb)
I will introduce the structure of Lie_infinity algebra in the context of gauge field theory and discuss its relation to BV-BRST and Hopf algebras.
You are welcome to invite your friends and colleagues...
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Bjoern Sprungk
For partial differential equations with random coefficients we investigate the sensitivity of the distribution of the random solution with respect to perturbations in the input distribution for the...
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Diego López (Uni Potsdam)
The Milnor-Moore Theorem, which was originally proved in 1965, describes the structure of a class of cocommutative Hopf algebras. In this talk I will discuss a generalization of the Milnor-Moore...
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Holger Dette (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) and John Stufken (UNC Greensboro, US)
Bitte geänderte Zeit beachten! Please mind the later starting time!
3 pm Holger Dette (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany): Statistics, Geometry und Pharmacokinetics
4:15 pm John Stufken (UNC...
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Ihsane Malass (Uni Potsdam)
We present the well-known proof by Ray and Singer of the variation of the trace of the heat-kernel with respect to a family of metrics on a manifold with boundary under appropriate boundary...
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Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi (Potsdam)
I overview the results contained in my thesis that studies theoretical guarantees of both sequential and batch learning algorithms that work with adversarial and dependent data. Firstly, I present...
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Ilya Pavlyukevich (Jena)
In case of SDEs driven by continuous semimartingales, it is well know that their Wong-Zakai approximations converge to Stratonovich SDEs, whereas in the jump case the so-called Marcus (canonical) SDEs...
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Bernadette Lessel (MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Berlin)
Léon Rosenfeld, probably mostly known as a close collaborator of Niels Bohr, is considered to having been the first person to have ever attempted a quantization of the gravitational field in the...
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Wioletta Ruszel (Utrecht)
Interfaces separating two phases (e.g. water and ice) are created in phase coexistence situations such as at 0 degree Celsius. Random interface models are stochastic models which aim at explaining...
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Tatsuo Shibata (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan)
Cellular signal transduction system is a complex reaction network consisting of many elements, which allows cells to respond appropriately to external stimuli. In order to understand and predict such...
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Florian Hanisch (Uni Potsdam)
In obstacle scattering, one is interested in properties of the Laplacian ∆ on the complement of a compact set O ("the obstacles") in Euclidean space, subject to certain boundary conditions. ∆ may be...
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Jonas Latz
Analysis of stochastic gradient descent in continuous time
Stochastic gradient descent is an optimisation method that combines classical gradient descent with random subsampling within the...
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Lashi Bandara (University of Potsdam)
Functional calculus emerged in the latter half of last century as a convenient tool particularly in the analysis of partial differential equations. In the last thirty years, harmonic analysis has...
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Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Stanford)
Quasinormal modes are fundamental in the study of wave equations on black hole spacetimes. In this talk, I will explain why the quasinormal modes in the Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes are real...
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David Bolin (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia) and Mihály Kovács (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary and Chalmers Uni/University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
2pm-2:45pm David Bolin (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia): Statistical models and methods based on fractional stochastic PDEs
3pm-3:45 pm Mihály Kovács (Pázmány Péter...
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Alexander Zass
We present some results on the existence and uniqueness of marked Gibbs point processes. Firstly, we prove in a general setting the existence of an infinite-volume marked Gibbs point process, via the...
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Konrad Waldorf (University of Greifswald)
String geometry is to string theory what spin geometry is to gauge theory. String geometry can be studied via infinite-dimensional geometry and representation theory on loop spaces, or by...
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Prof. Dr. Myfanwy Evans
In dieser Veranstaltung kann man das Institut und Studierende aus dem Fachschaftsrat kennen lernen. Außerdem geben wir einen Einblick in die Mathematik durch einen kurzen Vortrag zum Thema...
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Safoura Zadeh (MFO Leibniz Fellow)
Please contact Siegfried Beckus (beckus@uni-potsdam.de) if you are interested to join the talk.
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Emilio Corso (ETH Zürich)
A leitmotif in probability theory is the discovery of universal, deterministic phenomena underlying the asymptotic behaviour, in a suitably defined sense, of random structures. In the ergodic theory...
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Alfonso Garmendia (Uni Potsdam)
We consider groupoids in the category of principal bundles, which we call principal bundles groupoids. We build their ajoint bundle groupoids which we interpret as vector bundle groupoids, widely...
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Michał Wrochna (Cergy Paris Université)
A theorem due to Bär and Strohmaier (Amer. J. Math., 141 (5)) says that the Dirac operator on a Lorentzian manifold with compact Cauchy surface is Fredholm if Atiyah-Patodi-Singer boundary conditions...
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Tanja Eisner (Leipzig)
Title: Wiener's lemma along subsequences.
Abstract: We discuss the validity of the classical Wiener lemma and the extremal behaviour of a measure on the unit circle via the behavior of its Fourier...
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Batu Güneysu (UP)
It is a classical fact that one can represent the heat semigroup of a Schrödinger operator (that is, a perturbation of the Laplacian by a real-valued potential) as a path integral in terms...
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Damaris Zurell (Universität Potsdam)
Almost 200 years ago, Alexander von Humboldt said in his famous Cosmos series that „all natural forces are linked together, and made mutually dependent upon each other“. Today, biodiversity and...
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Prof. Fernando Codá Marques (Princeton University)
In diesem Jahr freuen wir uns Prof. Fernando Codá Marques (Princeton University) als Sprecher bei der Euler-Vorlesung begrüßen zu dürfen:
Titel: Morse theory for the area
Abstract: In this lecture we...
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Malte Leimbach (Uni Potsdam)
Following van Erp's and Yuncken's "Groupoid approach to pseudodifferential operators" I will discuss how one can use Connes' tangent groupoid and the "zoom-action" to define PDOs. I will point out...
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Claudia Grabs (UP)
There are many elastic moduli for isotropic elastic materials, such as the bulk modulus and the Youngs modulus, but they all are related to two basic material parameters, namely the Lamé parameters,...
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Radoslaw Adamczak (University of Warsaw) und Nathael Gozlan (Université Paris-Descartes)
2pm-2:45pm Radoslaw Adamczak (University of Warsaw): Concentration of measure and functional inequalities
3pm-3:45 pm Nathael Gozlan (Université Paris-Descartes): The two-periodic Aztec diamond
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Alexey Klimenko
Please contact Siegfried Beckus (beckus@uni-potsdam.de) if you are interested to join the talk.
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Paolo Aschieri (Alessandria and Torino)
We recall how the geometry of noncommutative gauge fields naturally emerges in quantum field theory and string theory. In this context Hopf algebras in general replace the usual notion of symmetry...
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Rudolf Zeidler (Universität Münster)
In recent years, Gromov proposed studying the geometry of positive scalar curvature (psc) via various metric inequalities vaguely reminiscent of classical comparison geometry. For instance, let...
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Alexander Zass (UP)
In this talk we present some results on the existence and uniqueness of marked Gibbs point processes. Firstly, we prove in a general setting the existence of an infinite-volume marked Gibbs point...
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Jean Bellissard (University of Münster)
Please contact Siegfried Beckus (beckus@uni-potsdam.de) if you are interested to join the talk.
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Dr. Sebastian Mieruch-Schnülle (AWI)
Im Rahmen der Klimacampus-Woche 2021 (17-22. Mai)
This guest Seminar is on the use of Markov chains for the analysis of the dynamics and succession of compound extreme events in a changing climate.
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Yannic Vargas (Univ. of Potsdam and IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela)
Pairs of cointeracting bialgebras recently appeared in the study of combinatorial Hopf algebras based on trees (Calaque, Ebrahimi-Fard, Manchon), graphs (Manchon) and posets (Foissy). Several results...
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Alexander Grigor'yan (University of Bielefeld)
Please contact Siegfried Beckus (beckus@uni-potsdam.de) if you are interested to join the talk.
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Wir laden sie am am internationalen Tag der Frauen in der Mathematik Mittwoch 12. Mai um 10 Uhr herzlich zur Online-Präsentation des Videos Worte von Frauen in der Mathematik in der Zeit von Corona ht...
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Luisa Andreis (Uni. Firenze)
Inhomogeneous random graphs are a natural generalization of the well-known Erdös Rényi random graph, where vertices are characterized by a type and edges are independent but distributed...
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Almut Veraat (Imperial College London)
The class of integer-valued trawl processes has recently been introduced for modelling univariate and multivariate integer-valued time series with short or long memory.
In this talk, I will discuss...
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Viet Dang (University of Lyon)
The spectral action principle of Connes recovers the Einstein Hilbert action from spectral data and is one of the cornerstones of the noncommutative geometry approach to the standard model, yet it is...
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Cécile Mammez (University of Lille)
The theory of Hopf algebras, initially motivated by investigations on compact Lie groups, has been intensively studied. Many connections with areas of mathematics (algebraic combinatorics,...
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Magnus Goffeng (Lund University)
Using a Bär-Ballmann type machinery, one can describe all realizations of elliptic operators on manifolds with boundary. Classically, boundary value problems are phrased in terms of imposing a...
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David Dereudre (Lille, Frankreich)
We consider the bond percolation model on the lattice Zd (d≥2) with the constraint to be fully connected. Each edge is open with probability p∈(0,1), closed with probability 1−p and then the process...
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Kasia Rejzner (University of York)
In this talk, I will give a review of how locality enters the Epstein-Glaser renormalisation scheme and report on some more recent results regarding locality and its breaking in pAQFT.
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Lashi Bandara (UP)
The graphical decomposition for elliptic boundary conditions, obtained by Bär-Ballmann, is an important characterisation of such boundary conditions.
It allows for deformations of these boundary...
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Béatrice De Tilière (IUF, University Paris Dauphine CEREMADE) and Sunil Chhita (Durham University)
2pm-2:45pm Béatrice De Tilière (IUF, University Paris Dauphine CEREMADE): The Z-invariant Ising model via dimers
3pm-3:45 pm Sunil Chhita (Durham University): The two-periodic Aztec diamond
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Karsten Tabelow (WIAS Berlin)
Like in all scientific disciplines research data in mathematics has become vast, it is complex and multifaceted, and, through the successful application of mathematics in interdisciplinary research,...
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Annegret Burtscher (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Abstract: Consider a small spherical tube around a compact submanifold M in Euclidean space. In 1939 Weyl showed the remarkable property that the volume of such a tube only depends on the radius of...
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Georges Habib (Lebanese University Beirut)
Given a compact Riemannian manifold \((M^n ,g)\) with smooth boundary \(\partial M\), we give an estimate for the quotient \(\frac{\int_{\partial M} f dv_g}{\int_M f dv_g}\) in terms of the Bessel...
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Das Institut für Mathematik begrüßt die neuen Studierenden am Institut. Um den Einstieg zu erleichtern findet am Montag, den 12.04.2021 um 18 Uhr, eine kurze Einführungsveranstaltung in Zoom statt....
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Marius -Adrian Oancea
TERMINÄNDERUNG! Moved back from 23rd to 30th of March.
The propagation of test fields on a fixed Lorentzian manifold is often studied by using the geometrical optics approximation. In the...
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Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)
We introduce Riemannian metrics of positive scalar curvature on manifolds with Baas-Sullivan singularities, prove a corresponding homology invariance principle and discuss admissible products. Using...
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Massimiliano Gubinelli (Uni Bonn)
Another session of the Renormalisation and Geometry seminar, with a talk by Massimiliano Gubinelli (Uni Bonn).
Abstract: I will review some recent progresses in understanding the stochastic...
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Mehran Seyedhosseini (UP)
I will talk about an index theorem of Roe for open manifolds and some of its geometric applications. Along the way, we will encounter localised analytic indices of Connes and Moscovici. I will then...
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Ariane Beier (UP)
The radial part of the scalar wave equation (SWE) on the Schwarzschild spacetime can be interpreted and analysed as a Sturm-Liouville problem. Considering a topological quantum number or fields of...
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Heiko Etzold
Titel der Dissertation:
Neue Zugänge zum Winkelbegriff.
Fachdidaktische Entwicklungforschung zur Ausbildung des Winkelfeldsbegriff bei Schülerinnen und Schülern der vierten Klassenstufe
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We have the pleasure to invite you to the next edition of a series of meetings initiated by Professor Schulze devoted to microlocal, singular and global analysis and their interactions with geometry...
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Diego Lopez (Uni Potsdam)
Shintani zeta functions generalize multizeta functions, and these in turn generalize the Riemann zeta function. They also relate to conical zeta functions associated with cones. In this talk,...
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Jonas Rungenhagen (UP)
In this talk, I want to go over some representation theoretical background to introduce the irreducible representations of the special unitary group SU(3). This is motivated by the calculation of the...
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Eine Reise durch die Wissenschaften mit Doktorandinnen
Diese interdisziplinäre Veranstaltung zum internationalen Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in den Wissenschaften findet in 2021 im dritten Jahr statt...
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A journey through the sciences with female PhD students
For this third edition (this time online) at the University of Potsdam of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 seven female...
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Dr. Sara Mazzonetto
With the term threshold diffusion we denote diffusion processes which follow different dynamics in different space intervals. We focus on the one-dimensional case of two Ornstein-Uhlenbeck dynamics in...
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Lorenzo Zambotti (Sorbonne University, Paris)
Another session of the Renormalisation and Geometry seminar, with a talk by Lorenzo Zambotti (Sorbonne University, Paris).
Abstract: In this informal talk I would like to explain briefly how I came in...
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Florian Hanisch (UP)
In obstacle scattering, one is interested in properties of the Laplacian
∆ on the complement of a compact set O ("the obstacles") in Euclidean
space. It may be compared with the free Laplacian ∆₀ and...
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Anne Manegueu (Magdeburg)
Recent decades have seen rapid advances in multi-armed bandits (MAB) algorithms, due to their ability to optimize with the presence of uncertainty. Classical MAB problems are studied based on the...
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Sylvie Paycha (Uni Potsdam)
How to evaluate meromorphic germs at their poles while preserving a locality principle reminiscent of locality in QFT is a question that lies at the heart of pQFT. It further arises in other...
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Alejandro Peñuela Diaz (UP)
We will see different approaches to the problem of defining a center of mass of a system in general relativity, specifically in the setting of the initial value formulation of general relativity. We...
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Michela Ottobre (Heriot-Watt University) and Carsten Hartmann (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)
2pm-2:45pm Michela Ottobre (Heriot-Watt University): Non-mean-field interacting particle systems
3pm-3:45 pm Carsten Hartmann (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg): Optimal control of the underdamped Langevin...
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Angelina Henning (UP)
In diesem Vortrag wird das Testverfahren von Wilcoxon betrachtet, welches eine Alternative zum 2-SP-t-Test liefern kann. Dieses Verfahren gehört zu den sogenannten Rangtests. Neben der theoretischen...
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Kim Aleksandra, ETH Zürich and Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)
In today’s complex world and economy, international supply chains of goods cause global environmental impacts. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a well established tool used for quantification of product...
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Kurusch Ebrahimi Fard (University of Trondheim)
Next talk in the monthly (online) seminar Renormalisation and Geometry organised jointly with friends and colleagues from various countries in Europe
Titel: Exponential renormalisation
Abstract: We...
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Claudia Grabs (UP)
We consider a Riemannian manifold with an embedded submanifold, which is extremal for some energy functional. For these embeddings, we compare the Jacobi operators corresponding to the different...
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Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi (Uni Potsdam)
In this talk I firstly discuss a general martingale-difference approach which can be used to obtain some of the existing concentration inequalities for 1-dimensional weakly-dependent random processes....
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Cancelled - Kayo Ide (University of Maryland, US)
Unfortunately we had to cancel this Colloquium and will continue with our series in the new term.
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Chand Devchand (University of Potsdam)
It is well-known that gauge theories in four-dimensional space time are conformally invariant. However, for the field equations, as they are usually written, only the Lorentz invariance is manifest.
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Penelope Gehring (UP)
Boundary value problems for elliptic first order differential operators on Riemannian manifolds are rather well understood. Recently, Bär-Strohmaier introduced APS-conditions for the Dirac operator on...
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Sonja Berthel (Vrije Universitet, Amsterdam) and Myfawny Evans (University of Potsdam)
If you wish to attend the talks, please contact Sylvie Paycha paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de for the login details.
2pm-2:45pm Sonja Berthel (Vrije Universitet, Amsterdam): Entanglements in (molecular)...
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Han Cheng Lie (University of Potsdam)
The estimation of statistics of functionals of a diffusion process is a problem that arises in multiple applications. An example of such a problem involves estimating the expected value of the first...
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Malte Heuer (University of Hamburg)
Generalised complex structures were introduced by Nigel Hitchin and studied by Marco Gualtieri as a unification of complex and symplectic structures. In this talk I will first recall basic definitions...
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Chen Xi (Cambridge, UK)
The fundamental interactions of elementary particles are described by the Euler-Lagrange equations in the Standard Model of particle physics. The Yang-Mills equation addresses the electroweak and...
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Peter Keller
Imagine, a robot is moving through a maze that consists of equal sized rooms. Adjacent rooms are connected by doors. The robot can now perform actions, choosing the next door with respect to a given...
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Klaus Kröncke (Tübingen)
We prove stability of integrable ALE manifolds with a parallel spinor under Ricci flow, given an initial metric which is close in \(L^p\cap L^{\infty}\), for any \(p \in (1, n)\), where n is the...
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Alexander Zass (Potsdam)
We present a uniqueness result for Gibbs point processes with repulsive pair interaction; in particular, we provide an explicit uniqueness region in terms of the activity and inverse temperature...
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Judith Rousseau (University of Oxford, UK)
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Branislav Jurco (Charles University in Prague)
Abstract: This will be a leisurely introduction, from first principles, to higher gauge theory with higher groupoids as gauge structures. As a model for higher (Lie) groupoids we will use Kan...
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Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Stanford)
We consider the heat equation associated to Schrödinger operators acting on vector bundles on asymptotically locally Euclidean (ALE) manifolds. Assuming that the Schrödinger operator can be written as...
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Joseph Lam (Magdeburg)
The consequences of local differential privacy constraints on goodness-of-fit testing are considered, i.e. the statistical problem assessing whether sample points are generated from a fixed density or...
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Alfonso Garmendia (University of Postdam)
The next talk in the series of online seminars "At the confluence of Geometry, Analysis and Mathematical Physics" together with our colleagues from Beirut.
Title: Monodromy and Holonomy groupoid for...
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Hamilton Araujo (University of Haute Alsace in Mulhouse)
This talk consists of a discussion around the analytical localization of the algebras of functions in deformation quantization (a theory that uses algebraic deformation to quantify the algebras of...
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Sebastian Hannes (UP)
I'm going to briefly explain the main problems and results of my thesis and then focus on discussing some examples to show how these results apply, where they they can be extended, and also where they...
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Jens Fischer (Potsdam/Toulouse)
The voter model and the Deffuant model are two well known models on networks where individual opinions influence the relationsship dynamics. Recent work related to social networks focuses entirely on...
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Florian Fischer
I will give an overview of recent developments in the study of Hardy-type inequalities on manifolds and on graphs. In particular, I will present a technique to get 'as large as possible' Hardy weights...
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Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University New York)
Cognitive computational neuroscience of vision
To learn how cognition is implemented in the brain, we must build computational models that can perform cognitive tasks, and test such models with brain...
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Michał Eckstein (University of Gdansk)
It is a pleasure to announce the first talk of the monthly (online) seminar: Mathematics emerging from the Quantum, and beyond: where Renormalisation meets Geometry
organised jointly with friends and...
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Rubens Longhi (UP)
A suitable category of vector bundles will be introduced, in which every object is obtained as a limit of trivial vector bundles. Then, a functorial definition for general functional spaces will be...
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Leyli Mammadova (University of Leuven)
Moment maps in (multi)symplectic geometry: an introduction
The purpose of the talk is to give an audience-friendly introduction to the concept of moment map in multisymplectic geometry. The talk will...
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Ana Ros Camacho (Cardiff University, Wales), Yiby Morales (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia))
If you wish to attend the talks, please contact Sylvie Paycha paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de for the login details.
14:00 Ana Ros Camacho (Cardiff University, Wales): A gentle introduction to fusion...
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jointly organised by Jana de Wiljes and the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT, Finland)
Mini Seminar Series Schedule
12:00-12:30 Jarkko Suuronen (LUT) - tba
12:30-13:00 Sahani Pathiraja...
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Masoumeh Dashti (University of Sussex, UK)
We consider the problem of recovering the underlying truth in a nonparametric Bayesian inference setting with p-exponential priors. These priors are a class of infinite dimensional product measures...
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Sylvie Paycha (Uni Potsdam)
Inspired by Gilkey's invariance theory, Connes' deformation to the normal cone and Getzler's rescaling method, we single out a class of geometric operators among pseudodifferential operators acting...
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Ihsane Malass (Uni Potsdam)
The well-known independence on the metric of the analytic torsion on a boundaryless manifolds was discussed in the case of a manifold with boundary by various mathematicians among whom Cheeger,...
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Marco Usula (KU Leuven, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
The Nahm pole boundary condition was introduced by Mazzeo and Witten in order to study an elliptic boundary problem for solutions of the Kapustin--WItten equation, a complex version of the classical...
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Alfonso Garmendia (Uni Potsdam)
Gauge transformations are present both in Mathematics and Physics where they play a key role in field theory. In mathematical terms, these transformations are special maps on a principal bundle ...
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Simone Murro
The well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for symmetric hyperbolic systems on a Lorentzian manifold is a classical problem that has been thoroughly studied in many contexts. Particularly, if the...
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Sylvie Paycha (University of Potsdam)
The first talk of the fall semester starts with Sylvie Paycha speaking about "From complementations on lattices to locality".
Abstract. A complementation proves useful to separate divergent terms...
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Paul Tschisgale
Abstract: In this talk we present Glauber dynamics as a way of simulating configurations according to the Gibbs distribution of the Curie-Weiss Potts model . In particular, we first present essential...
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The international meeting
Higher Structures Emerging from Renormalisation
which will take place online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, aims to...
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Alfonso Garmendia, Leonid Ryvkin
The idea of the workshop is to bring together young researchers from the field of singular foliations and related topics. The workshop will take place online over zoom in two sessions.
Link to the...
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Karsten Hansch
Interessenten schreiben für die Zoom-Zugangsdaten bitte eine E-Mail an cbaer@uni-potsdam.de
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The 20th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will take place online via zoom in a reduced format from 24th-25th September 2020. There will be plenary talks by
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Nikolai Tarkhanov
Nikolai Tarkhanov, who passed away on July 31st, was an enthusiastic teacher, a generous and learned man, behind whose modesty there was an outstanding...
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Sara van de Geer (ETH Zürich)
The Lasso revisited: entropy bounds and dual certificates
The Lasso is least squares estimation with an ℓ1-penalty on the coeffcients. In this talk we consider the case where the design matrix is...
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Juan Daniel Lopez Castano (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
The spectral action is the natural and appropriate notion of action on the space of spectral triples, introduced by Chamseddine and Connes in [CC97] and defined as follows: given a spectral triple (A,...
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Sara Azzali (Hamburg University)
The Baum--Connes conjecture predicts an isomorphism between two objects associated with a discrete countable group. The first one is topological in nature and involves a classifying space for proper...
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Mehran Seyedhosseini
Secondary invariants associated to positive scalar curvature metrics on closed spin manifolds have been used to study the space of such metrics on a fixed manifold. I will first talk about a result of...
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Andrea Hübner
Master thesis
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Florian Bertrand (American University of Beirut), Francine Meylan (Uni Freiburg)
If you wish to attend the talks, please contact Sylvie Paycha paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de for the login details.
14:00 Florian Bertrand (American University of Beirut) : Analytic discs in Complex...
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Carlo Bellingeri (TU Berlin)
We introduce the class of singular Hölder paths, singular controlled rough paths and singular rough paths. These spaces arise naturally from the context of regularity structures and they can be used...
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Simone Cecchini (Göttingen)
We develop index theory on compact Riemannian spin manifolds with boundary in the case when the topological information is encoded by bundles which are supported away from the boundary. As a first...
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Pierre Clavier (Uni Potsdam)
Given a locality (ie binary symmetric) relation T on a vector space V, it is in general difficult to decide if (V,T) is a locality vector space, that is to say if T respects the linear structure of V...
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Alexander Strohmaier (Leeds)
For compact Riemannian manifolds the Gutzwiller-Duistermaat-Guillemin trace formula is one of the standard tools to show Weyl laws, investigate questions of quantum chaos, and prove inverse spectral...
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Henry Kißler (HU Berlin)
Last term, Alfonso and Pierre have been talking about gauge theories and I'd like to add some aspects about renormalization to the discussion. Due to quantisation, singular integrals arise; curing...
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Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)
Let N be an oriented compact submanifold of codimension 2 in an oriented complete Riemannian manifold M. We assume that M\N is spin and carries a unitary line bundle L. We study the self-adjoint...
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Pierre Gaillard (INRIA Paris)
In this presentation we will examine the framework for online prediction of arbitrary time series. In the latter, a learner sequentially makes predictions of a time series, for which no stochastic...
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Roland Vergnioux (Uni-Caen)
I will start by presenting the theory of compact/discrete quantum groups and in particular the so-called "free quantum groups". Then I will explain how the Baum-Connes conjecture can be adapted to...
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Matthias Lesch (Bonn)
We give a comprehensive treatment of a ‘Clifford module flow’ along paths in the skew-adjoint Fredholm operators on a real Hilbert space that takes values in KO(R) via the Clifford index of...
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Dieter Mitsche (University of Lyon 1), David Coupier (University of Valenciennes)
If you wish to attend the talks, please contact Sylvie Paycha paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de for the login details.
Please note that the second talk has been advanced by 15 min to 3:15pm!
14:00 Dieter...
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Ulrike Lucke (UP) and Ina Müller (UP)
Developers of IT systems have enormous power. - And therefore also a great responsibility. This applies especially to the ideas and concepts about the social domain, which are inscribed in the...
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Diego Andrés López Valencia (Potsdam University)
The Mellin transform is very useful when studying meromorphic continuations of different types of zeta functions, however it is not always easy to calculate. In this talk I will introduce and...
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Markus Wolff (Tübingen)
We introduce a new inverse curvature flow on asymptotically flat Initial Data sets (M,g,K). In General Relativity, such a triple (M,g,K) arises naturally as a spacelike hypersurface of a Lorentzian...
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Saeda Marello (Bonn)
The Curie-Weiss model (CW) is a classical model of a ferromagnetic spin system in which all spins interact with each other. After giving an introduction on metastability, a phenomenon appearing in a...
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Anne Flöge (Potsdam)
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Loïc Foissy (ULCO)
The theory of free probabilities uses the combinatorics of noncrossing partitions in order, for example to establish relations between free cumulants and moments of a random variable. We shall...
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Rubens Longhi
I will construct the space of distributional sections of general vector bundles and give a general definition for local and compactly supported functional spaces.
Access data at: https://moodle2.uni-p...
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Sylvie Paycha (Potsdam University)
Two essential ingredients in classical gauge field theory are gauge fields given by connections on a principal bundle and gauge transformations given by automorphisms of the bundle.
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Georg Gottwald (University of Sydney, Australia)
The talk is concerned with recent results on statistical properties of deterministic dynamical systems. We will discuss the problem of finding diffusive limits in multi-scale systems. Homogenization...
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Sylvie Paycha (Potsdam University)
Two essential ingredients in classical gauge field theory are gauge fields given by connections on a principal bundle and gauge transformations given by automorphisms of the bundle.
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Myfanwy Evans
This talk will introduce the use of geometric ideas in the characterisation and analysis of biophysical systems. Triply-periodic minimal surfaces and their occurrences in nature will provide the...
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Pierre Clavier (Uni Potsdam)
The bar-cobar construction a pair of adjoint functors between the categories of differential graded associative algebras and codifferential cograded coalgebras. In this pedagogical introduction, I...
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Fernando Codá Marques
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Viet Dang Nguyen (Université Lyon 1)
In the present talk, we will discuss how we understand a three page note from Quillen's notebook where he tries to make sense of the technique of "adding counterterms to the Lagrangian to remove the...
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Christian Bär
The Rarita-Schwinger operator is the twisted Dirac operator restricted to 3/2-spinors. Rarita-Schwinger fields are solutions of this operator which are in addition divergence-free. This is an...
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Nguyen Viet Dang (University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1) und Colin Guillarmou (University Paris XI)
If you wish to attend the talks, please contact Sylvie Paycha paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de for the login details.
14:00 Nguyen Viet Dang (University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1): Dynamical systems: spectral...
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Diego Andrés López Valencia (Potsdam University)
In the context of locality, there is a generalization of the usual tensor product which is expected to remain in the category of locality vector spaces, however this is still an open problem. In this...
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Rosa Preiß (TU Berlin)
We consider the anti-symmetrization of the half-shuffle on words, which we callthe area operator, since it corresponds to taking the signed area of elements of the iterated-integral signature. The...
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Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)
As shown by Gromov-Lawson and Stolz the only obstruction to the existence of positive scalar curvature metrics on closed simply connected manifolds in dimensions at least five appears on spin...
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Rosa Preiß (TU Berlin)
We consider the anti-symmetrization of the half-shuffle on words, which we callthe area operator, since it corresponds to taking the signed area of elements of the iterated-integral signature. The...
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David Damanik (Rice University, Houston), Marko Lindner (Technische Universität Hamburg)
Spectral Theory, Dynamical Systems, Aperiodic Order
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Nikolas Tapia (TU Berlin and WIAS)
Solutions to the Dyson-Schwinger equation can be obtained by inverting the normal ordering operator. This operator is related to Wick polynomials of annihilation and creation operators. In this talk I...
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Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Stanford)
Moncrief and Isenberg conjectured in 1983 that any compact Cauchy horizon in a smooth vacuum spacetime is a smooth Killing horizon. We present a proof of this conjecture, under the assumption that the...
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Hans Fotsing (African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cameroon)
We will discuss riggings on a 1-lightlike submanifold, which have many of the good properties of the Gauss map of non degenerate hypersurfaces. We will also show that for the case of the (n+...
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Aufgrund der derzeitigen Corona-Situation muss der Zukunftstag am 26.3. an der Universität Potsdam leider entfallen. Ein Ersatztermin im Herbst wird geprüft – Informationen dazu folgen zu... |
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Simon Hirscher
Since its release on the arXiv in 2017, the (so far unpublished) proof of the higher-dimensional Positive-Mass Theorem by Schoen & Yau has become notorious for being rather difficult to understand,...
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Alexander Friedrich
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Tristan van Leeuwen (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands)
PDE-constrained optimization problems arise in many applications, including inverse problems and optimal control. As optimization over both the control and state parameters is not feasible for...
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Matti Richter
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Hakon Hoel (RWTH Aachen)
The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is a Monte-Carlo-based sequential filtering method that is often both robust and efficient, but its performance may suffer in settings where the computational cost of...
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Tony Shardlow (University of Bath)
Atmospheric dispersal of contaminants such as ash can be modelled by stochastic differential equations coupled to a large-scale weather model. We develop this model as used by the UK Met Office and...
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Lashi Bandara
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GAMP 2020 Workshop
we are pleased to invite you to the first workshop of the Germano-Lebanese project ``At the confluence of Geometry Analysis and Mathematical Physics'' in collaboration with the...
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Heikki Haario, LUT University (Technische Universität Lappeenranta), Finland
We discuss methods for creating Gaussian likelihoods for data that does not directly follow any known statistics. Obvious summary statistics are available, such as averages, but they turn out to lose...
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Lassi Roininen, University of Oulu, Finland
Gaussian processes are valuable tools for non-parametric modelling, where typically an assumption of stationarity is employed. While removing this assumption can improve prediction, fitting such...
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Am internationalen Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in den Wissenschaften soll diese interdisziplinäre Veranstaltung dazu beitragen, Frauen in den Naturwissenschaften sichtbarer zu machen. Zu diesem Zweck...
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Philipp Bartmann
The behaviour of solutions to elliptic PDE's at the boundary of a domain $\Omega$ depends heavily on the geometry of $\partial\Omega$. One is therefore interested in criteria to $\Omega$ that ensure...
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We have the pleasure to invite you to the next edition of a series of meetings initiated by Professor Schulze devoted to microlocal, singular and global analysis and their interactions with geometry...
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Michael Schwarz
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Josephine Bommer
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 27
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Peter Müller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Felix Pogorzelski (Universität Leipzig)
14:00 Peter Müller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): Localisation for Delone operators: results from wonderland and beyond
15:00 Tea and Coffee Break
15:30 Felix Pogorzelski (Universität...
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Claudia Grabs
We show how to compute minimal elastic energy surfaces for rotationally symmetric deformations of annulus shaped reference configurations. The computations are done with the SageManifolds extension of...
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Tobias Lamm, Tristan Rivière
16:15 | Tobias Lamm (KIT Karlsruhe) | Limits of α-harmonic maps In a famous paper, Sacks and Uhlenbeck introduced a perturbation of the Dirichlet energy, the so-called α-energy Eα, α>... |
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Sylvie Paycha
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Anna Dittus, Universität Rostock
Slow-fast systems consist of slow macroscopic and fast microscopic dynamics. By using equation-free methods, one can do a complete bifurcation analysis of these slow macroscopic variables, even if...
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Marc Bocquet (École des Ponts ParisTech)
Recent progress in machine learning has shown how to forecast and, to some extent, learn the dynamics of a model from observations, resorting in particular to residual neural networks. These...
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Benjamin Baron
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 35
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Enrico Reiß
The physically motivated quantization procedure generates an operator (the so-called pseudo-differential operator, PDO) from a function on the phase space $$\mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n$$ (the...
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Jonas Rungenhagen
In this talk, I want to give an overview about the representation theory of compact Lie groups as it has various applications.
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Prof. Arthur Bakker (Freudenthal-Institut, Niederlande)
Can moving the body have added value in learning mathematics? Much research on embodied cognition suggests that cognition is distributed across brain, body, tools, environment, and culture. Far less...
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Prof. Nathalie Sinclair (Simon-Fraser-University, Canada)
To measure is at once a practical and a conceptual engagement with the world. At its most basic, measuring involves empirical encounters (broadly conceived) that allow one to assign various...
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Andrey Pilipenko (Kyiv)
Abstract. Let \((\xi_1,\eta_1), (\xi_2,\eta_2),\ldots\) be asequence of i.i.d. two-dimensional random vectors. We prove a functional limit theorem for the maximum of a perturbed random walk \(\underse...
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Christian Bär
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Katharina Morik (TU Dortmund)
Mobility is an important topic, because on the one hand, the global world requires mobility of people and goods, but on the other hand, we suffer from traffic jams and pollution. This broad field...
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Nazli Mammadova
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 29
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Dr. Siegfried Beckus (Universität Potsdam)
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Matthias Ludewig (Adelaide)
Recently, physicists have been able to create “topological states” localised on the boundary of a 2D system, which have rather crazy properties: they fill up spectral gaps in the boundary-less 2D...
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Florian Bertrand (Beirut)
In this talk, I will survey some of the classical biholomoprhically invariant metrics defined on domains in the complex Euclidean space. These metrics and related objects are particularly adapted to...
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Christian Bär
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Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi (Potsdam)
In the talk I present the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem and its analysis in the case when the arm samples are dependent over time and generated from the so-called weak \(\mathcal{C}\)-mixing...
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Martin Botushev
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 18
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Please visit the Website for Details
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Jan Hasenauer (Universität Bonn), Sebastian Sager (Universität Magdeburg)
14:00 Jan Hasenauer (Universität Bonn) On the mathematical modelling of biochemical reactions networks
15:00 Tea and Coffee Break
15:30 Sebastian Sager (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg)
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Penelope Gehring
Mantoulidis and Schoen constructed smooth asymptotically flat manifolds of dimension 3 with prescribed horizon boundary, whose mass can be made arbitrarily close to the optimal value in the Riemannian...
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Heiko von der Mosel, Lynn Heller
16:15 | Heiko von der Mosel (RWTH Aachen) | On integral Menger curvature Using concepts from elementary geometry like the circumcircle radius one can construct various families of... |
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András Tóbiás (TU Berlin)
We investigate a probabilistic model for routeing of messages in relay-augmented multihop ad-hoc networks, where each transmitter sends one message to the origin. Given the (random) transmitter...
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Stephanie Kasparek (Bonn)
Es wird ein Projekt vorgestellt, das im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit an der Humboldt-Universität entwickelt wurde. Die Lehrerin wird hier zur Geschichtenerzählerin: „Der Garten der Unendlichkeit“ steht...
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Markus Klein
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Matthias Chung
Mathematical modeling has been a key tool in various scientific fields (such as biology, medicine, and engineering) in understanding systems dynamics. Parameter inference for such systems have been...
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Julianne Chung
In many physical systems, measurements can only be obtained on the exterior of an object (e.g., the human body or the earth's crust), and the goal is to estimate the internal structures. In other...
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Josephin Kühne
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 17
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Alden Waters (Groningen)
We consider the problem of obstacle scattering for the Helmholtz equation with the p-form Laplace Beltrami operator. On manifolds which are asymptotically Euclidean we show resolvent expansions, and...
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Lukas Minogue
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Noreen Fischer
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 16
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Florentin Münch
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Anna-Lena Wegen
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Dr. Ester Mariucci
In this talk I will briefly present the research topics I have worked on and discuss the main lines of my future research.
My research interests lie at the frontier between mathematical statistics and...
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Prof. Alexandra Carpentier
Testing theory is a corner stone of mathematical statistics, with many practical applications. While asymptotic and parametric testing is relatively well understood, many additional issues arise in...
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Sebastian Hannes
We consider the Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime with compact, spacelike Cauchy hypersurfaces. In this setting the Dirac operator is known to be Fredholm and have a smooth solution...
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Markus Klein
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Prof. Justin Dimmel (University of Maine, U.S.A.)
I report on the design and development of HandWaver, an immersive virtual environment for making and transforming spatial inscriptions: representations that are inscribed into space itself, rather...
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Michael Högele (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotà, Colombia)
In this talk we present a linear scalar delay differential equation subject to small multiplicative power tail Lévy noise. We solve the first passage (the Kramers) problem with probabilistic methods...
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Melina Freitag (Universität Potsdam)
Weak constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation is an important method for incorporating data (typically observations) into a model. The resulting minimisation process takes place in...
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Luise Fritsche
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 14
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Theo Galy-Fajou (TU Berlin)
Bayesian Inference is almost always a very challenging mathematical and computational problem. In the context of Gaussian Process, only a Gaussian likelihood leads to an analytically tractable...
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Uzy Smilansky (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Trace formulae are one of the most important tools in a large number of fields ranging from quantum chaos via spectral geometry, graphs and number theory. Here, I shall present two rather...
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Mehran Seyedhosseini
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Franziska Göbel
Abstract here.
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Dr. Christian Rose (MPI Leipzig)
The Kato condition on the negative part of the Ricci curvature turned out to be an appropriate generalization of Lp- curvature conditions that can be used to investigate geometric and topological...
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David Albers (University of Colorado, USA)
In this talk I will present some recent results estimating and forecasting physiology in an intensive care unit (ICU) using sparse, non-stationary data collected while administering care. While I will...
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Wai Tung Poon
On the presentation of my scientific project, I am going to show some properties about microlocal analysis. Firstly, I will define some basic notions about the distribution and Fourier transform of a...
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Andreas Hermann
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Elisabeth Brunner (FU Berlin)
In diesem Vortrag wird der neu entwickelte „Atlas der Schulmathematik der Sekundarstufe I“ vorgestellt. Er er-möglicht es den Lernenden, sich zu jeder Zeit in ihrem Arbeitsprozess innerhalb der...
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Sandra Kliem (Frankfurt)
The one-dimensional KPP-equation driven by space-time white noise,
\[ \partial_t u = \partial_{xx} u + \theta u - u^2 + u^{\frac{1}{2}} dW, \qquad t>0, x \in \mathbb{R}, \theta>0, \qquad \qquad u(0,x)...
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Prof. Dr. T. Bodnar
In this paper, new tests for the independence of two high-dimensional vectors are investigated. We consider the case where the dimension of the vectors increases with the sample size and...
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Prof. Dr. D. Rudolf
Perturbation theory for Markov chains addresses the question of how small differences in the transition probabilities of Markov chains are reflected in differences between their...
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Prof. Dr. T. Dickhaus
Multivariate multiple test procedures have received growing attention recently. This is due to the fact that data generated by modern applications typically are high-dimensional, but possess...
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Jane Knöchel
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Mara Martin
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 13
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Mehran Seyedhosseini
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Elizabeth Mansfield (University of Kent), David Rowe (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
14:00 Elizabeth Mansfield (Universität Kent): Noether's Theorem, both smooth and discrete
15:00 Tea and Coffee Break
15:30 David E. Rowe (Universität Mainz): On the Background to Emmy Noether’s...
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Rubens Longhi
We study Maxwell's equation as a theory for smooth k-forms on globally hyperbolic spacetimes with timelike boundary as defined by Aké, Flores and Sanchez. In particular we start by investigating on...
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Andreas Braunß
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Hanna Jürß
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 10
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Mehran Seyedhosseini
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Anna Muranova (Bielefeld University)
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Lennart Ronge (Bonn)
Considering a family of self-adjoint Fredholm operators A(t), the equality ind(D_APS)=sf(A) will be shown under certain conditions. Here, sf(A) denotes the spectral flow of the family A, D_APS is the...
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Esko Heinonen, Nicolas Marque
16:15 | Esko Heinonen | Jenkins-Serrin problem for translating graphs A translating soliton is a smooth oriented hypersurface S in MxR (or in Rn+1) whose mean curvature satisfies H =... |
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Lashi Bandara
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Han Cheng Lie (Universität Potsdam)
Global long-term properties of dynamical systems, such as their stationary distribution or rate of mixing, are strongly related to spectral objects of certain operators. These operators, which are...
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Ester Mariucci (Universität Potsdam)
The concept of distance is ancient and ubiquitous. Being able to quantify the distance between objects has important applications everywhere in mathematics; just think of approximation theory,...
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Maximilian Tieze
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 33
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Claudio Dappiaggi (Pavia)
We discuss the freedom in the construction of Wick polynomials for a non linear Sigma model and we introduce the associated renormalization group flow, proving that it coincides with the Ricci flow.
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Siegfried Beckus, Peter Mahns
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Claudio Dappiaggi (Pavia)
We apply the algebraic approach to construct the algebra of observables associated to non linear Sigma models. In particular we discuss the notion of Wick polynomials and their realization in terms of...
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Bernard Helffer (University of Paris-Sud)
Abstract: We revisit Courant's nodal domain property for linear combinations of eigenfunctions. This property was proven by Sturm (1836) in the case of dimension 1. Although stated as true for the...
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Aiso Heinze (Leibniz-Institut, Kiel) + Diskussion
Was erwarten Hochschulen, was sollen Schulen leisten und welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es?
Seit Jahren werden mangelnde mathematische Kompetenzen von Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfängern in...
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Claudio Dappiaggi (Pavia)
The goal of the these lectures is to give a rigorous derivation of Ricci flow starting from non linear Sigma models, within the framework of algebraic quantum field theory. In the first talk we...
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Noema Nicolussi (University of Vienna)
Abstract: Graphs and their Laplace operators play an important role in various different branches of mathematics (e.g. combinatorics, data science, group theory). A key observation is that many...
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Siegfried Beckus
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Dr. Xenia Reit (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Das Image von Modellierungsaufgaben im Mathematikunterricht ist eigentlich gut, können sie den Schülerinnen und Schülern doch ein reales Bild von Mathematik im Alltag und dessen Nützlichkeit...
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Olga Aryasova (Kyiv)
We consider an Euclidean space with semipermeable membranes on nonsmooth surfaces, for example, on the boundary of a wedge or a cone. We study the existence and uniqueness of a strong Markov process...
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Artem Istranin
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 32
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Max Kämper (TU Dortmund)
Random Schrödinger operators are a model for metals with random impurities and this talk will present them for the special case of the Anderson operator on a lattice. We will introduce the integrated...
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Elke Rosenberger
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Sara Mazzonetto
In this talk we introduce a nonlinear integration-by-parts formula for stochastic differential equations. We call it Itô-Alekseev-Gröbner formula because it generalizes both Itô formula and the...
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Steven Rosenberg (Boston University)
It is difficult to say much about the topology of the diffeomorphism group and isometry group of a closed manifold, and few high dimensional results are known. In work with Staoshi Egi and Yoshi...
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Alan Carey (Australian National University, Canberra)
When applied to condensed matter theory, the spectral flow for paths in the space of skew adjoint Fredholm operators suggests that we consider a generalisation that encompasses all of the classifying...
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Sébastien Gerchinowitz (Université de Toulouse)
We consider the problem of maximizing a non-concave Lipschitz function f over a bounded domain in dimension d. In this talk we provide regret guarantees for a decade-old algorithm due to Piyavskii and...
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Max Lewandowski
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René Hintze
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 12
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Michael Jung
SageMath ("System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation") is an open source computer algebra system based on Python. It uses various libraries written in R, Fortran, Maxima etc. to realize an...
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Franziska Göbel (Universität Potsdam)
In this talk I will present a multiscale approach to construct a data-adapted basis-like (Parseval frame) set of functions F which allows for a decomposition of every square-integrable function...
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Carlo Bellingeri (TU Berlin)
Starting from the classical change of variable formula for smooth paths, we will explain how to extend this identity to the case when the underlying path has generic Hölder regularity in the context...
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Die 85. KoMa findet vom 30.10. - 03.11. an der Universität Potsdam statt. Mehr erfahren
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Noema Nicolussi (University of Vienna)
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Daniel Schindler (Universität Potsdam)
Abstract: Amoeboid cell motility is essential for a wide range of biological processes including wound healing, embryonic morphogenesis, and cancer metastasis.
With the ability to generate large...
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Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Uni Hamburg)
In a recent paper, Ionescu and Klainerman showed that Killing vector fields on Lorentzian manifolds can be extended using only unique continuation statements for wave equations. Before their work,...
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Jesus Sanz-Serna (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) method is a widely used Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that offers the possibility of combining high acceptance rates and nonlocal moves. Most of the...
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Andrea Hübner
Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 11
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Christian Léonard (Université Paris Nanterre), Marc Arnaudon (Université de Bordeaux)
14:00 Christian Léonard (Université Paris Nanterre): Optimal mass transportation: a probabilistic approach
15:00 Tea and Coffee Break
15:30 Marc Arnaudon (Université de Bordeaux): The motion of...
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Hans-Bert Rademacher (Uni Leipzig)
It is an open question whether any Riemannian metric on a compact manifold has infinitely many geometrically distinct closed geodesics. We first revisit results for generic metrics in the case of...
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Oana Lang (Imperial College London, UK)
In this talk we will present a data assimilation problem based on a new stochastic rotating shallow water (SRSW) signal and an adaptive tempering particle filter algorithm. The model has been obtained...
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Enrico Reiß (Universität Potsdam)
In mean field theories of statistical mechanics where N particles interact, macroscopic observables typically take values in a scaled lattice with lattice spacing 1/N. An easy but typical example is...
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Kasia Rejzner (York)
In this talk, I will present how the formal S-matrix and the interacting fields are constructed in the framework of perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT). I will illustrate this on the...
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Paolo Aschieri (Alessandria and Torino)
Seiberg-Witten maps are a method to locally construct noncommutative gauge theories starting from commutative gauge theories. It originated in the context of gauge theories describing low energy...
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Prof. Dr. Ram Band (Israel Institute of Technology - Technion)
We discuss the number of zeros of Laplacian eigenfunctions on a metric (quantum) graph.
The n-th eigenfunction has at least n-1 zeros and at most n-1+\beta zeros, where \beta is the number of graph...
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Saskia Roos
In this talk we study the free fermion in the framework of functional field theory. It turns out that the theory is twisted due to the chiral anomaly of the free fermion. We give a detailed...
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Pierre Houdebert (Universität Potsdam)
The Fortuin-Kasteleyen representation, introduce in the 1960', is a method used to prove phase transition for Gibbs point process. It reduces the problem of phase transition to the study of...
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Diese Einführungsveranstaltung richtet sich an alle Anfängerinnen und Anfänger der Studiengänge Mathematik Bachelor of Science und Bachelor of Education. Die Institutsleitung, die Lehrkräfte der...
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Karen Willcox (Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas, USA)
Predictive data science for physical systems: From model reduction to scientific machine learning
Achieving predictive data science for physical systems requires a synergistic combination of data and...
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Auf Initiative des Instituts für Mathematik unter Federführung von Herrn Prof. Reich ist ein Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt (UFS) mit dem Titel Data centric sciences (DCS) für den Zeitraum 1....
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Lars Nerger (Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Science, Bremerhaven)
Coupled models simulate different compartments of the Earth system as well as their interactions. For example coupled ocean-biogoechemical models simulate ocean circulation, biogeochemical processes...
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Jens Fischer
Verteidigung der Masterarbeit im Rahmen der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie.
Gutachterinnen: Prof. Roelly und Dr. Kosenkova
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Friedrich Jakobs
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Torsten Böhm, Université de Toulouse
Neo-Narval at TBL/Pic du Midi (France) will be the first instrument working simultaneously in high resolution spectroscopy, polarimetry and velocimetry being entirely dedicated to stellar...
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Dr. Christof Leng
Site Reliability Engineers sind Googles DevOps-Experten für den Betrieb der Produkte und internen technischen Infrastruktur. Sie müssen mit der beeindruckenden Größe, dem rasanten Wachstum und der...
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Prashant Mehta (University of Illinois, USA)
There is a certain magic involved in recasting the equations in Physics, and the algorithms in Engineering, in variational terms. The most classical of these ‘magics’ is the Lagrange’s formulation of...
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Geir Evensen (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Norway)
Raanes et al. (2019) revised the iterative ensemble smoother of Chen and Oliver (2013), denoted Ensemble Randomized Maximum Likelihood (EnRML), using the property that the EnRML solution is contained...
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Matthew Levine
Methods from data assimilation, inverse problems, and machine learning have shown exciting potential for transforming biomedicine.
First, I will show how a Bayesian Inverse approach can be used to...
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Eldad Haber (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have recently seen tremendous success in various computer vision tasks. However, their application to problems with high dimensional input and output has been...
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Franca Hoffmann (California Institute of Technology, USA)
We study a class of interacting particle systems that may be used for optimization. By considering the mean-field limit one obtains a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. This equation exhibits a novel...
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Tabea Johanna Polziehn
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Alfonso Garmendia (KU Leuven University)
A natural example of quotient spaces are the ones given by a singular foliation on a manifold. In this case we have a canonical groupoid to model it, the holonomy groupoid.
This talk gives an...
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Claudia Grabs
We consider boundary value problems in linearized elastostatics for isotropic materials. It is known that Dirichlet boundary conditions are strongly elliptic boundary conditions in the sense of...
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Sylvie Monniaux (Université Aix-Marseille), Lutz Weis (Universität Karlsruhe)
14:00 Sylvie Monniaux (Université Aix-Marseille): Maximal regularity and Navier Stokes equations
15:00 Tea and Coffee Break
15:30 Lutz Weis (Universität Karlsruhe): The H∞-calculus and its...
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Alfonso Garmendia (KU Leuven University)
Quotients spaces present a problem in differential geometry, given that usually quotients of manifolds are not smooth. One way to deal with this problem is using Lie groupoids.
Nevertheless, a...
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Wolfgang Löhr (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Markov chains on sets of (finite, graph-theoretic) trees arise in applications, e.g., as evolving genealogical trees in population models or in Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for the reconstruction...
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Mehran Seyedhosseini (Göttingen)
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Patricia Reynaud-Bouret (CNRS / University of Nice, France)
After giving a short introduction to biological neuronal networks and their main properties, I will explain why neurobiologists are interested by functional connectivity, which form a mathematical...
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Konstantin Wernli (Universität Zürich)
I will discuss how to incorporate Atiyah-Segal approach to locality in
quantum field theory – namely, the behaviour of the partition function
under the cutting and gluing – in the perturbative setting....
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Bernhard Fiedler
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Georges Habib (Lebanese University)
Given a Riemannian manifold with boundary, we will establish a new estimate for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions. These estimates are expressed in terms of the...
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Olivier Bouillot (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée)
Mould calculus is a powerful combinatorial tool which has been developed in the
late 80's by J. Ecalle. It often provides some explicit formulae when there are
no other available computational methods.
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Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi (Potsdam)
In the talk I present a Bernstein type inequality for Banach-valued random sums under weak-dependency assumption of general kind on the variables and smoothness assumption on the underlying Banach...
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Armando Cabrera Pacheco, Bruno Premoselli
16:15 | Armando Cabrera Pacheco | Extensions of minimal Bartnik data and the Bartnik mass The Bartnik mass is an important notion of quasi-local mass in mathematical relativity, although it has the... |
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Christian Scholz, Jens Fischer, Florian Fischer
14:00 -14:30 Christian Scholz: Heat Equation and Heat Kernel Bounds on Graphs.
14:45- 15:15 Jens Fischer: Markov Chains and some Stopping Times.
15:15- 15:30 Break. Election of the new PhD...
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Paolo Pigato (WIAS Berlin)
I will review some empirical facts on implied volatility and how they recently led to the introduction of rough (fractional) stochastic volatility models in finance. I will recall some results in...
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Jon Cockayne (University of Warwick, UK)
A fundamental task in numerical computation is the solution of large linear systems, and iterative methods are among the most widely used solvers for sparse linear systems. However, for more...
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Christian Bär
Boundary value problems for the Dirac operator on a Riemannian manifolds are rather well understood. In particular, one has a general description of admissible boundary conditions. The Lorentzian case...
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Alle Studieninteressierten sind herzlich eingeladen zum Hochschulinformationstag der Universität Potsdam. Dort stellen alle Studienfächer ihr Angebot vor. Außerdem sind auf einem Infomarkt die...
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Peter König (Universität Osnabrück)
Are event related potentials, well investigated under laboratory conditions, a signature of cortical processing during natural behavior?
We explore this question with a fully mobile recording setup....
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Wolfgang Maurer, Melanie Graf
16:15 | Wolfgang Maurer | Curvature Flows Without Singularities I'll give an overview of my work on curvature flows without singularities. The concept was introduced by Sáez and Schnürer in '14. They... |
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Thierry Bodineau (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau), Laure Saint-Raymond (École Normale Supérieure, Lyon)
Consider the Hamiltonian dynamics of a system of hard spheres, such as billiard balls or marbles. In the kinetic limit (when the number of spheres tends to infinity), the system is described...
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Alexander Zass
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Giovanni Conforti (Ecole Polytechnique)
In deterministic control, the turnpike property is the fact that optimal solutions consist approximatively of three pieces. The first and third pieces are rapid transitions from the initial state to a...
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Chand Devchand (AEI)
I will review the link between coadjoint orbits of Lie groups and completely integrable flows, concentrating on infinite dimensional Lie groups related to field theory examples.
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Alexander Schmeding (Technische Universität Berlin)
To a Lie groupoid one can associate an infinite dimensional Lie group, the so called bisection group.
These groups are closely connected to the geometry and representation theory of the underlying Lie...
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Linda Khachatryan (Yerevan, Armenia)
We introduce sufficiently wide classes of non-linear functionals preserving normal (Gaussian) distribution and establish various conditions under which a sequence of such functionals is...
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apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Püttmann
Spielend Mathematik lernen – zu diesem Zweck habe ich Modelle, Apparate und Instrumente aus fischer-technik-Teilen entwickelt, die unmittelbar zum Ausprobieren und Experimentieren auffordern. Die...
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Oliver Rinne
Metric extension problems for the static vacuum Einstein equations with prescribed geometric data on an inner boundary 2-surface arise in the context of Bartnik's proposal of a quasi-local mass in...
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Michael Jung
SageMath is an open source variant of Mathematica and useful in various areas in mathematics. For my master thesis, I implement characteristic classes of vector bundles using the ...
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Anna Baccaglini-Frank (University of Pisa)
The talk focuses on mathematical discourse (from a commognitive perspective) in the context of dynamic geometry and algebra software, environments in which one can construct virtual objects which...
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Oleksandr Prykhodko (Kyiv)
We will construct a random walk with specific lagging in point 0 and prove that for appropriate scaling the limiting process is so-called sticky Brownian motion.
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Andrea Spiro (Università di Camerino)
An instanton on a quaternionic Kähler manifold is a connection on a principle bundle, whose curvature is pointwise adapted to the quaternionic structure of the tangent space.
These instantons are...
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Prof. Dr. Willem van Mechelen (VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Niederlande), Prof. Dr. Soyoung Park (DIfE Potsdam / Charité Berlin)
ab 09:40 Uhr: Einführungsvorträge
ab 15:00 Uhr: Hauptvorträge
- Physical activity behaviour: about nature, nurture and beyond
Prof. Dr. Willem van Mechelen
VU University Medical Center Amsterdam,...
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Ernst Kuwert (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
We discuss the problem of minimizing the total squared curvature of compact surfaces in closed Riemannian manifolds. In particular, we present an area bound in terms of the curvature for many...
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Bernd Hofmann (TU Chemnitz), Elena Resmerita (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt)
14:00 Bernd Hofmann: An introduction to regularization theory for inverse problems
15:00 Tea and Coffee break
15:30 Elena Resmerita: Old and new facets of sparsity promoting regularization
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StRin Pauline Linke
„Ich habe heute etwas im Mathematikunterricht entdeckt!“ Diese Aussage hören wir leider viel zu selten von unseren Schülerinnen und Schülern und das obwohl entdeckendes Lernen ein in der...
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Der Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2019 findet auf dem Campus der Fachhochschule Potsdam statt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Seite des Potsdamer Tags der Wissenschaften.
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Claire Voisin (Collège de France, Paris), Christian Gilain (Sorbonne Université, Paris)
Die Euler-Vorlesung 2019 wird von der französischen Mathematikerin Claire Voisin gehalten. Der traditionelle historische Vortrag wird von Professor Christian Gilain gehalten.
Claire Voisin (Collège...
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Alan Carey (ANU, Canberra)
Witten introduced the notion of real spectral flow in the late 1980s in connection with anomalies.
His idea is quite correct but there is a gap in the argument that may be filled in using an extension...
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Edriss Titi (Texas A&M University, USA)
One of the main characteristics of infinite-dimensional dissipative evolution equations, such as the Navier-Stokes equations and reaction-diffusion systems, is that their long-time dynamics...
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11:00 | TBA | Global theory of Fourier integral operators 1 |
13:30 | TBA | Global theory of Fourier integral operators 2 |
15:00 | TBA | Products with vanishing principal symbol |
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Kittisak Tinpun
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Max Lewandowski
The semiclassical model of quantum field theory on curved spacetimes is considered as an intermediate step in the direction of some quantum theory of gravitation, which however already yields...
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Tanja Pasurek (Bielefeld)
We extend the classical Dobrushin's uniqueness criterion to Markov random fields on general graphs and with single-spin spaces that need not be locally compact. As a by-product of the method, we...
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Hans-Joachim Brenner (Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, Erfurt)
Im Kolloquium wird ein seit 2003 durchgeführtes Projekt vorgestellt, das der empirischen Forschung zu-zuordnen ist – eine Fallstudie mit qualitativem Rahmen; Aktions- und Praxisforschung von der...
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Julia Fleischer (Universität Potsdam)
Talk by Julia Fleischer and Markus Seyfried
Das Projekt Kabinettwatch beschäftigt sich mit der Vorhersage der Zusammensetzung des Bundeskabinetts nach einer Bundestagswahl, während der Phase der...
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Viktoria Rothe
Let M be a spatially compact globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold of dimension 4. We will examine under which conditions the Yamabe equation on M has a positive solution for all times in a given...
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Anna Sakovich (Uppsala University), Michael Eichmair (University of Vienna)
14:00 Anna Sakovich (Uppsala University): Mass in Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity
15:00 Tea and Coffee break
15:30 Michael Eichmair (University of Vienna): The isoperimetric problem for...
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Hannah Marienwald (TU Berlin)
Dynamic diversification – finding a set of data points with maximum pairwise distance from a time-dependent sample pool – is an important, but NP-hard problem in many different applications....
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Barbara Kaltenbacher (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt)
Parameter identification problems typically consist of a model equation, e.g. (systems of) ordinary or partial differential equations, and the observation equation. In the conventional reduced...
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Markus Röser, Oliver Lindblad, Áron Szabo
11:00 | Markus Röser | Conic Lagrangian manifold |
13:30 | Oliver Lindblad | Invariant definition of the principal symbol 1
15:00 | Áron Szabo | Invariant definition of the principal symbol 2 |
| | |
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Jeremie Houssineau (University of Warwick)
Although using probability distributions to model uncertainty is by far the most widely accepted approach, it does not come without inconveniences. A basic example of such shortcomings is the...
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Suren Poghosyan (Yerevan, Armenia)
The traditional method for the construction of the limiting Gibbs measure uses the thermodynamic limit of the finite volume correlation functions. These limiting correlation functions are defined...
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Prof. Regina Bruder (TU Darmstadt)
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Christian Bär, Sylvie Paycha
Klasse 9/10: Prof. Christian Bär: Das Färben von Landkarten
Auf Landkarten färbt man die Länder der besseren Übersichtlichkeit halber ein und zwar so, dass benachbarte Länder stets...
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Felix Otto (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig)
In engineering applications, heterogeneous media are often described in statistical terms. This partial knowledge is sufficient to determine the effective, i. e. large-scale behavior. This effective...
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This Workshop is orginised in the framework of the research group linkage between the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Potsdam and the Insitute of Mathematics at the National Academy of...
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Ester Mariucci (Universität Potsdam)
When looking for asymptotic results for some statistical model, global asymptotic equivalence, in the Le Cam sense, often proves to be a useful tool that allows to work in a simpler model. In this...
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Lernen und Erleben wird zunehmend virtuell: Virtual-Reality-Brillen, 360-Grad-YouTube-Videos oder Augmented-Reality Apps sind nicht nur beliebte Freizeitbeschäftigungen, sondern finden auch immer mehr...
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Zoe Wyatt (University of Edinburgh)
A key question in general relativity is whether solutions to the Einstein equations, viewed as an initial value problem, are stable to small perturbations of the initial data. For example, previous...
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Ilya Y. Dodin (Princeton University)
Turbulence has always been a tough subject to study. Interestingly though, typical turbulence equations are similar in form to those that govern nondegenerate quantum plasmas, which are easier to...
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Koordination: Claudia-Susanne Günther
Teilnehmende: | Potsdamer Lehramtsstudierende des Faches Mathematik |
Programm: | Besuch von Mathematikdidaktikseminaren, Begleitung von Tilburger Studierenden im Praktikum, Hospitation im Mathematikunterricht... |
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Diego Lopez (UP)
After recalling basic definitions in the context of locality, we shall prove the equivalence of universal properties with/without locality for
tensor and enveloping algebras.
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Ariane Beier
The scalar wave equation on Schwarzschild spacetime allows physical relevant generalizations incorperating a topological quantum number and fields of higher spin. This talk focusses on the derivation...
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Colloquium in honor of Professor Schulze's 75th birthday
Part of this conference will be a special colloquium on Wednesday, March 6, 2019, in honor of Professor Bert-Wolfgang Schulze who will...
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Prof. Gilles Blanchard, Stefan Mauerberger
Klasse 9/10: Prof. Gilles Blanchard: Einführung in die Kombinatorik
Wie viele unterschiedliche Playlists von 10 Songs kann man aus einer Musikbibliothek von 500 Songs zusammenstellen? Wieso bringt...
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Pavel Hajek (Universität Augsburg)
For a closed oriented Riemannian manifold M, we consider integrals associated to trivalent ribbon graphs decorated with harmonic forms at exterior vertices and the Green kernel G(x,y) at interior...
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Philipp Bartmann
We will discuss aspects of classical interpolation theory including properties of the Hardy–Littlewood maximal function and Marcinkiewicz’s interpolation theorem. Further, we will establish the...
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Hemanth Saratchandran (Universität Augsburg)
The study of hyperbolic knot complements has a long history leading to many exciting results in the field of 3-manifold topology. In this talk, I will present a 4-dimensional analogue of this study....
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Jonas Grünberg
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François Bachoc
We consider a Gaussian process subjected to inequality constraints (for instance boundedness, monotonicity or convexity). These types of inequality constraints correspond to additional information on...
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Koordination: Claudia-Susanne Günther, Karen Reitz-Koncebovski, Peter Klöpping
Weitere Informationen finde Sie in PULS.
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Koordination: Claudia-Susanne Günther, Karen Reitz-Koncebovski, Peter Klöpping
Weitere Informationen finde Sie in PULS.
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PhD Day of the Institute of Mathematics
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Koordination: Claudia-Susanne Günther, Karen Reitz-Koncebovski, Peter Klöpping
Weitere Informationen finde Sie in PULS.
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Tania Kosenkova
In the talk, we present a characterization of the bridges of Lévy processes through a functional equation. This result allows us to obtain stochastic domination for the bridges through unconditioned...
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Simon Hirscher
Montag 11.02. von 10:00 bis 12:00 in
Montag 11.02. von 14:00 bis 16:00 in
Dienstag 12.02. bis Freitag 15.02. jeweils von 10:00 bis 12:00 und von 14:00 bis 16:00 in
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Shane Farnsworth (MPI for Gravitational Physics, Golm)
Many patterns and features in our current models of physics remain deeply mysterious. What determines the symmetries and particle content we observe in experiment for instance? Alain Connes has argued...
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Ester Mariucci
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Part 2: Statistics for jump processes
In the second part of the mini course, we will discuss how to estimate the Lévy measure from...
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Andreas Hermann
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Hanne Hardering
17:00 | Hanne Hardening | Geodesic surface finite elements We study the discretization of maps from a smooth embedded hypersurface into a smooth Riemannian manifold. The discretization is given by a... |
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Jean Bellissard (Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta and WWU Münster), Hans Daniel Lenz (Universität Friedrich Schiller Jena)
14:00 Jean V. Bellissard: Self-adjoint Operators on aperiodic media
15:00 Tea and Coffee break
15:30 Hans Daniel Lenz: Discrete spectrum for topological dynamical systems
Jean V. Bellissard...
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Olga Aryasova & Andrey Pilipenko
10:15-11:00 : A. Pilipenko, On pertubertation of an ODE with non-Lipschitz coefficients by a small noise
We study the limit behavior of an ordinary differential equation with non-Lipschitz...
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Mohammed Lemou (IRMAR Rennes, France)
I will start by giving a short overview of the history around stability and instability issues in gravitational systems driven by kinetic equations. Conservations properties and families of...
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Charlotte Kloft (FU Berlin)
For new medicines to be approved for therapeutic use, three internationally accepted criteria have to be met: efficacy, safety, quality. Yet, in drug development and drug therapy, the complex...
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Ester Mariucci
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Part 1: Why do we add jumps to the Brownian motion?
In the first part of the mini course we will focus on jump processes with independent...
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Andreas Hermann
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Lashi Bandara
We consider first-order elliptic differential operators on a compact manifold with boundary. We show that the kernel of the maximal extension, which coincides with the kernel of its associated Neumann...
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Herbert Balasin (TU Wien)
Using the framework of Colombeau's generalized functions, I will discuss the motion of both the classical as well as the quantum motion of a particle in an impulsive background.
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Christian Scholz
Consider a countable set and a weighted, uniformly locally finite graph. In his paper "Parabolic Harnack inequality and estimates of Markov chains on graphs", Delmotte proves that parabolic Harnack...
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Loïc Foissy (LMPA, Calais)
Typed trees are used by Bruned, Hairer, Zambotti in order to deal with stochastics PDE. We here explore the algebraic structures of these combinatorial objects: prelie products, operadic compositions,...
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Áron Szabo, Markus Röser
11:00 | Markus Röser | Symplectic Vector Spaces, Room H2 |
13:30 | Áron Szabo | Symplectic Differential Geometry, Room H127 |
15:00 | Markus Röser | Lagrangian Manifolds, Room H1240 |
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Francesca Arici (MPI Leipzig)
In this talk I will recall how Pimsner algebras of self-Morita equivalences can be thought of as total spaces of quantum circle bundles, and the associated six term exact sequence in K-theory can be...
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Z03: Tobias Scheffer, Hendrik Gessner
Project Z03
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Lashi Bandara
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Nadine Große (Freiburg)
We consider the Dirac operator on globally hyperbolic manifolds with timelike boundary and ask for well-posedness of the Cauchy initial-boundary value problem coupled to MIT-boundary conditions. This...
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Jan Slovák (Brno, Czech Republic), Nadine Große (Freiburg)
14:00 Nadine Große (Freiburg): Boundary value problems: an approach via bounded geometries
In this talk, we consider boundary value problems on domains with non smooth boundaries. For the Dirichlet...
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Prof. em. Dr. Wilfried Herget (Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg)
… angewandt: Mathematik lernen – wozu soll das gut sein? Eine Antwort darauf ist ein anwendungs- und realitätsorientierter Mathematikunterricht. Er zeigt: Mathematik ist nützlich.
… abgewandt: Doch...
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Jodi Dianetti
A singular stochastic control problem typically describes the situation in which an agent has to choose optimally an irreversible strategy in order to minimize a certain cost functional. In this talk...
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Joachim Gräter, Sebastian Reich
Klasse 9/10: Prof. Joachim Gräter: Zahlenkongruenzen / Chinesischer Restsatz
Frau Noether möchte ihre 21 Schüler großzügig mit Schokoriegeln belohnen. Sie kauft Tüten von Schokoriegeln, bei...
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Pierre del Moral (INRIA Bordeaux)
This talk is concerned with the long time behavior of particle filters and Ensemble Kalman filters. These filters can be interpreted as mean field type particle interpretation of the filtering...
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Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (NTNU Trondheim, Norway)
We will discuss a Faà di Bruno type Hopf algebra encoding the composition of Chen-Fliess series of iterated integrals.
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Alessandra Frabetti (Université Lyon 1)
In perturbative quantum field theory, the renormalization group is a group of formal diffeomorphisms in the powers of the coupling constant, with coefficients built on the counterterms of divergent...
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A01: Wilhelm Stannat, Markus Reiß
Project A01
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Lashi Bandara
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Penelope Gehring (Tübingen)
Mantoulidis and Schoen constructed smooth asymptotically flat initial data sets of dimension 3 with prescribed horizon boundary, whose mass can be made arbitrary close to the optimal value in the...
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Huali Zhang (AEI)
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is the study of the dynamics and magnetic properties of electrically conducting fluids. In this talk, we will give a brief derivation of MHD equations, and also introduce...
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Ksenia Fedosova (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
In this talk, we investigate the behavior of the Eisenstein series, or generalized eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on hyperbolic surfaces. We twist them by a (possibly) non-unitary...
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Undine Falkenhagen
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Dr. Pierre Houdebert
The Widom-Rowlinson model is formally defined as two homogeneous Poisson point processes forbidding the points of different type to be too close. For this Gibbs model the question of uniqueness/...
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Sangeetika Ruchi (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam)
Sequential Monte Carlo methods (SMC) are typically stochastic. Ensemble Transform Particle filter (ETPF) is a deterministic SMC method. It, however, still fails for strongly nonlinear problems, since...
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Niels Kowalzig (Università di Napoli Federico II)
In this talk, we will give an overview of how typical ingredients of cyclic homology theories and (algebraic) operads naturally appear when looking for (higher) brackets on certain cohomology groups,...
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Ludger Scherliess (Utah State University)
Over the past decades physics-based data assimilation models have been used in many areas of science and engineering and have found extensive use in meteorology and oceanography. More recently, data...
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A04: Markus Reiß, Wilhelm Huisinga
Project A04
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Michael Jung
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Felix Finster (Regensburg)
After a brief general introduction to causal fermion systems and causal variational principles, the concept of linearized fields is introduced. Formulating the Cauchy problem locally in so-called...
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Helmut Friedrich (AEI)
In the last 30 years an enormous amount of work has been done on the existence and global structure of asymptotically flat solutions to Einstein's field equations. Many of these contributions are in...
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Piotr Bizoń, Niels Martin Møller
16:15 | Piotr Bizoń | Resonant dynamics in spatially confined Hamiltonian systems The long-time behavior of nonlinear dispersive waves subject to spatial confinement can be very rich and complex because,... |
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Philipp Bartman, Sari Ghanem, Philip Thonke
11:00 | Philipp Bartman | Oscillatory Integrals |
13:00 | Sari Ghanem | Local Theory for Fourier Integral Operators |
14:30 | Philip Thonke | Pseudodifferential Operators |
15:30 | Oliver Lindblad-Petersen | Example: Wave Equation |
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Annalisa Drösemeier, StRin, M. Ed. (Universität Bayreuth)
Die Integralrechnung zählt sicherlich zu den anspruchsvolleren Themengebieten der Schulmathematik. Nicht
selten beschränkt sich der Analysisunterricht dabei auf Formeln und Kalküle, die auswendig...
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Claudia Grabs
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Magda Khalile (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
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Alexander Friedrich
Blood cells and their iconic discoid shape can modelled by closed surfaces minimizing an associated bending energy. I will give a brief introduction to immersed surfaces and discuss what kind of...
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Rosa Preiss (TU Berlin)
This talk is based on a joint paper with Yvain Bruned, Ilya Chevyrev and Peter Friz. There, we revisit (higher-order) translation operators on rough paths, in both the geometric and branched setting....
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Prof. Dr. Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs (Universität Bremen)
Algebra gehört zum Schlüsselbereich mathematischen Arbeitens, der in der Sekundarstufe erlernt wird, aber
für alle weiterführenden Inhaltsbereiche mathematischen Handelns relevant ist. Dabei tun sich...
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Florian Hildebrandt (Hamburg)
Stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) are becoming increasingly popular for modeling phenomena from the natural sciences and finance and thus require statistical methods for their...
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Caroline Wormell (University of Sydney and SFB visiting PhD research fellow)
Many physical problems, most importantly the quantification of climate change, involve estimating the response of a deterministic chaotic dynamical system's statistical equilibrium to perturbations...
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A02: Wilhelm Stannat, Jana de Wiljes, Sebastian Reich
Project A02
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Sebastian Hannes
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Dmitri Vassiliev (UCL London)
We work on a 4-manifold equipped with Lorentzian metric g and consider a volume-preserving diffeomorphism which is the unknown quantity of our mathematical model. The diffeomorphism defines a...
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Lukas Böke (AEI - ETH)
The Berry phase was introduced by Michael Berry in the 80s, and a little later an elegant description in terms of holonomy was observed by Barry Simon. We introduce the Berry phase and the Berry-Simon...
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Felix Lubbe and Andreas Hermann
16:15-17:15 | Felix Lubbe (Universität Hamburg) | A Stability result for Mean Curvature Flow in Lorentzian Manifolds Given a Riemannian manifold M with bounded geometry, we consider its (graphical) mean... |
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Kerstin Palm (HU Berlin), Renate Tobies (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena)
14:00 Renate Tobies, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena
Klein, Hilbert und die Förderung von Frauen in der Mathematik, nebst zu überwindenden Problemen
Mit Felix Klein und David Hilbert entstand...
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Prof. Dr. Nathalie Sinclair (Simon Fraser University, Kanada)
Multiplication is often taught as repeated addition, especially in the early years of school, which leads to challenges for students when they encounter situations in which they have to think...
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Axel Brückner, Jan Metzger
Klasse 9/10: Dr. Axel Brückner: Kegelschnitte
Bei Kegelschnitten handelt es sich um ausgesprochen schöne geometrische Gebilde, die für die Lösung vieler technischer Probleme eine große Bedeutung...
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Henry Kißler (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
The talk gives a broad overview about the Hopf-algebraic renormalization
of Gauge Theories. First, some basic facts about Hopf algebras and
perturbative Quantum Field Theory are recalled. Then, the Hopf...
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Arnaud Doucet (Oxford University)
A novel class of continuous-time non-reversible Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based on piecewise-deterministic processes has recently emerged. In these algorithms, the state of the Markov process...
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B05: Ralf Engbert, Tobias Scheffer
Project B05
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Andreas Hermann
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Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Hamburg)
I will present a new existence and uniqueness result for wave equations with initial data on compact Cauchy horizons. As an application, we prove that any vacuum spacetime containing a compact...
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Marc Hellmuth (Universität Greifswald)
Phylogenomics aims at finding plausible hypothesis about the evolutionary history of gene or species based on genomic sequence information. Genes are passed from generation to generation to the...
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Alexander Friedrich, Sari Ghanem, Felix Lubbe
11:00 | Alexander Friedrich | Wavefront Set 2, Room 127 |
13:30 | Sari Ghanem | Symbols, Room 1528 |
15:00 | Felix Lubbe | Distributions defined by Oscillatory Integrals, Room 1528 |
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Simone Surace (University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and University of Bern)
Perception can be seen as unconscious inference in a dynamically changing environment and formalized as nonlinear Bayesian filtering. A heuristic search for a scalable and biologically plausible...
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César Ojeda (Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS)
We propose a Hawkes point process model for point processes where the excitations are modulated via a Gaussian process prior with a sigmoid link function. This formulation allows for a rich and...
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B03: Ralf Engbert, Sebastian Reich
Project B03
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Jeff Winicour (University of Pittsburgh)
I will review results about linear and nonlinear radiation memory for electromagnetic and gravitational fields and present some new results for the collision of black holes.
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Christian Bär
We will discuss a general approximation theorem which allows to solve overdetermined partial differential relations on an open dense subset of the domain. Let K be a real number. Applications will...
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Florian Fischer (Universität Potsdam)
In the classical potential theory on Euclidean space and in the potential theory of transient Markov chains a unique decomposition of superharmonic functions in a harmonic and a potential part is...
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Dr. Ester Mariucci
It is common practice to treat small jumps of a Lévy process as Wiener noise and thus to approximate their marginals by means of their corresponding Gaussian distributions.
However, results that allow...
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Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Weigand (Universität Würzburg)
Grenzwert- und Ableitungsbegriff sind zentrale Begriffe der Analysis. Die Diskussion um diese Begriffe durchzieht die gesamte Entwicklung der Mathematik und den Analysisunterricht in der Schule seit...
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Ihsane Malass (Uni Potsdam)
We start by discussing Hodge theory on closed manifolds and the solvability of the differential equation du=f for f a given differential form. We then discuss the solvability of such problems on...
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B02: Carsten Beta, Wilhelm Huisinga, Matthias Holschneider
Project B02
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Jérémie Joudioux (AEI)
The Wigner transform was introduced at the beginning of the 30s to understand quantum corrections to classical statistical mechanics. It has then been used in optics to perform analysis in phase space...
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Lashi Bandara
In this talk, I'll have a yarn about ongoing work on the question of BVPs for elliptic first-order BVPs where the boundary is non-compact, whenever the adapted operator on the boundary is essentially...
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Paolo Dai Pra (Università degli Studi di Padova), Pierre-Yves Louis (Université de Poitiers)
14:00 Part I
Popular urn models:interaction and synchronization
(Pierre-Yves Louis)
Urn models have found several applications, from adaptive
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Stella-Isabell Schmidt
Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen
Prof. Dr. Sylvie Roelly, Dr. Tania Kosenkova
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KiP Plätzchen backen - 11.12.2018, 18 Uhr - Küche vom Wohnheim Haus 7
Weihnachtsfeier - 12.12.2018, 18 Uhr -
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Florian Fischer, Christian Scholz, Sylvie Roelly
Klasse 9/10: Florian Fischer / Christian Scholz: Wie viele Wächter braucht ein Museum?
Ein Museum beherbergt viele Kostbarkeiten und sollte dementsprechend gut bewacht werden. Jedoch ist es...
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Jakiw Pidstrigach (University of Bonn)
When sampling measures on Hilbert spaces one option is to first discretize the space and then apply standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. This works but the finer the discretization is, the...
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Elena Saggioro (University of Reading, UK)
The coupling between stratospheric and tropospheric dynamics is currently a topic of major interest [1,2]. In the context of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) summertime, reanalysis data seem to...
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B04: Gert Zöller, Matthias Holschneider
Project B04
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Sebastian Hannes
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Sajad Aghapour (Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, and AEI)
The classical definitions of helicity, spin and orbital angular momenta of the electromagnetic field in free space have been improved in recent years in theoretical optics, stimulated by experiments...
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Cezar Oniciuc, Thomas Körber
16:15 | Cezar Oniciuc (Iași) | Biharmonic immersions in spheres We present unique continuation results for biharmonic maps and then we review classification results for biharmonic hypersurfaces in Euclidean... |
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Christian Rose (Technische Universität Chemnitz)
We show that if the negative part of the Ricci curvature of a compact manifold is in the Kato-class, the Cheeger constant of the manifold can be bounded below by a positive constant. This is obtained...
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Jan Metzger, Oliver Lindblad, Klaus Kröncke
11:00 | Jan Metzger | Introduction and Distribution Densities, Room 0.12 |
13:30 | Oliver Lindblad | The Method of Stationary Phase, Room 2.22 |
15:00 | Klaus Kröncke | Wavefront Set 1, Room 2.22 |
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Peat Schmolke (Känguru-Wettbewerb)
Aufgaben sind ein integraler Bestandteil der Mathematik. Studium oder Grundschule, zu Hause oder im Unterricht, leicht oder schwer: Aufgaben fragen Gelerntes ab, motivieren eine neue Theorie oder...
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Till Brettschneider (University of Warwick, UK)
Mathematical modelling has been key to understanding the mechanics of cell shapes and the theoretical principles behind the complex spatio-temporal biochemical regulation of directed cell motility....
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A06: Manfred Opper, Vladimir Spokoiny
Project A06
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Michael Jung
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Max Lewandowski
Let W be a scalar Hadamard-bisolution for the wave equation on a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold M, then positivity W[φ,φ]≥0 only affects the symmetric part Ws of W, which is essentially...
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Lukas Böke (AEI)
We present a correspondence, established in papers by R. Rüdiger and J. Audretsch, between quantum mechanical equations of motion and classical equations of spinning massive particles in a...
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Siegfried Beckus (Universität Potsdam)
The celebrated Shnol theorem asserts that every polynomially bounded generalized eigenfunction for a given energy E associated with a Schrödinger operator H implies that E is in the L2-spectrum of H....
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Pierre Clavier (Uni Potsdam)
Arborified zeta values (AZVs) are a generalisation to trees of Multizeta values. They can be defined through the branching of the Euler-MacLaurin operator. We will review this construction without...
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Koordination: Claudia-Susanne Günther
Teilnehmende: | 20 holländische Lehramtsstudierende und Dozenten, Potsdamer Lehramtsstudierende des Faches Mathematik |
Programm: | Besuch von Mathematikdidaktikseminaren, Hospitation im Mathematikunterricht... |
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Dr. André de Oliveira Gomes
Homogenization theory studies, roughly speaking, the effects of high frequency oscillations on the coefficients of the solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs for short). In the simplest...
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Claudia Grabs
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Lars Andersson
Noether's theorem states that for a Lagrangian field theory, symmetries of the action gives rise to conserved currents and charges. The most well-known symmetries are those which arise from Killing...
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Jérémie Joudioux (Radboud University and AEI)
We discuss in this talk the proof of the stability of Minkowski space as a solution to the Einstein-Vlasov system. This proof is based on the construction of appropriate commutators with the...
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B06: Yuri Shprits
Project B06
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Dr. Alexandra Suvorikova
Optimal transportation (OT) theory provides a powerful toolbox for data analysis in nonlinear spaces, where nonlinearity appears as an inevitable consequence of complexity of objects of interest (e.g....
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Elke Rosenberger (UP)
The well known theory of the Tunneling Effect for Schrödinger Operators with multi well potential can be generalized to operators acting on smooth sections of a vector bundle over a Riemannian...
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A03: Alexandra Carpentier
Project A03
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Anna Marciniak-Czochra (Universität Heidelberg), Marie Doumic (Inria, CNRS and Sorbonne Université, Paris)
14:00 Marie Doumic: Modelling protein polymerisation: results and open questions
15:00 Tea and Coffee break
15:30 Anna Marciniak-Czochra: Mathematics of stem cells
Marie Doumic: Modelling...
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Jonas Rungenhagen
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William Oçafrain
The goal is to approximate the law of a one-dimensional Brownian motion
conditioned not to cross fleeing boundaries when the time is big enough. To do so,
we will study the quasi-stationarity of the...
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A05: Sylvie Roelly, Alexander Zass
Project A05
14:15-15:45 in Room
16:15-17:45 in Room
Exercises take place Mondays from 16:15-17:45 at 2.25.F0.01.
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Alexander Jende
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Sara Ali Ahmad Khalil
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Irina Engelhardt (TU Berlin)
The presentation gives an overview about experimental and numerical approaches to analyze reactive transport processes in soils and groundwater. Examples of laboratory experiments, lysimeter and...
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Benedikt Jahnel (WIAS)
Abstract: We consider marked point processes on the d-dimensional euclidean space, defined in terms of a quasilocal specification based on marked Poisson point processes. We investigate the...
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Der FSR MaPhy lädt alle StudienanfängerInnen zu einem gemeinsamen Grillabend ein. Auch Studierende höherer Semester und Lehrende sind herzlich willkommen.
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Christian Brouder (IMPMC, Paris VI)
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Kasia Rejzner (University of York)
In this talk I will give an overview of perturbative algebraic quantum field theory (pAQFT), which is a mathematically rigorous framework to study perturbative QFT. In particular, I will focus on...
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Diese Einführungsveranstaltung richtet sich an alle Anfängerinnen und Anfänger der Studiengänge Mathematik Bachelor of Science und Bachelor of Education. Die Institutsleitung, die Lehrkräfte der...
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Medet Nursultanov
We investigate an asymptotic of the eigenvalues of the of the indefinite-weighted Laplace equation, $\Delta u = \lambda P u$, on the Riemannian manifold equipped with a rough metric. Namely, for the...
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Filippo Nuccio (IUT and Institut Camille Jordan, Université de Saint-Étienne)
This will be a colloquium-style talk aimed at presenting to a non-specialist audience the main ideas beneath Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (Ann. of Math, 1995). I will first introduce Frey's...
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Andrew Stuart (California Institute of Technology, USA)
In 1960 Rudolph Kalman published what is arguably the first paper to develop a systematic, principled approach to the use of data to improve the predictive capability of mathematical models. As our...
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Alexander Schmeding (TU Berlin)
Lie groupoids generalise Lie groups and the associated Lie
theory to regimes with symmetries which are not necessarily global in
nature (in the sense of being not induced by a Lie group action). It
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Das Zentrum für Sprachen und Schlüsselkompetenzen (Zessko) bietet während der Semesterferien zahlreiche Workshops zu den Themen Schreiben und Präsentieren an. In der Schreibwerkstatt wird das...
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Uwe Semmelmann (Stuttgart)
The Rarita-Schwinger operator is a twisted Dirac operator. It has several interesting applications in physics and differential geometry. In my talk I will introduce this operator, give some of its...
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Sebastian Hannes, Florian Fischer, Claudia Grabs and Corinna Maier
On this years Math Ph.D. Day we are proud to have four speakers from our institute. They will take us on a tour from Geometric Analysis over Graph Theory to System Biology.
14.00 - 14.30:...
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Tania Kosenkova
Lévy(-type) processes arise naturally as models of a (state dependent) jump behaviour in a wide variety of situations in natural sciences and finance. The topic of this talk is induced by the need to...
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Christian Léonard (Paris)
The Schrödinger problem is an entropy minimization problem on a set of path measures with prescribed initial and final marginals. It arises from a large deviation principle for the empirical...