29.01.2025, 13:00
– Haus 9, Raum 0.17 und Zoom
Forschungsseminar Diskrete Spektraltheorie
Dynamics of the Sturmian Trace Skew Product
Seung uk Jang (Université de Rennes)
Diego López (Uni Potsdam)
In this talk, we will present a locality version of two celebrated structural theorems of Hopf algebras and universal enveloping algebras, namely the Milnor-Moore theorem and the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem. We will start with a gentle introduction to the algebraic formulation of the locality principle, including locality tensor products, locality algebras, locality coalgebras, among other concepts, together with some of their universal properties. We will continue with the statement of the theorems and if time allows it, we will look into some of its consequences.
This is part of my PhD thesis and partially based on joint work with P. Clavier, L. Foissy and S. Paycha.
You are welcome to invite your friends and colleagues to join us! If you wish to attend the talks by Zoom, please contact Sylvie Paycha paycha@math.uni-potsdam.de for the login details.