14.01.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  University of Potsdam, CAMPUS GOLM, Haus 9, Room 2.22
Seminar "Topics in Geometric Analysis"

Xavier Tolsa and Panu Kalevi Lahti

16:15 Uhr Xavier Tolsa (Barcelona) Quantitative estimates for the Riesz transform and rectifiabilty for general Radon measures

A remarkable theorem of Léger asserts that if $\mu$ is a Radon measure in the Euclidean space and $B$ is a ball such that $\mu(B)=r(B)$ (where $r(B)$ stands for the radius of $B$) satisfying the linear growth condition $\mu(B(x,r))\leq C_0 r$ for all $x,r$, and so that the curvature of $\mu$ $$c^2(\mu)=\iiint \frac1{R(x,y,z)^2}\,d\mu(x)d\mu(y)d\mu(z)$$ is small enough, then a big piece of $\mu$ on $B$ is supported on a Lipschitz graph and is absolutely continuous with respect to arc length measure on the graph. In my talk I will present a version of this theorem which involves the $L^2$ norm of the codimension $1$ Riesz transform in the Euclidean space, and I will show an application (by Azzam, Mourgoglou and myself) of this result to an old problem on harmonic measure posed by C. Bishop.

17:45 Uhr Panu Kalevi Lahti (Oxford) A notion of quasicontinuity for functions of bounded variation on metric spaces

Sobolev functions are known to be quasicontinuous, meaning that the restriction of a Sobolev function outside a set of small capacity is continuous. The same cannot hold for functions of bounded variation, or BV functions, since they can have jump sets with large 1-capacity. On a metric space equipped with a doubling measure supporting a Poincar\'e inequality, we show a weaker notion of quasicontinuity for BV functions. More precisely, we show that the restriction of a BV function outside a set of small 1-capacity is continuous outside the function's jump set and "one-sidedly" continuous in its jump set.

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