
25.07.2024, 16:30  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Dirac eigenvalues, hyperspherical radius and applications

Christian Bär (UP)

I will explain an eigenvalue estimate for Dirac operators in terms of the hyperspherical radius of the underlying manifold. When combined with other known eigenvalue estimates this has a number of... 

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18.07.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Witten index and spectral shift function

Florian Hanisch

The spectral shift function is an object from scattering theory. It was invented to describe/compute traces of certain operators and generalizes the notion of spectral flow. It is moreover closely... 

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11.07.2024, 16:15 Uhr  –  1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

LEAN 4 proof assistant: first steps

Christoph Stephan

I will give an introduction to the Lean 4 proof assistant, focusing on basics of interactive theorem proving, dependend type theory and its applications in mathematics. The talk will be suitable for... 

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04.07.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10 und per Zoom
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Timelike Ricci bounds and Einstein's theory of gravity in a non smooth setting: an optimal transport approach

Andrea Mondino (Oxford)

Optimal transport tools have been extremely powerful to study Ricci curvature, in particular Ricci lower bounds in the non-smooth setting of metric measure spaces (which can be been as a non-smooth... 

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27.06.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Fill-ins, Dirac eigenvalues and the hyperspherical radius

Christian Bär (UP)

Let \(M\) be an n-dimensional closed Riemannian spin manifold. A fill-in of \(M\) is a compact (n+1)-dimensional Riemannian spin manifold \(X\) whose boundary is \(M\). If \(X\) has nonnegative scalar... 

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20.06.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Green Operators on Static Spacetimes with Timelike Boundary

Onirban Islam

I shall introduce the Chazarain method to construct retarded and advanced Green operators for a Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime with timelike boundary.

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23.05.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Transgressions of Characteristic Classes

Alberto Richtsfeld (UP)

In this talk I will report on my progress in computing the transgression forms for characteristic classes. First, I will compute the transgression form of characteristic classes of power sum symmetric... 

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16.05.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Rigidity of initial data sets in Minkowski space

Christian Bär (UP)

If M is a spacelike hypersurface of a Lorentzian manifold, then M inherits an induced Riemannian metric g and a second fundamental form q. The triple (M,g,q) is then called the induced initial data... 

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25.04.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie


Lennart Ronge (UP)

Vorbereitung auf das Blockseminar "Geometrie" nach dem Inverted-Classroom-Prinzip.
Indexsatz, Chern-Klassen, Pontrjagin-Klassen (3.4 - 4.3.7 im Skript)

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18.04.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Spinstrukturen und Dirac-Operator

Christian Bär (UP)

Vorbereitung auf das Blockseminar "Geometrie" nach dem Inverted-Classroom-Prinzip.

2.4-2.5.11, 2.5.17-18, Thm 5.1.1 im Skript

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11.04.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Algebraische Grundlagen der Spingeometrie

Christian Bär (UP)

Vorbereitung auf das Blockseminar "Geometrie" nach dem Inverted-Classroom-Prinzip.
Clifford-Algebren, Spingruppe, Spinoren (2.1-2.3 im Skript)

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21.03.2024, 16:15  –  Raum 1.22
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Investigating Fredholm properties of Lorentzian Dirac operators with boundary conditions

Lennart Ronge (UP)

Given a Dirac operator on a Lorentzian manifold with timelike boundary, its Fredholm index (and whether it is Fredholm at all) heavily depends on the boundary conditions that one imposes on the... 

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08.02.2024, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Eta invariants of the Berger spheres

Rebecca Roero

Presentation of an innovative way to compute the eta invariants for the Dirac operator of the Berger spheres. We can use the Atyiah-Patodi-Singer theorem for the index of the classical Dirac operator... 

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18.01.2024, 16:00  –  Raum 14, Haus 9
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Positive mass theorems and distance estimates for spin initial data sets

Rudolf Zeidler (Münster)

We will present variants of the spacetime positive mass theorem in the spin setting: Firstly, its conclusion \(E \geq|P|\) holds for a single asymptotically flat (AF) end in a spin initial data set... 

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11.01.2024, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Hodge theorem for rough metrics

Lashi Bandara

In this talk, I will discuss the Hodge theorem in the context of rough metrics (locally bounded measurable coefficient metrics). This is work in progress with Georges Habib (Beirut).

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14.12.2023, 16:00  –  Room 0.14, House 9
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Rigidity for initial data sets and spacetimes

Jonathan Glöckle (Regensburg)

Initial data sets are pairs of a Riemannian metric and a symmetric 2-tensor on a manifold \(M\). They arise in General Relativity as induced Riemannian metric and induced second fundamental form,... 

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30.11.2023, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Variation of the analytic torsion of the perturbed Laplace operator on a manifold with boundary.

Ihsane Malass

Ray and Singer proved that on a closed manifold the analytic torsion is independent of the choice of Riemannian metric and on a compact manifold with boundary under relative / absolute boundary... 

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23.11.2023, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Parameter optimization in modeling static deformations of elastic membranes with TensorFlow 2.0

Claudia Grabs

The solution of a boundary value problem for static deformations of hyperelastic membranes depends on some constant material parameters describing the elastic properties of the material. These can be... 

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16.11.2023, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Microlocalisation on a manifold with boundary-II

Onirban Islam

Loosely speaking, if two (pseudo)differential operators differ only by smoothing operators then they are called microlocal conjugate to each other. It is a classic result by Duistermaat and Hörmander... 

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09.11.2023, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

An introduction to microlocalisation on a manifold with boundary

Onirban Islam (UP)

Loosely speaking, if two (pseudo)differential operators differ only by smoothing operators then they are called microlocal conjugate to each other. It is a classic result by Duistermaat and Hörmander... 

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02.11.2023, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Price is right? Statistical and Microscopic Properties of Cryptocurrency Trading

Christoph Stephan

The talk commences with an exploration of the fundamental mechanisms of modern electronic exchanges and their statistical properties, setting the groundwork for understanding price formation in crypto... 

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26.10.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The holographic index theorem

Christian Bär (UP)

The holographic index theorem relates the index of a Dirac-type operator on a compact manifold with boundary subject to certain local boundary conditions to the index of an induced operator on the... 

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19.10.2023, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Extracting Hadamard coefficients from Green’s expansions

Lennart Ronge (UP)

Hadamard coefficients are a Lorentzian equivalent to the Riemannian heat kernel coefficients. They encode information about the geometry of the underlying Lorentzian manifold (e.g. the scalar... 

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12.10.2023, 16:15  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Minimal geodescis

Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)

A geodesic \(c : \mathbf{R}\to M\) is called minimal if a lift to the universal covering globally minimizes distance. On the 2-dimensional torus with an arbitrary Riemannian metric there are... 

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29.06.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

On the tameness of the Fréchet space of smooth functions on a compact manifold

Christian Bär (UP)

We give a simple proof of the tameness of the Fréchet space of smooth sections of a vector bundle over a compact manifold.

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15.06.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Introduction to Fréchet Manifolds V

Rubens Longhi

Connections on Fréchet vector bundles and Fréchet Lie groups. [I.4.5-I.4.6]

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08.06.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

What is a jet bundle?

Christian Bär (UP)

I'll give a concise introduction to jet bundles of vector bundles. They allow to treat (higher) derivatives of sections in a coordinate invariant way without the need to introduce connections.... 

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25.05.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Introduction to Fréchet Manifolds IV

Florian Hanisch

Fréchet manifolds and vector bundles. [I.4.1-I.4.4]

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11.05.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Introduction to Fréchet Manifolds III

Christian Bär

Higher derivatives in Fréchet spaces. [I.3.5-I.3.6]

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04.05.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Introduction to Fréchet Manifolds II

Christoph Stephan

Differentiation in Fréchet spaces [I.3.1-I.3.4]

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27.04.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Introduction to Fréchet Manifolds I

Christian Bär

In a series of lectures we introduce some basics for the block seminar on the Nash-Moser inverse function theorem. We start with the definition of and examples for Fréchet spaces and discuss Fréchet-s... 

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20.04.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The APS-Theorem for general geometric operators

Alberto Richtsfeld (UP)

The APS theorem is the extension of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem to manifolds with boundary. While the Atiyah-Singer index theorem holds for all elliptic differential operators, the APS theorem in... 

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02.02.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Fundamental solutions of partial derivatives on a half-space

Onirban Islam

The Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime admits unique retarded and advanced fundamental solutions. They are well-known to be Lagrangian distributions. Recently, Bär and Gehring... 

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12.01.2023, 16:00  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Rarita-Schwinger Operator on the Berger Sphere \(S^3\).

Peter Grabs

We look at \(S^3\) as a Lie Group and its representations, spin structure and Rarita-Schwinger operator. (In preparation to one day compute the Rarita-Schwinger spectrum using representation... 

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15.12.2022, 16:00  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Elastic shells

Claudia Grabs (UP)

Following chapter 10 in the book "Theoretical Elasticity" of A.E. Green and W. Zerna from 1968, we present basic equations for elastic shells. Since the three-dimensional equations for an elastic... 

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01.12.2022, 16:00  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Inversion of Radon transform and applications to microlocal regularity

Rubens Longhi (UP)

We aim at extending the classical notion of smooth wavefront set employing the Radon transform in order to capture different degrees of lack of \(\mathcal{F}\)-regularity of a... 

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10.11.2022, 16:00  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Seeley's 'Complex Powers of an Elliptic operator'

Alberto Richtsfeld (UP)

In this talk, I will review Seeley's groundbreaking paper 'Complex Powers of an Elliptic Operator'. In this paper, he defines complex powers of an elliptic, classical pseudo-differential operator... 

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27.10.2022, 16:00  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Index of Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime with timelike boundary

Onirban Islam (UP)

The Atiyah-Singer index theorem is one of the monumental results in Mathematics of the last century. Various extensions of this theorem in the context of Riemannian geometry are available but a... 

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20.10.2022, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A generalization of the microlocal regularity theorem

Rubens Longhi (UP)

The theorem of microlocal elliptic regularity is useful to determine the singularities of the solution of linear partial differential equations on manifolds. It states that if \(P\) is a linear... 

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28.07.2022, 16:15  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Local index theory for Lorentzian manifolds

Christian Bär

We prove a local version of the index theorem for Dirac-type operators on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds with Cauchy boundary. In case the Cauchy hypersurface is compact, we do not assume... 

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14.07.2022, 16:00  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Geometry of Lie Groups

Christian Bär

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07.07.2022, 16:00  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Order-preserving isomorphisms of algebras of pseudo-differential operators

Alessandro Contini (Leibniz University Hanover)

In 1971 Egorov proved his famous Theorem, stating that conjugating a pseudo-differential operator with an invertible Fourier Integral Operator produces a new \(\Psi\)DO with the same principal symbol.... 

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23.06.2022, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A Gutzwiller Trace formula for Dirac Operators on a Stationary Spacetime

Onirban Islam

A Duistermaat-Guillemin-Gutzwiller trace formula for a Dirac-type operator D on a globally hyperbolic spatially compact standard stationary spacetime \((M,g,Z)\) is achieved by generalising the recent... 

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16.06.2022, 16:00  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

On the spectrum of the Rarita-Schwinger operator on the Berger Spheres

Peter Grabs (UP)

We look at what might be involved in determining the above.

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19.05.2022, 16:00-17:30  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Non-local boundary conditions for the Dirac operator on spacetimes with timelike boundary

Penelope Gehring

Non-local boundary conditions - for example the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer (APS) conditions -  for Dirac operators on Riemannian manifolds are rather well-understood, while not much is known for such... 

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12.05.2022, 16:15-17:45  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Feynman propagators for Wave-type and Dirac-type operators

Onirban Islam

It is a classic result that any normally hyperbolic operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime admits unique advanced and retarded propagators. With the advent of quantum field theory, a new type of... 

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03.03.2022, 16:15  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Why study random Schrödinger operators?

Mehran Seyedhosseini

I will first talk about the relationship between the spectral theory of Schrödinger operators and the dynamical properties of physical systems. I will then motivate the study of the spectral... 

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17.02.2022, 16:15  –  Online via zoom
Seminar Geometrie

Gromov’s cube conjecture II

Artem Nepechiy

Zoom link available at this moodle.

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14.02.2022, 16:15  –  Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Die Pfaff'sche

Dominik Ulrich

Die Determinante ist eine wichtige Kenngröße quadratischer Matrizen und jeder, der auch nur ein Semester Mathematik studiert hat, hat bereits von ihr gehört. Aber wussten sie zum Beispiel, dass die... 

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07.02.2022, 16:15  –  Raum 0.12.
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Heat expansion and eta invariant for certain non-selfadjoint elliptic operators

Alberto Richtsfeld

In this talk, I will present a slightly generalized version of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem for Differential Operators with normal adapted boundary operators. This will lead to a version of... 

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03.02.2022, 16:15  –  Online via zoom
Seminar Geometrie

Gromov’s cube conjecture I

Bernhard Hanke

Zoom link available at this moodle.

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31.01.2022, 16:15  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Wave front sets of different regularity

Rubens Longhi

The usual notion of wavefront set identifies the directions along which a distribution \(u\) fails to be smooth. We present an equivalent definition that makes use of the Radon transform and which is... 

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27.01.2022, 16:15  –  Online via zoom
Seminar Geometrie

The band width estimates

Georg Frenck

Zoom link available at this moodle.

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24.01.2022, 16:15  –  Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Die Klassifikation der Kreuzprodukte

Vanessa Hahn (UP)

Die Definition des Kreuzproduktes auf \(\mathbb{R}^3\) ist uns bekannt. Nun stellen wir uns die Frage, in welchen Dimensionen wir ein solches noch definieren können und welche Eigenschaften dieses... 

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17.01.2022, 16:15  –  Online via zoom
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Møller operators for Dirac fields with MIT boundary conditions

Nicolò Drago (Trento)

Classical and quantum field theories are based on the study of the space of solutions to certain differential operators \(D\) (e.g. the Dirac operator) on globally hyperbolic spacetimes \((M,g)\) -... 

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13.01.2022, 16:15  –  Raum
Seminar Geometrie

The long neck principle

Rubens Longhi

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10.01.2022, 16:15  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Hyperelastic material models II

Claudia Grabs

Besides physical assumptions that need to be made on the energy density function of an hyperelastic material, there are several requirements that arise from the mathematical perspective. In order to... 

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03.01.2022, 16:15  –  Online via Zoom
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The stringor representation of the string group

Matthias Ludewig (Regensburg)

We construct a representation for the string group String(d), realized as a strict 2-group, where by “representation” we mean a continuous strict homomorphism into the strict automorphism 2-group of a... 

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13.12.2021, 16:15  –  Online via zoom
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Global hyperbolicity in general relativity and in less regular theories

Ettore Minguzzi (Florence)

I discuss the properties of global hyperbolicity in general relativity and how its definition should be modified under low regularity assumptions.

Zoom access data are available at this moodle.

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09.12.2021, 16:15  –  Raum
Seminar Geometrie

Spectral estimates for Callias operators

Alberto Richtsfeld

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25.11.2021, 16:15  –  Raum
Seminar Geometrie

Index theory for relative Dirac bundles

Jonas Rungenhagen

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22.11.2021, 16:15  –  Raum
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Faddeev-LeVerrier algorithm

Christian Bär

The Faddeev-LeVerrier algorithm is an algorithm for the computation of the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix. It is slower than Gauss elimination but in contrast to the former it is... 

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18.11.2021, 16:15  –  Raum
Seminar Geometrie

Relative Dirac bundles

Penelope Gehring

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15.11.2021, 16:15  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Boundary value problems for Dirac Operators on graphs

Alberto Richtsfeld

In this talk, I will present the results of my master’s thesis concerning the index and the spectrum of Dirac operators on metric digraphs, which are subject to general boundary conditions. Relying on... 

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11.11.2021, 16:15  –  Online via Zoom
Seminar Geometrie

The classical Dirac operator

Helge Frerichs

Zoom link available at this moodle.

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08.11.2021, 16:15  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Hyperelastic material models

Claudia Grabs

An elastic material, for that the stress tensor field of a certain deformation can be derived as gradient tensor field from a scalar potential function (called strain energy density function) is... 

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04.11.2021, 16:15  –  Raum
Seminar Geometrie

Clifford bundles and Dirac operators

Marten Steuer

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01.11.2021, 16:15  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Cauchy problems of the Dirac-Operator on spacetimes with timelike boundary

Penelope Gehring

Global boundary conditions for elliptic first order differential operators on Riemannian manifolds are rather well understood. Bär-Strohmaier introduced APS-conditions for the Lorentzian... 

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25.10.2021, 16:15  –
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Functorial extension of functional spaces on manifolds and vector bundles

Rubens Longhi

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17.06.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Analyticity of quasinormal modes in the Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes

Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Stanford)

Quasinormal modes are fundamental in the study of wave equations on black hole spacetimes. In this talk, I will explain why the quasinormal modes in the Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes are real... 

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03.06.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

An index theorem on asymptotically static spacetimes with compact Cauchy surface

Michał Wrochna (Cergy Paris Université)

A theorem due to Bär and Strohmaier (Amer. J. Math., 141 (5)) says that the Dirac operator on a Lorentzian manifold with compact Cauchy surface is Fredholm if Atiyah-Patodi-Singer boundary conditions... 

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27.05.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A link between the 2D and 3D elastic moduli for isotropic homogeneous elastic materials

Claudia Grabs (UP)

There are many elastic moduli for isotropic elastic materials, such as the bulk modulus and the Youngs modulus, but they all are related to two basic material parameters, namely the Lamé parameters,... 

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20.05.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Scalar and mean curvature comparison via the Dirac operator

Rudolf Zeidler (Universität Münster)

In recent years, Gromov proposed studying the geometry of positive scalar curvature (psc) via various metric inequalities vaguely reminiscent of classical comparison geometry. For instance, let... 

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29.04.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Weyl laws for regular realizations of elliptic operators

Magnus Goffeng (Lund University)

Using a Bär-Ballmann type machinery, one can describe all realizations of elliptic operators on manifolds with boundary. Classically, boundary value problems are phrased in terms of imposing a... 

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22.04.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Graphical decompositions for higher order boundary value problems

Lashi Bandara (UP)

The graphical decomposition for elliptic boundary conditions, obtained by Bär-Ballmann, is an important characterisation of such boundary conditions.
It allows for deformations of these boundary... 

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15.04.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Eigenvalue estimates involving Bessel functions

Georges Habib (Lebanese University Beirut)

Given a compact Riemannian manifold \((M^n ,g)\) with smooth boundary \(\partial M\), we give an estimate for the quotient \(\frac{\int_{\partial M} f dv_g}{\int_M f dv_g}\) in terms of the Bessel... 

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25.03.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Positive scalar curvature on manifolds with odd order abelian fundamental groups

Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)

We introduce Riemannian metrics of positive scalar curvature on manifolds with Baas-Sullivan singularities, prove a corresponding homology invariance principle and discuss admissible products. Using... 

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18.03.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Index theorems on non-closed manifolds

Mehran Seyedhosseini (UP)

I will talk about an index theorem of Roe for open manifolds and some of its geometric applications. Along the way, we will encounter localised analytic indices of Connes and Moscovici. I will then... 

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11.03.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Linear wave equations on the Schwarzschild black hole spacetime

Ariane Beier (UP)

The radial part of the scalar wave equation (SWE) on the Schwarzschild spacetime can be interpreted and analysed as a Sturm-Liouville problem. Considering a topological quantum number or fields of... 

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11.02.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

About the irreducible Representations of SU(3)

Jonas Rungenhagen (UP)

In this talk, I want to go over some representation theoretical background to introduce the irreducible representations of the special unitary group SU(3). This is motivated by the calculation of the... 

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04.02.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Relative Traces in Obstacle Scattering

Florian Hanisch (UP)

In obstacle scattering, one is interested in properties of the Laplacian
∆ on the complement of a compact set O ("the obstacles") in Euclidean
space. It may be compared with the free Laplacian ∆₀  and... 

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28.01.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Center of mass in general relativity

Alejandro Peñuela Diaz (UP)

We will see different approaches to the problem of defining a center of mass of a system in general relativity, specifically in the setting of the initial value formulation of general relativity. We... 

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21.01.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Splitting of the Jacobi operator for extremal submanifolds with higher codimension

Claudia Grabs (UP)

We consider a Riemannian manifold with an embedded submanifold, which is extremal for some energy functional. For these embeddings, we compare the Jacobi operators corresponding to the different... 

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14.01.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

First order differential operators on spacetimes with timelike boundary

Penelope Gehring (UP)

Boundary value problems for elliptic first order differential operators on Riemannian manifolds are rather well understood. Recently, Bär-Strohmaier introduced APS-conditions for the Dirac operator on... 

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07.01.2021, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Geometric Inverse Problems in Gauge Theory

Chen Xi (Cambridge, UK)

The fundamental interactions of elementary particles are described by the Euler-Lagrange equations in the Standard Model of particle physics. The Yang-Mills equation addresses the electroweak and... 

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17.12.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

L^p-stability and positive scalar curvature rigidity of Ricci-flat ALE manifolds

Klaus Kröncke (Tübingen)

We prove stability of integrable ALE manifolds with a parallel spinor under Ricci flow, given an initial metric which is close in \(L^p\cap L^{\infty}\), for any \(p \in (1, n)\), where n is the... 

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10.12.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Long-time estimates for heat flows on ALE manifolds

Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Stanford)

We consider the heat equation associated to Schrödinger operators acting on vector bundles on asymptotically locally Euclidean (ALE) manifolds. Assuming that the Schrödinger operator can be written as... 

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03.12.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Boundary Value Problems for the Lorentzian Dirac operator

Sebastian Hannes (UP)

I'm going to briefly explain the main problems and results of my thesis and then focus on discussing some examples to show how these results apply, where they they can be extended, and also where they... 

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26.11.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Functorial construction of functional spaces on vector bundles

Rubens Longhi (UP)

A suitable category of vector bundles will be introduced, in which every object is obtained as a limit of trivial vector bundles. Then, a functorial definition for general functional spaces will be... 

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29.10.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

On the Cauchy problem for symmetric hyperbolic systems on globally hyperbolic manifolds with timelike boundary

Simone Murro

The well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for symmetric hyperbolic systems on a Lorentzian manifold is a classical problem that has been thoroughly studied in many contexts. Particularly, if the... 

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16.07.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A relative Cheeger-Gromov rho-invariant and the space of positive scalar curvature metrics on manifolds with boundary

Mehran Seyedhosseini

Secondary invariants associated to positive scalar curvature metrics on closed spin manifolds have been used to study the space of such metrics on a fixed manifold. I will first talk about a result of... 

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09.07.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A long neck principle for Riemannian spin manifolds with positive scalar curvature

Simone Cecchini (Göttingen)

We develop index theory on compact Riemannian spin manifolds with boundary in the case when the topological information is encoded by bundles which are supported away from the boundary. As a first... 

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02.07.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Spectral theory on stationary spacetimes

Alexander Strohmaier (Leeds)

For compact Riemannian manifolds the Gutzwiller-Duistermaat-Guillemin trace formula is one of the standard tools to show Weyl laws, investigate questions of quantum chaos, and prove inverse spectral... 

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25.06.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Self-adjoint codimension 2 boundary conditions for Dirac operators

Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)

Let N be an oriented compact submanifold of codimension 2 in an oriented complete Riemannian manifold M. We assume that M\N is spin and carries a unitary line bundle L. We study the self-adjoint... 

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18.06.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The KO-valued spectral flow for skew-adjoint Fredholm operators

Matthias Lesch (Bonn)

We give a comprehensive treatment of a ‘Clifford module flow’ along paths in the skew-adjoint Fredholm operators on a real Hilbert space that takes values in KO(R) via the Clifford index of... 

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11.06.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

On the evolution of hypersurfaces along their inverse spacetime mean curvature

Markus Wolff (Tübingen)

We introduce a new inverse curvature flow on asymptotically flat Initial Data sets (M,g,K). In General Relativity, such a triple (M,g,K) arises naturally as a spacelike hypersurface of a Lorentzian... 

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04.06.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Functional spaces on manifolds and vector bundles

Rubens Longhi

I will construct the space of distributional sections of general vector bundles and give a general definition for local and compactly supported functional spaces.

Access data at: https://moodle2.uni-p... 

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28.05.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Minimal surfaces, periodic tangling and wrinkly skin

Myfanwy Evans

This talk will introduce the use of geometric ideas in the characterisation and analysis of biophysical systems. Triply-periodic minimal surfaces and their occurrences in nature will provide the... 

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14.05.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Manifolds with many Rarita-Schwinger fields

Christian Bär

The Rarita-Schwinger operator is the twisted Dirac operator restricted to 3/2-spinors. Rarita-Schwinger fields are solutions of this operator which are in addition divergence-free. This is an... 

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30.04.2020, 16:15  –  Online-Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Scalar positive immersions

Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)

As shown by Gromov-Lawson and Stolz the only obstruction to the existence of positive scalar curvature metrics on closed simply connected manifolds in dimensions at least five appears on spin... 

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23.04.2020, 16:15  –  Online Seminar
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Horizons in general relativity

Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Stanford)

Moncrief and Isenberg conjectured in 1983 that any compact Cauchy horizon in a smooth vacuum spacetime is a smooth Killing horizon. We present a proof of this conjecture, under the assumption that the... 

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25.02.2020, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

An approach for geometric counterexamples for the ​​​​​​H^\infty calculus

Lashi Bandara

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06.02.2020, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Das Nadel-Problem von Buffon

Josephine Bommer

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 27

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04.02.2020, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Geometry of minimal elastic energy surfaces with SageManifolds

Claudia Grabs

We show how to compute minimal elastic energy surfaces for rotationally symmetric deformations of annulus shaped reference configurations. The computations are done with the SageManifolds extension of... 

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03.02.2020, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

The Prime Number Theorem

Sylvie Paycha

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30.01.2020, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Das endliche Kakeya-Problem

Benjamin Baron

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 35

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28.01.2020, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Representations of Compact Lie Groups

Jonas Rungenhagen

In this talk, I want to give an overview about the representation theory of compact Lie groups as it has various applications.

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27.01.2020, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Complex Dynamics: The Fatou-Julia-Baker Theorem II

Christian Bär

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23.01.2020, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Zerlegung von Rechtecken

Nazli Mammadova

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 29

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21.01.2020, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Edge-following topological states

Matthias Ludewig (Adelaide)

Recently, physicists have been able to create “topological states” localised on the boundary of a 2D system, which have rather crazy properties: they fill up spectral gaps in the boundary-less 2D... 

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20.01.2020, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Complex Dynamics: The Fatou-Julia-Baker Theorem

Christian Bär

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16.01.2020, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Die Borsuk-Vermutung

Martin Botushev

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 18

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14.01.2020, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Construction of asymptotically hyperbolic electrically charged manifolds

Penelope Gehring

Mantoulidis and Schoen constructed smooth asymptotically flat manifolds of dimension 3 with prescribed horizon boundary, whose mass can be made arbitrarily close to the optimal value in the Riemannian... 

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13.01.2020, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Hardy's Theorem

Markus Klein

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09.01.2020, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Stumpfe Winkel

Josephin Kühne

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 17

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07.01.2020, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Geometric and obstacle scattering at low energy

Alden Waters (Groningen)

We consider the problem of obstacle scattering for the Helmholtz equation with the p-form Laplace Beltrami operator. On manifolds which are asymptotically Euclidean we show resolvent expansions, and... 

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06.01.2020, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Banach Algebras: The Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko Theorem

Lukas Minogue

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19.12.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Simplexe, die einander berühren

Noreen Fischer

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 16

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17.12.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Boundary value problems for the Lorentzian Dirac operator

Sebastian Hannes

We consider the Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime with compact, spacelike Cauchy hypersurfaces. In this setting the Dirac operator is known to be Fredholm and have a smooth solution... 

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16.12.2019, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

The Paley-Wiener Theorem and Hardy's Theorem

Markus Klein

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12.12.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Der Starrheitssatz von Cauchy

Luise Fritsche

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 14

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10.12.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Wavefront set of a distribution

Wai Tung Poon

On the presentation of my scientific project, I am going to show some properties about microlocal analysis. Firstly, I will define some basic notions about the distribution and Fourier transform of a... 

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09.12.2019, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness for the Radon Transform

Andreas Hermann

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05.12.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Drei Anwendungen der Euler'schen Polyederformel

Mara Martin

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 13

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03.12.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Maxwell's Equations on Globally Hyperbolic Spacetimes with Timelike Boundary

Rubens Longhi

We study Maxwell's equation as a theory for smooth k-forms on globally hyperbolic spacetimes with timelike boundary as defined by Aké, Flores and Sanchez. In particular we start by investigating on... 

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02.12.2019, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Fourier Uniqueness via Complex Variables and a Curious Functional Equation

Andreas Braunß

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28.11.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Hilberts drittes Problem: Zerlegung von Polyedern

Hanna Jürß

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 10

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26.11.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A Functional Analytic Index Theorem

Lennart Ronge (Bonn)

Considering a family of self-adjoint Fredholm operators A(t), the equality ind(D_APS)=sf(A) will be shown under certain conditions. Here, sf(A) denotes the spectral flow of the family A, D_APS is the... 

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25.11.2019, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

The Hilbert Transform

Lashi Bandara

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21.11.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Cayleys Formel für die Anzahl der Bäume

Maximilian Tieze

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 33

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21.11.2019, 10:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Ricci flow from Algebraic Quantum Field Theory III

Claudio Dappiaggi (Pavia)

We discuss the freedom in the construction of Wick polynomials for a non linear Sigma model and we introduce the associated renormalization group flow, proving that it coincides with the Ricci flow.

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20.11.2019, 16:30  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Ricci flow from Algebraic Quantum Field Theory II

Claudio Dappiaggi (Pavia)

We apply the algebraic approach to construct the algebra of observables associated to non linear Sigma models. In particular we discuss the notion of Wick polynomials and their realization in terms of... 

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19.11.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Ricci flow from Algebraic Quantum Field Theory I

Claudio Dappiaggi (Pavia)

The goal of the these lectures is to give a rigorous derivation of Ricci flow starting from non linear Sigma models, within the framework of algebraic quantum field theory. In the first talk we... 

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18.11.2019, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

The Riesz-Thorin Convexity Theorem

Siegfried Beckus

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14.11.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Gitterwege und Determinanten

Artem Istranin

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 32

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11.11.2019, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

A Theorem of Beurling

Elke Rosenberger

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07.11.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Wenige Steigungen

René Hintze

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 12

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05.11.2019, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Vector Bundles and Characteristic Classes in SageManifolds

Michael Jung

SageMath ("System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation") is an open source computer algebra system based on Python. It uses various libraries written in R, Fortran, Maxima etc. to realize an... 

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29.10.2019, **16:00**  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Unique continuation for wave equations and applications in general relativity

Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Uni Hamburg)

In a recent paper, Ionescu and Klainerman showed that Killing vector fields on Lorentzian manifolds can be extended using only unique continuation statements for wave equations. Before their work,... 

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24.10.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Geraden in der Ebene und Zerlegung von Graphen

Andrea Hübner

Aigner, Ziegler: Das BUCH der Beweise, Kapitel 11

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22.10.2019, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

On the number of closed geodesics

Hans-Bert Rademacher (Uni Leipzig)

It is an open question whether any Riemannian metric on a compact manifold has infinitely many geometrically distinct closed geodesics. We first revisit results for generic metrics in the case of... 

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15.10.2019, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Twist of the Free Fermion

Saskia Roos

In this talk we study the free fermion in the framework of functional field theory. It turns out that the theory is twisted due to the chiral anomaly of the free fermion. We give a detailed... 

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18.07.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Elliptic boundary conditions in linearized elastostatics

Claudia Grabs

We consider boundary value problems in linearized elastostatics for isotropic materials. It is known that Dirichlet boundary conditions are strongly elliptic boundary conditions in the sense of... 

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15.07.2019, 16:00  –  Raum 2.22
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Around the Relative Index

Mehran Seyedhosseini (Göttingen)

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04.07.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Rarita-Schwinger operator - an introduction

Peter Grabs

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20.06.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Boundary value problems for the Dirac operator on Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds

Christian Bär

Boundary value problems for the Dirac operator on a Riemannian manifolds are rather well understood. In particular, one has a general description of admissible boundary conditions. The Lorentzian case... 

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16.05.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Total squared curvature of surfaces in Riemannian manifolds

Ernst Kuwert (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

We discuss the problem of minimizing the total squared curvature of compact surfaces in closed Riemannian manifolds. In particular, we present an area bound in terms of the curvature for many... 

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02.05.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Hadamard states for bosonic quantum field theory on globally hyperbolic spacetimes

Max Lewandowski

The semiclassical model of quantum field theory on curved spacetimes is considered as an intermediate step in the direction of some quantum theory of gravitation, which however already yields... 

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25.04.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Yamabe problem on Lorentzian manifolds

Viktoria Rothe

Let M be a spatially compact globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold of dimension 4. We will examine under which conditions the Yamabe equation on M has a positive solution for all times in a given... 

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28.03.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Attractors of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon system

Zoe Wyatt (University of Edinburgh)

A key question in general relativity is whether solutions to the Einstein equations, viewed as an initial value problem, are stable to small perturbations of the initial data. For example, previous... 

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28.03.2019, 15:30  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Structure from turbulence, or why you might want to care about plasma physics even if you are not a plasma physicist

Ilya Y. Dodin (Princeton University)

Turbulence has always been a tough subject to study. Interestingly though, typical turbulence equations are similar in form to those that govern nondegenerate quantum plasmas, which are easier to... 

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11.03.2019, 15:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Wave equations on the Schwarzschild spacetime

Ariane Beier

The scalar wave equation on Schwarzschild spacetime allows physical relevant generalizations incorperating a topological quantum number and fields of higher spin. This talk focusses on the derivation... 

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28.02.2019, **15:15**  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Feynman integrals with the Green kernel

Pavel Hajek (Universität Augsburg)

For a closed oriented Riemannian manifold M, we consider integrals associated to trivalent ribbon graphs decorated with harmonic forms at exterior vertices and the Green kernel G(x,y) at interior... 

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26.02.2019, **15:15**  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Complements of 2-tori in closed smooth simply connected 4-manifolds that admit a complete finite volume hyperbolic structure

Hemanth Saratchandran (Universität Augsburg)

The study of hyperbolic knot complements has a long history leading to many exciting results in the field of 3-manifold topology. In this talk, I will present a 4-dimensional analogue of this study.... 

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07.02.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Multiplikative Sequenzen 2

Andreas Hermann

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04.02.2019, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Stability and instability issues for Vlasov-like equations in gravitational kinetic theory

Mohammed Lemou (IRMAR Rennes, France)

I will start by giving a short overview of the history around stability and instability issues in gravitational systems driven by kinetic equations. Conservations properties and families of... 

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31.01.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Multiplikative Sequenzen 1

Andreas Hermann

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31.01.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Infinite dimensionality of kernels of Neumann Laplacians induced by first-order elliptic operators

Lashi Bandara

We consider first-order elliptic differential operators on a compact manifold with boundary. We show that the kernel of the maximal extension, which coincides with the kernel of its associated Neumann... 

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31.01.2019, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Classical and Quantum impulsive Scattering

Herbert Balasin (TU Wien)

Using the framework of Colombeau's generalized functions, I will discuss the motion of both the classical as well as the quantum motion of a particle in an impulsive background.

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24.01.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Die Pontrjagin-Klassen

Lashi Bandara

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24.01.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Cauchy problem for the Dirac operator on globally hyperbolic manifolds with timelike boundary

Nadine Große (Freiburg)

We consider the Dirac operator on globally hyperbolic manifolds with timelike boundary and ask for well-posedness of the Cauchy initial-boundary value problem coupled to MIT-boundary conditions. This... 

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17.01.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Die Chern-Klassen

Lashi Bandara

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17.01.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Asymptotically hyperbolic extensions of Riemannian manifolds

Penelope Gehring (Tübingen)

Mantoulidis and Schoen constructed smooth asymptotically flat initial data sets of dimension 3 with prescribed horizon boundary, whose mass can be made arbitrary close to the optimal value in the... 

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17.01.2019, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 1.63
Seminar Geometry and Physics

An elementary introduction to MHD equations

Huali Zhang (AEI)

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is the study of the dynamics and magnetic properties of electrically conducting fluids. In this talk, we will give a brief derivation of MHD equations, and also introduce... 

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10.01.2019, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Komplexe Vektorbündel

Michael Jung

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10.01.2019, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Causal variational principles and energy estimates for linearized fields

Felix Finster (Regensburg)

After a brief general introduction to causal fermion systems and causal variational principles, the concept of linearized fields is introduced. Formulating the Cauchy problem locally in so-called... 

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10.01.2019, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 1.63
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Asymptotically flat vacuum asymptotics: Things that remain to be done

Helmut Friedrich (AEI)

In the last 30 years an enormous amount of work has been done on the existence and global structure of asymptotically flat solutions to Einstein's field equations. Many of these contributions are in... 

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20.12.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Hindernistheorie

Claudia Grabs

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13.12.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Die Euler-Klasse

Sebastian Hannes

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13.12.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Spacetime diffeomorphisms as matter fields

Dmitri Vassiliev (UCL London)

We work on a 4-manifold equipped with Lorentzian metric g and consider a volume-preserving diffeomorphism which is the unknown quantity of our mathematical model. The diffeomorphism defines a... 

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13.12.2018, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

The Berry Phase: Introduction and Examples

Lukas Böke (AEI - ETH)

The Berry phase was introduced by Michael Berry in the 80s, and a little later an elegant description in terms of holonomy was observed by Barry Simon. We introduce the Berry phase and the Berry-Simon... 

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06.12.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Eindeutigkeit der Stiefel-Whitney-Klassen

Andreas Hermann

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06.12.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Wave equations with initial data on compact Cauchy horizons

Oliver Lindblad Petersen (Hamburg)

I will present a new existence and uniqueness result for wave equations with initial data on compact Cauchy horizons. As an application, we prove that any vacuum spacetime containing a compact... 

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29.11.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Universelle Bündel

Peter Grabs

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29.11.2018, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Radiation Memory

Jeff Winicour (University of Pittsburgh)

I will review results about linear and nonlinear radiation memory for electromagnetic and gravitational fields and present some new results for the collision of black holes.

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29.11.2018, 16:15  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Counter-intuitive existence and approximation results

Christian Bär

We will discuss a general approximation theorem which allows to solve overdetermined partial differential relations on an open dense subset of the domain. Let K be a real number. Applications will... 

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22.11.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Graßmann-Mannigfaltigkeiten

Saskia Roos

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22.11.2018, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Introduction to the Wigner transform

Jérémie Joudioux (AEI)

The Wigner transform was introduced at the beginning of the 30s to understand quantum corrections to classical statistical mechanics. It has then been used in optics to perform analysis in phase space... 

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22.11.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

First-order elliptic boundary value problems for manifolds with non-compact boundary

Lashi Bandara

In this talk, I'll have a yarn about ongoing work on the question of BVPs for elliptic first-order BVPs where the boundary is non-compact, whenever the adapted operator on the boundary is essentially... 

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15.11.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Erste Anwendungen von Stiefel-Whitney-Klassen

Sebastian Hannes

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15.11.2018, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Helicity and spin in Maxwell theory and linearized gravity

Sajad Aghapour (Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, and AEI)

The classical definitions of helicity, spin and orbital angular momenta of the electromagnetic field in free space have been improved in recent years in theoretical optics, stimulated by experiments... 

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08.11.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Axiomatische Einführung von Stiefel-Whitney-Klassen

Michael Jung

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08.11.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Positivity of scalar Hadamard-bisolutions for the wave equation on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds

Max Lewandowski

Let W be a scalar Hadamard-bisolution for the wave equation on a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold M, then positivity W[φ,φ]≥0 only affects the symmetric part Ws of W, which is essentially... 

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08.11.2018, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Using the geometric optics approach to connect the Dirac equation to the linearised MPD equations

Lukas Böke (AEI)

We present a correspondence, established in papers by R. Rüdiger and J. Audretsch, between quantum mechanical equations of motion and classical equations of spinning massive particles in a... 

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01.11.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Konstruktion von Vektorbündeln

Claudia Grabs

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01.11.2018, 11:00  –  Albert-Einstein-Institut, Raum 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Conservation laws for spinning fields

Lars Andersson

Noether's theorem states that for a Lagrangian field theory, symmetries of the action gives rise to conserved currents and charges. The most well-known symmetries are those which arise from Killing... 

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01.11.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The stability of Minkowski space as a solution to the Einstein-Vlasov system

Jérémie Joudioux (Radboud University and AEI)

We discuss in this talk the proof of the stability of Minkowski space as a solution to the Einstein-Vlasov system. This proof is based on the construction of appropriate commutators with the... 

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25.10.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Charakteristische Klassen: Einführung in Vektorbündel

Peter Grabs

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13.09.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Eigenvalue asymptotic for weighted Laplacians on rough Riemannian manifolds with boundary

Medet Nursultanov

 We investigate an asymptotic of the eigenvalues of the of the indefinite-weighted Laplace equation, $\Delta u = \lambda P u$, on the Riemannian manifold equipped with a rough metric. Namely, for the... 

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19.07.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The kernel of the Rarita-Schwinger operator on Riemannian spin manifolds

Uwe Semmelmann (Stuttgart)

The Rarita-Schwinger operator is a twisted Dirac operator. It has several  interesting applications in physics and differential geometry. In my talk I will introduce this operator, give some of its... 

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16.07.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

How close are two Lévy(-type) processes?

Tania Kosenkova

Lévy(-type) processes arise naturally as models of a (state dependent) jump behaviour in a wide variety of situations in natural sciences and finance. The topic of this talk is induced by the need to... 

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12.07.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Yamabe problem on Lorentzian manifolds

Viktoria Rothe

 In this talk we will consider the Yamabe equation on 4-dimensional globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds. We will discuss some different approaches how one could get a positive global solution to... 

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09.07.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik


Markus Klein


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05.07.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Linearized elastic shell theory

Claudia Grabs

The total elastic energy is an extrinsic geometric functional for an embedding of some body manifold into an ambient space. We want to compute the first and second variation of this extrinsic... 

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02.07.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Forschung der AG Mathematische Physik I

Elke Rosenberger


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18.06.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Non classical analysis: from rough paths to regularity structures

Youness Boutaib


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14.06.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Outermost apparent horizons with non-trivial topology

Mattias Dahl

It is a well known fact that outermost apparent horizons must allow metrics of positive scalar curvature. It is conceivable that this is also the only restriction on a bounding manifold to be an... 

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04.06.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Finite- and infinite-dimensional random dynamics and their equilibrium states

Sylvie Roelly

We first consider random diffusions with geometrical constraints and the problem of their convergence towards stationary states. Then we extend the framework to infinitely many interacting diffusions.... 

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31.05.2018, 16:15
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

First-order elliptic boundary value problems beyond self-adjoint induced boundary operators

Lashi Bandara

The Bär-Ballmann framework is a comprehensive framework for considering elliptic boundary value problems for first-order elliptic operators on manifolds with compact and smooth boundary, provided... 

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28.05.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Locality and renormalisation

Sylvie Paycha


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17.05.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Boundary Value Problems for the Lorentzian Dirac Operator

Sebastian Hannes (Potsdam)

We will discuss some progress and some failures in the treatment of (Pseudo-)local boundary conditions for the Lorentzian Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime.

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14.05.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Improving Hardy's inequality

Matthias Keller

About 100 years ago Hardy proved his famous inequality. Since then such inequalities have been proven in various contexts. We address the question of not only proving a sharp constant but also the... 

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07.05.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

How to plant a bubble tree

Alexander Friedrich


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03.05.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Gromov’s weak flexibility lemma

Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)

Jet bundles and partial differential relations allow a coordinate free characterisation of many topological and geometric structures, including immersions and submersions, symplectic and contact... 

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30.04.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Variational Problems in Extrinsic Geometry Part I: The Isoperimetric Problem

Jan Metzger


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26.04.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index on manifolds with non-compact boundary

Maxim Braverman (Northeastern Univ., Boston, USA)

We study the index of the APS boundary value problem for a strongly Callias-type operator D on a complete Riemannian manifold M. We use this index to define the relative eta-invariant of two strongly... 

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23.04.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

The Positive Mass Conjecture for closed Riemannian manifolds

Andreas Hermann

The Positive Mass Conjecture for asymptotically flat Riemannian manifolds is a famous problem in geometric analysis which has been open for a long time and seems to have been solved in recent work by... 

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19.04.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Symmetry of the Hadamard coefficients for a formally self-adjoint, normally hyperbolic operator on a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold

Max Lewandowski

In the case of the Klein-Gordon field on Minkowski space a certain linear combination of the 4 standard fundamental solutions (advanced, retarded, Feynman and anti-Feynman propagator) yields a... 

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16.04.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Index theory on spacetimes

Christian Bär

We will give a survey on recent developments in index theory on spacetimes and discuss open problems.

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12.04.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A nonlocal generalization of Green hyperbolic operators

Christopher Fewster (York, England)

I describe how Bär's theory of Green hyperbolic partial differential operators can be generalized to nonlocal operators, where the nonlocality is confined to a compact spacetime region. Operators of... 

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08.02.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Symmetric spaces

Florian Hanisch

[1, Ch. 7F]

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08.02.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem: A status report

Volker Branding (Universität Wien)

We will discuss the functional of the supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model as a geometric variational problem. Its critical points couple the harmonic map equation to spinor fields, these became known... 

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05.02.2018, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Harmonic Maps with Values in Lie Groups

Chandrashekar Devchand

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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01.02.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Curvature of homogeneous spaces

Claudia Grabs

[1, Ch. 7C]

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29.01.2018, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Regularity of Weakly Stationary Maps with Values in the Sphere

Jan Metzger

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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25.01.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Riemannian homogeneous spaces

Christian Bär

[1, Ch. 7B, incl. proof of Thm. 7.19], see also [2, p. 176]

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25.01.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Global existence of wave maps and some generalizations on expanding spacetimes

Klaus Kröncke (Hamburg)

We prove the global existence of wave maps with small initial data on globally hyperbolic manifolds of arbitrary dimension which satisfy a suitable growth condition. In addition, we also prove a... 

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22.01.2018, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Lorentz Spaces / Wente Inequality refined

Sylvie Paycha / Florian Hanisch

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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18.01.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Examples of homogeneous manifolds

Sebastian Hannes

[3, 3.65-3.68]

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18.01.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Yamabe problem on Lorentzian manifolds

Viktoria Rothe

We will consider the Yamabe Problem on globally hyperbolic spatially compact Lorentzian manifolds (M,g) of dimension 4: Given a Lorentzian metric g on M, find a metric conformal to g with constant... 

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15.01.2018, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Hardy Spaces

Markus Klein

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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11.01.2018, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Invariant differential operators

Vít Tuček (Prag)

It is well known that Laplace and Dirac operators on $\mathbb{R}^{p, q}$ admit strictly larger Lie algebra of symmetries than just the orthogonal ones, namely they are invariant with respect to... 

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11.01.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Homogeneous manifolds 2

Andreas Hermann

[3, 3.58-3.64]

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08.01.2018, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Wente Inequality

Alexander Friedrich

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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04.01.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Homogeneous manifolds

Andreas Hermann

[3, 3.58-3.64]

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04.01.2018, 16:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Symmetry of the Hadamard coefficients for a formally self-adjoint, normally hyperbolic operator on a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold

Max Lewandowski

We will start with the case of operators with analytic coefficients and show that the Hadamard series in some point converges in some open neighborhood of that point. In that neighborhood the symmetry... 

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18.12.2017, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Weak Compactness and Regularity of Harmonic Maps with Values in the Sphere

Jan Metzger

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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14.12.2017, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Adjoint representation and bilinear operations

Andreas Hermann

[3, 3.44-3.57]

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14.12.2017, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Minimal elastic energy surfaces

Claudia Grabs

Starting with a relaxed elastic shell, any deformation yields certrain stresses inside the material. In the static case, equilibrium configurations for a given deformation of the boundary are obtained... 

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11.12.2017, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Harmonic Maps with Values in Lie Groups 2

Sara Azzali

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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07.12.2017, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Continuous homomorphisms and closed subgroups

Philipp Bartmann

[3, 3.38-3.43]

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07.12.2017, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Boundary Value Problems for the Lorentzian Dirac Operator

Sebastian Hannes

On a globally hyperbolic spacetime the Lorentzian Dirac Operator under APS boundary conditions is Fredholm and its kernel consists of smooth spinors. We will discuss a certain class of boundary... 

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04.12.2017, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Harmonic Maps with Values in Lie Groups 1

Florian Hanisch

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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30.11.2017, 14:15
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Exponential map

Viktoria Rothe

[3, 3.29-3.37]

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30.11.2017, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The local version of the Lorentzian index theorem

Christian Bär

The Atiyah-Singer index theorem for Dirac operators D on compact Riemannian spin n-manifolds can be proved using the heat kernels of D*D and of DD*.  Namely, one easily sees that


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27.11.2017, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Sphere-Valued Maps and the Bäcklund Transformation

Alexander Friedrich

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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23.11.2017, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Coverings and simply-connected Lie groups

Claudia Grabs

[3, 3.22-3.28]

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16.11.2017, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Regularized Hadamard Expansion

Margarita Kraus (Mainz)

A local expansion of a distributional bisolution of the Klein Gordon equation is proposed. This expansion is given by sequences of functions, which satisfy certain transport equations. These equations... 

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16.11.2017, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Lie subgroups

Florian Hanisch

[3, 3.17-3.21]

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13.11.2017, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Sobolev Spaces and the Variational Approach

Elke Rosenberger

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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06.11.2017, 16.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Conservation Laws for Harmonic Maps 2

Philip Thonke

This semester we will study the first chapters of the book "Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames" by Frédéric Hélein.

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02.11.2017, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Homomorphisms

Max Lewandowski

[3, 3.13-3.16]

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02.11.2017, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Supersymmetric Path Integrals (I)

Florian Hanisch

Integration over the space of superpaths, associated to a Riemannian manifold, plays an important role in the path integral approach to the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. This is indeed equivalent to... 

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26.10.2017, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Constructing temporal functions and isometric embeddings of Lorentzian manifolds

Olaf Müller (HU Berlin)

In the last years, several new methods for the construction of temporal functions with specified geometric properties on a given spacetime have been developed. In this talk, a selection of them is ... 

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26.10.2017, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminar Geometrie

Lie groups and homogeneous spaces: Lie groups and their Lie algebras

Sebastian Hannes

[3, 3.1-3.12]

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19.10.2017, 16:15  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Dirac eigenvalues under codimension one collaps

Saskia Roos (Bonn)

After giving a characterization of a collaps of codimension one we study the behavior of Dirac eigenvalues in that situation. We show that there are converging eigenvalues if and only if there is an... 

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20.07.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Solutions to the linearized Einstein constraint equations

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

Any closed Riemannian manifold which has vanishing scalar curvature is a solution to the relativistic vacuum constraint equations. Examples include the flat torus and certain Berger spheres. If the... 

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13.07.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Linear wave equations with initial data on compact Cauchy horizons

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

When studying wave equations in a region of a curved spacetime, one usually assumes that the region satisfies certain causality conditions. Expressed in mathematical terms, one assumes that the region... 

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06.07.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

A General Definition of Conserved Quantities in General Relativity

Sajad Aghapour (IPM, Teheran)

In this talk I will review a paper by Zoupas and Wald which summarizes the proposal for a general definition of "conserved quantities" in General Relativity and other theories of gravity developed by... 

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22.06.2017, 16:15  –  Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Heat kernel estimates for general boundary problems

Alexander Strohmaier

The heat kernel in a domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions satisfies so-called “not feeling the boundary estimates”. These reflect the locality of the heat expansion and can for example be derived... 

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22.06.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Introduction to conformal Killing forms

Andreas Hermann

Conformal Killing p-forms are a generalization of conformal Killing vector fields on semi-Riemannian manifolds. In this talk we review some known properties of conformal Killing p-forms. We describe... 

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14.06.2017, 15:30 Uhr  –  Albert Einstein Institute, Room 0.01
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Applications of PDE compatibility complexes in relativity

Igor Khavkine

I will discuss the Killing operator (K_{ab}[v] = \nabla_a v_b + \nabla_b v_a) on a (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold as an overdetermined PDE and its (formal) compatibility complex. It has been observed... 

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08.06.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Potentials and conservation laws

Lars Andersson

I will discuss how Hertz potentials can be used to construct conservation laws for massless fields including Maxwell and linearized gravity.

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08.06.2017, 16:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Ein Indexsatz für homogene Räume

Christian Bär

Ich werde erklären, wie sich der Fredholm-Index eines äquivarianten elliptischen Operators über einem homogenen Raum darstellungstheoretisch berechnen lässt.

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01.06.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Electromagnetic duality in linearized gravity

Cedric Troessaert

I will review how, in the Hamiltonian formalism, one use a double potential formalism to obtain a manifestly duality invariant description of linearized gravity.

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01.06.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Foundations on elliptic operators on compact manifolds

Max Lewandowski

After establishing some important basics about pseudo differential operators we will construct a parametrix for elliptic operators on compact manifolds, which allows several conclusions, e.g. elliptic... 

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18.05.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Einführung in die Spin-Geometrie: Analytische Grundlagen

Max Lewandowski

Dirac-Operator auf riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten, Elliptizität, wesentliche Selbstadjungiertheit, Diskretheit des Spektrums

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11.05.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Einführung in die Spin-Geometrie: Geometrische Grundlagen

Andreas Hermann

Hauptfaserbündel, assoziierte Vektorbündel, Spinorbündel, Clifford-Multiplikation und Zusammenhang auf dem Spinor-Bündel

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04.05.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Einführung in die Spin-Geometrie: Algebraische Grundlagen

Sebastian Hannes

Clifford-Algebren, Clifford-Multiplikation, Pin-Gruppe, Spin-Gruppe, Spinor-Darstellung, invariantes inneres Produkt

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26.04.2017, 10:15-11:45  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Mass-like invariants for asymptotically hyperbolic metrics

Mattias Dahl

Asymptotically Euclidean and asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds have mass invariants computed at infinity. These invariants have the interpretation as the total mass of the manifold as a slice of... 

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20.04.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Cauchy-Problem for fundamental solutions of formally self-adjoint wave operators on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds

Max Lewandowski

We start by discussing under which circumstances a fundamental solution can be restricted to a spacelike Cauchy hypersurface so that the corresponding Cauchy problem is well-posed which will demand... 

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20.04.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Symmetries and hidden symmetries of Maxwell theory

Lars Andersson

Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism is a relativistic field theory on Minkowski space, and is symmetric under the 10-dimensional Poincare group of isometries of Minkowski space. However, it admits... 

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23.03.2017, 16:00-17:30  –  Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Geometric singularities and a flow tangential to the Ricci flow

Lashi Bandara

In 2012, Gigli and Mantegazza introduced a new geometric flow via heat kernels. They demonstrated that this flow is tangential to the Ricci flow in a suitable weak sense for smooth, compact Riemannian... 

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09.02.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Der Fall positiver Eulerzahl

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

Der Fall positiver Eulerzahl

[CK, S. 148-156]

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09.02.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The curl operator on odd-dimensional manifolds

Christian Bär

We study the spectral properties of curl, a linear differential operator of first order acting on differential forms of appropriate degree on an odd-dimensional closed oriented Riemannian manifold. In... 

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02.02.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Harnack-Ungleichung

Jonas Rungenhagen


[CK, S. 143-148]

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02.02.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Konforme Geodäten im Cartankalkül

Daniel Platt

Ein Cartan-Zusammenhang ist eine 1-Form, die dieselben Invarianzeigenschaften wie ein Hauptfaserbündel-Zusammenhang hat und zusätzlich einen absoluten Parallelismus (in eine geeignete Lie-Algebra) in... 

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31.01.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Introduction to Supergravity

Olof Ahlén

Supersymmetry has been a very active research area in both elementary particle physics as well as models for quantum gravity. In this talk, I will outline the motivation for analyzing supersymmetric... 

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30.01.2017, 16:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Geometric asymptotics: Cross index and Maslov class

Sara Azzali

Guillemin-Sternberg, Chapter IV, §3

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26.01.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Abschätzungen für die Krümmung und ihre Ableitung

Sebastian Hannes

Abschätzungen für die Krümmung und ihre Ableitung

[CK, S. 137u.-143]

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26.01.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Spectral flow and the Riesz stability of the Atiyah-Singer Dirac operator under bounded perturbations of local boundary conditions

Lashi Bandara

We study the Atiyah-Singer Dirac operator on smooth Riemannian Spin manifolds with smooth compact boundary. Under lower bounds on injectivity radius and bounds on the Ricci curvature and its first... 

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23.01.2017, 16:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Geometric asymptotics: Cross index and Maslov class

Sara Azzali

Guillemin-Sternberg, Chapter IV, §3


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19.01.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Flächenentropie

Alexander Friedrich


[CK, S. 133-137]

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19.01.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Index of the Dirac Operator on Lorentzian Spacetime

Sebastian Hannes

We will prove Fredholm property of the Dirac operator on a globally hyperbolic spacetime under generalized APS boundary conditions and their deformations. Then we can derive relative index formulas... 

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12.01.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Vorbereitung und Strategie im Fall positiver Eulerzahl

Christian Bär

Vorbereitung und Strategie im Fall positiver Eulerzahl

[CK, S. 128-132]

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12.01.2017, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

First variation of the mass of a closed Riemannian manifold

Andreas Hermann

Let (M,g) be a closed Riemannian manifold such that all eigenvalues of the conformal Laplace operator L_g are strictly positive and such that g is flat on an open neighborhood of a point p. The... 

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05.01.2017, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Ricci-Solitonen

Claudia Grabs


[CK, S. 112, 116-119], [CLT]

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15.12.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Konvergenz im Fall Eulerzahl = 0

Andreas Hermann

Konvergenz im Fall Eulerzahl = 0

[CK, S. 123u.-128]

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15.12.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The geometry of semiclassical limits on regular Dirichlet spaces

Batu Güneysu

In this talk, I will first explain how one can reformulate the known semiclassical limit results for the heat trace of Schrödinger operators on Riemannian manifolds and infinite weighted graphs in a... 

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13.12.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Higher conserved currents

Igor Khavkine

A conserved current for a PDE in $n$-variables can be thought of as a field dependent $(n-1)$-form that is closed on solutions. A similar definition can also be made in other form degrees. A field... 

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08.12.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Konvergenz im Fall negativer Eulerzahl

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

Konvergenz im Fall negativer Eulerzahl

[CK, S. 120-123]

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29.11.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Action principles and conserved currents, continued

Lars Andersson

I will introduce the notions of Noether current and Noether charge for a Lagrangian field theory.

Lee and Wald, Local symmetries and constraints, JMP 1990
Iyer and Wald, Some properties of... 

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24.11.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Krümmungspotential und Krümmungsschranken

Andreas Hermann

Krümmungspotential und Krümmungsschranken

[CK, S. 112 (ab (5.8))-115]

fortgesetzt am 1.12.2016

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22.11.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

A short introduction to the basics of the Noether theorem and its application

Michael Jung

I will start with an infinitesimal symmetry transformation as a diffeomorphism and derive the Noether-current. The setting is a compact domain in the flat space and just with one scalar field and one... 

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17.11.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Krümmungsevolution

Viktoria Rothe


[CK, S. 109u.-111]

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17.11.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Zeta Functions and Mass of Conformal Differential Operators

Matthias Ludewig

I will explain the relation between the Green’s function of a Laplace type operator and its zeta function. In particular, we will see that the constant term in the asymptotic expansion (which is often... 

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15.11.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Action principles and conserved currents

Lars Andersson

I will introduce, and give examples of, the notions of symplectic potential current, symplectic current, and Noether current for a Lagrangian field theory with local symmetries.
Lee and... 

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10.11.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Konforme Änderung der Metrik

Max Lewandowski

Konforme Änderung der Metrik

[CK, S. 107-109]

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03.11.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Maximumprinzip

Sebastian Hannes


[CK S. 93-96]

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03.11.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

On the construction of the Green operators and of the ground state for a massive scalar field theory in AdS

Claudio Dappiaggi

We consider a real, massive scalar field on the Poincaré domain of the (d+1)-dimensional AdS spacetime. Since the background is not globally hyperbolic, first we determine all admissible boundary... 

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01.11.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian field theory

Florian Hanisch

We will briefly review some basic ideas of the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian approach to classical field theory, including some examples. We will keep the talk at an elementary level (sometimes with... 

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27.10.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometrie

Ricci-Fluss auf Flächen: Einführung

Christian Bär

Einführung und Vergabe der Vorträge

[B], [CK, S. 105]


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27.10.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Cauchy problem for the linearised Einstein equation

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

In this talk we discuss the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the linearised Einstein vacuum equation on arbitrary globally hyperbolic vacuum spacetimes. The solution space of the linearised... 

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19.10.2016, 10:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

An analogue of the Coleman-Mandula theorem for QFT in curved spacetimes

Chris Fewster

The Coleman--Mandula (CM) theorem states that the Poincaré and internal symmetries of a Minkowski spacetime quantum field theory cannot combine nontrivially in an extended symmetry group. In this talk... 

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18.10.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Supersymmetry and the Duistermaat-Heckmann-formula in finite dimensions

Florian Hanisch

The first session of the seminar will consist of 2 parts:

1) Discussion of the program for the semester.

2) Talk by F. Hanisch: Supersymmetry and the Duistermaat-Heckmann-formula in finite... 

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14.07.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Boundary value problems for Dirac operators

Sebastian Hannes

The talk deals with boundary value problems for dirac type operators on a complete Riemannian manifold with compact boundary. After a short introduction to Dirac operators on Riemanian manifolds,... 

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30.06.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Dirac operators on foliations

Ken Richardson

Given a foliation on a closed Riemannian manifold, the transversal Dirac operator is a Dirac operator that differentiates only in the directions normal to the foliation and is thereby transversally... 

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30.06.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem

Matthias Ludewig, Florian Hanisch

The seminar will have two parts,

Matthias Ludewig: Finite dimensional approximation of path integrals (continuation).

Florian Hanisch: Supersymmetry and the Duistermaat-Heckman formula.


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29.06.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Gamma-structures on symmetric spaces

Bernhard Hanke

Gamma-structures are weak forms of multiplications on closed oriented manifolds. As shown by Hopf the rational cohomology algebras of manifolds admitting Gamma-structures are free over odd degree... 

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27.06.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Gromov-Hausdorff distance

Florian Hanisch

[Shioya 3.2]

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23.06.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Discretisation of path integrals

Matthias Ludewig

We will describe different ways of discretising path integrals and compare different metrics on the (discrete) path space. Moreover, we will discuss different boundary conditions for path (fixed... 

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20.06.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Hausdorff distance

Florian Hanisch

[Shioya, 3.1]

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13.06.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Spectrum of the Laplacian

Matthias Ludewig

[Shioya 2.6]
Eigenvalue estimates in terms of separation distance

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09.06.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The scalar wave equation with(out) topological charge on Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström black hole spacetimes

Ariane Beier

The aim of this talk is to present the results of the analysis of the separated solutions of the scalar wave equation with and without topological charge on Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström black... 

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09.06.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem

Florian Hanisch

This talk will focus on supergeodesics.

Witten's heuristic proof of the index theorem using supergeometry is well known but still not fully mathematically understood. We present the approaches to the... 

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02.06.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem: Finite dimensional approximation

Lars Andersson

This talk will focus on finite dimensional approximations of path integrals.

Witten's heuristic proof of the index theorem using supergeometry is well known but still not fully mathematically... 

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30.05.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Manifolds with positive Ricci curvature

Phillip Thonke

[Shioya 2.5]
Bounds for observable diameter, more examples of Levy families

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26.05.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

On the positive mass conjecture for closed Riemannian manifolds

Andreas Hermann

Let (M,g) be a closed Riemannian manifold such that all eigenvalues of the conformal Laplace operator L_g of g are strictly positive and such that g is flat on an open neighborhood of a point p. The... 

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23.05.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Separation distance

Sara Azzali

[Shioya 2.4 plus Thm 2.31 without proof and Lemma 2.32 with proof]
Relation between separation distance and observable diameter, Levy-Gromov isoperimetric inequality

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19.05.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Semilinear wave equations and the Yamabe problem on Lorentzian manifolds

Viktoria Rothe

In this talk we will consider the Cauchy problem for semilinear wave equations on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds. We will examine under which conditions we obtain time-global solutions for... 

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19.05.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem

Florian Hanisch, Matthias Ludewig

This is a continuation of the seminar on April 21 and 28.
Witten's heuristic proof of the index theorem using supergeometry is well known but still not fully mathematically understood. We present the... 

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12.05.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Isotropic hyperelastic shells – Geometry, Physics, Examples

Claudia Grabs

We consider two-dimensional shells made of isotropic and hyperelastic material. First, the basic equations of elasticity are recalled, with special emphasis on the constitutive laws. Subsequently we... 

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09.05.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

mm-spaces and Levy families

Elke Rosenberger

[Shioya 2.2-2.3]
Lipschitz order, observable diameter

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02.05.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Levy's isoperimetric inequality

Tania Kosenkova

[Shioya 2.1]
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, normal law a la Levy

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28.04.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Cauchy problem of the linearised Einstein equations

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

In this talk, we consider the Cauchy problem of the linearised Einstein equation on smooth globally hyperbolic spacetimes, satisfying the non-linear Einstein equation. Given smooth or distributional... 

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28.04.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem

Matthias Ludewig, Florian Hanisch

This is a continuation of the seminar on April 21.
Witten's heuristic proof of the index theorem using supergeometry is well known but still not fully mathematically understood. We present the... 

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25.04.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Transport plans and convergence in measure

Tania Kosenkova

[Shioya Def 1.20-Lemma 1.27]
(Sub-)transport plan, Ky-Fan metric

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21.04.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Generalised Hyperbolicity for Singular Spacetimes

Yafet Sanchez Sanchez

A desirable property of any spacetime is that the evolution of any physical field is locally well-defined. For smooth spacetimes this is guaranteed by standard local well-posedness results. Moreover,... 

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21.04.2016, 14:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Seminar Geometry and Physics

Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem

Matthias Ludewig, Florian Hanisch

Witten's heuristic proof of the index theorem using supergeometry is well known but still not fully mathematically understood. We present the approaches to the subject by Witten, Atiyah and Lott (and... 

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18.04.2016, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

Convergence of measures

Moritz Gerlach

[Shioya, chapter 1.2 up to Thm 1.19 and additional references]
weak and vague convergence, Prohorov distance

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14.04.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Construction of solutions of wave equations on global hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds via Hadamard expansion

Max Lewandowski

I will start again with solutions of d'Alembert's equation on n-dimensional Minkowski space fulfilling Wightman's Axioms as a prototype with regard to general wave equations on global hyperbolic ... 

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04.02.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Symmetriebrechung und der Higgsmechanismus II

Christoph Stephan

Nach einer kurzen Wiederholung der geometrischen Grundlagen des Higgs-Mechanismus diskutiere ich die Eigenschaften der Massenmatrix und die möglichen physikalischen Freiheitsgrade.

Die Anzahl der... 

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28.01.2016, 15:00 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie


Martin Weilandt

Inspired by work of Borzellino and Brunsden, we generalize the notion of a submanifold identifying a natural and sufficiently general condition which guarantees that a subset of an (effective)... 

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21.01.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Präsentation und Kooperation mit Touchscreens

Christian Becker, Florian Hanisch, Christoph Stephan

Wir stellen die neuen Touchscreens des Instituts vor und erklären, wie man sie für Präsentationen und Kooperationen verwenden kann. Für Kooperationen bietet sich dabei Adobe Connect an, welches allen... 

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14.01.2016, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: Differentialformen, Tensorfelder und semiriemannsche Metriken

Matthias Ludewig

[GB, 13-26]

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14.01.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Symmetriebrechung und der Higgsmechanismus

Christoph Stephan

Eine Grundlage der mathematischen Modellierung des Standardmodells der Elementarteilchenphysik bilden Hauptfaserbündel und zu ihnen assoziierte Vektorbündel. Um die experimentell beobachteten... 

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07.01.2016, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: Mannigfaltigkeiten, Karten, Funktionen und Vektorfelder

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

[GB, 1-13]

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07.01.2016, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Visualisierung von Lösungen der Wärme- und Wellengleichung mittels SAGE

Christian Bär

Mit Hilfe der Computeralgebra-Software SAGE berechnen und visualisieren wir Lösungen der Wärmeleitungsgleichung und der Wellengleichung auf flachen 2-dimensionalen Tori. Nach einer kurzen... 

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17.12.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: 3D-Grafik

Claudia Grabs

[F, 165-171]

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10.12.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: 2D-Grafik

Christian Becker

[F, 141-154]

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10.12.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

A new approach to physical solutions of scalar wave equations on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds

Max Lewandowski

After Radzikowski's celebrated equivalence theorem in the 1990's microlocal analysis and especially the wave front set of solutions of wave equations on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds... 

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03.12.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: Lineare Algebra II

Christoph Stephan

[F, 113-132]

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03.12.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity and the space of initial data

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

We recall the Hamiltonian formulation of Einstein's vacuum equation and explain the exact meaning of the lapse function and the shift vector. In this form, Einstein's equation can be seen as a flow on... 

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26.11.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Path Integrals, Zeta-Determinants and the Gelfand-Yaglom Theorem

Matthias Ludewig

It is "well-known" in quantum field theories that the values of certain path integrals are given by associated zeta-determinants "up to a multiplicative constant". What is usually meant is that one... 

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26.11.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: Lineare Algebra I

Florian Hanisch

[F, 113-132]

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19.11.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Intrinsische Metriken auf Graphen

Matthias Keller

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19.11.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Programmierung - Sageskripte II

Ariane Beier

[F, 80-111]

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12.11.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Spectral functions of Dirac operators

Alexander Strohmaier

I will review some known general expansions of microlocal spectral counting functions of Dirac and Laplace operators. In special cases these relate directly to heat kernel coefficients. I will then... 

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12.11.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Programmierung - Sageskripte I

Max Lewandowski

[F, 80-111]

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05.11.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: Ausdrücke und Funktionen, Objekte

Andreas Hermann, Florian Hanisch

[F, 63-73], [F, 73-77]

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05.11.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

The scalar wave equation in Schwarzschild coordinates

Ariane Beier

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29.10.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.11
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Asymptotic Expansion of Path integrals

Matthias Ludewig

Given a parameter-dependent integral of the form $\int_M e^{-\phi(x)/2t} a(x) dx$ on a Riemannian manifold, it has an asymptotic expansion for small times, which can be calculated using the Laplace... 

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29.10.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Einführung in Sage: Los geht's

Claudia Grabs

Elementare Arithmetik und Strings auf der Kommandozeile und im Notebookinterface. [F, 41-63]

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22.10.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Locally covariant QFT and the gauge puzzle

Marco Benini

Using the simple example of a free scalar field, I will illustrate the axiomatic formulation of locally covariant quantum field theory (LCQFT). With this framework in mind, the case of certain Abelian... 

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22.10.2015, 12:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 0.12
Seminar Geometrie

Sage: Installation und Überblick

Christian Bär

Installation und Überblick

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15.10.2015, 16:15  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Differential cohomology with compact support

Christian Becker

In this talk we introduce differential cohomology with compact support. There are several different models for differential cohomology. We use the model of differential characters which is originally... 

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23.07.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Neues Palais, Haus 9, Raum 2.06
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Eta and Zeta Functions and Us

Ken Richardson

Eta and zeta functions of geometric operators will be defined, and some elementary properties and relationsships will be described. Applications to classical and more recent work will be presented... 

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02.07.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Neues Palais, Haus 9, Raum 2.06
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Wellposedness of the Cauchy problem of the linearized Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations

Oliver Lindblad Petersen

We prove existence of a global solution to the linearized Einstein-Klein-Gordon equations, given initial data satisfying the linearized constraint equations. This solution is never unique, as one... 

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25.06.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Neues Palais, Haus 9, Raum 2.06
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Rigidity Results for manifolds with foliated boundary

Georges Habib (Lebanese University)

In this talk, we consider a compact Riemannian manifold whose boundary is endowed with a Riemannian flow. Under a suitable curvature assumption depending on the O'Neill tensor of the flow, we prove... 

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18.06.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.06
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Flat bundles and K-theory with R/Z coefficients

Sara Azzali

With a flat unitary vector bundle E_a over a closed manifold M one can associate a class a in the K-theory of M with R/Z-coefficients. This class encodes the fact that a flat bundle admits a multiple... 

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04.06.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Neues Palais, Haus 9, Raum 2.06
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Conformal extendibility and Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac Theory

Olaf Müller (Universität Regensburg)

In this talk, we first present the concept of conformal extendibility and its importance in the analysis of the Maxwell-Dirac equations. Then we revise the restrictions conformal extendibility has on... 

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28.05.2015, 16.15 Uhr  –  Raum
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

An index theorem for Lorentzian manifolds

Christian Bär

We prove an index theorem for the Dirac operator on compact

Lorentzian manifolds with spacelike boundary. Unlike in the

Riemannian situation, the Dirac operator is not elliptic. But

it turns out... 

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04.05.2015, 16.00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

The spectrum of the Dirac operator for generic metrics

Andreas Hermann (Potsdam)

Let $M$ be a closed spin manifold of dimension $n\geq 2$. For every Riemannian metric on $M$ we define the spinor bundle on $M$, a complex vector bundle whose sections are called spinors. We also... 

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30.04.2015, 16.15 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.06
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Hyperbolic PDE 1

Florian Hanisch (Potsdam)

We will review the existence and uniqueness results for linear, symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDEs based on energy estimates. We will mostly follow the book by C.D. Sogge, "Lectures on Non-Linear... 

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27.04.2015, 16:00 Uhr  –  Raum
Oberseminar Analysis, Geometrie, Physik

String structures and connections

Christian Becker (Potsdam)

Let $X$ be a compact Riemannian $n$-manifold, with $n \geq 3$.

The bundle of orthonormal frames is a principal $O_n$-bundle.

Several geometric structures on $X$ can be described in terms of lifts of... 

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23.04.2015, 16:15 Uhr  –  Hörsaal
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie: "Asymptotic and convergent expansions of heat traces"

Michal Eckstein

Asymptotic expansions of heat traces have multifarious applications both in pure mathematics (e.g. index theorems) as well as in mathematical physics (e.g. QFT). Drawing from the theory of general... 

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02.04.2015, 14.15 Uhr  –  Haus 8, Raum 0.53
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie

Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie: "Supergeometry in classical field theory"

Igor Khavkine

Ordinary (bosonic) classical field theory consists of "field" bundle on a spacetime manifold, a variational PDE on the field sections, its space of solutions (the "phase space", an infinite... 

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