16.01.2025, 10:15 - 11:45
From Model to Market: Enhancing Phase 3 Design with MID
Jane Knöchel (InSilicoTrials, Sweden)
Entering the male dominated field of mathematics can be tough for women, who often encounter specific obstacles. The particular situation of women in mathematics is reflected in a series of exhibitions, talks and discussions.
Anlässlich des internationalen Tages Women in Science – der die Leistungen und spezifischen Herausforderungen von Wissenschaftlerinnen sichtbarer machen möchte – laden wir alle Interessierten dazu ein, mit uns in gemütlicher Atmosphäre und bei Snacks und Getränken zusammen zu kommen.
Studierende der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät berichten in kurzen Vorträgen über ihre Gespräche mit Wissenschaftlerinnen aus aller Welt. Was hat diese Frauen dazu bewegt, in die Wissenschaft zu gehen? Wie gestalten sie ihren Alltag? Welche spezifischen Herausforderungen haben sie auf ihrem Weg erlebt?
Wir freuen uns auf den gemeinsamen Austausch! Sagen Sie gern auch Kolleg*innen und Kommiliton*innen Bescheid! Mehr Informationen hier.
There are often more people behind scientific results than those whose names are visible. For research to succeed, the environment must be right, e.g. the maintenance of data models, the care of laboratory animals, the preparation of laboratory rooms, the maintenance of equipment and the performance of experiments.
On the occasion of the international UN Women in Science Day, we therefore want to highlight the work of women, who play a major role in the success of scientific achievements.
Technical staff from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will be giving short talks or discussions about their careers, their work and their respective fields of research.
We invite everyone to come together in a cosy atmosphere with snacks and drinks and listen to the contributions.
We look forward to exchanging ideas together! Please let your colleagues and fellow students know! Further information can be found here.
The video "Words of women in mathematics in the time of Corona" collects words of some 86 women in mathematics from 37 countries telling us about their experience in the time of Corona in 25 different languages.
It will be launched on May 12th, date of the anniversary of Maryam Mirzakhani's birthday, which celebrates worldwide women in mathematics (https://may12.womeninmaths.org/)
This project emanates from a group of mathematicians, Sonia Mahmoudi (Tohoku U., Japan), Claudia Malvenuto (U. di Roma La Sapienza, Italy), Sylvie Paycha (U. Potsdam, Germany) and Eriko Shinkawa (Tohoku U., Japan) after informal conversations about their experiences during the pandemic. This video is a follow up of the film "Faces of Women in Mathematics” (https://vimeo.com/259039018) with whose authors, the mathematician Eugenie Hunsicker (U. of Loughborough, England) and the filmmaker Irina Linke, we have brought this new project to life.
If you wish to plan a screening on May 12th, please fill in the following form mentioning the title, local time and location (including the country) of the event, as well as the necessary information related to the organizer(s).
We will get back to you if further details are needed. The video will also be available after that date so that you are welcome to screen it at a later date. Please do not hesitate to contact us: wwmtc2021@gmail.com
On behalf of the team:
Sylvie Paycha, Eugenie Hunsicker, Claudia Malvenuto, Eriko Shinkawa, Sonia Mahmoudi and Irene Linke
A journey through the sciences with female PhD students
For this third edition (this time online) at the University of Potsdam of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 seven female PhD students of the Faculty of Science and the Digital Engineering Faculty will take us on a journey through their discipline and career, might it be chemistry, data science, environmental science, mathematics or nutritional science. They will provide an insight into their research work in the form of 10-minute presentations in either English or German.
Detailed information on the event
Recordings of the presentations:
Sany Chea (Chemie): Zucker zur Behandlung von COVID-19
Alyna Lange (Chemie): Ionic Liquid based 3D printable Electrolytes for Energy Applications
Lisa Luna (Umweltwissenschaften): Today's forecast: rainy with a 40% chance of landslides
Elisabeth Schönfeldt (Geowissenschaften): Fließen, Flutschen, Fallen - Warum sich Hänge bewegen
At the international day of Women in Science this interdisciplinary event shall increase the visibility of women in the sciences. To this end, students will introduce important female scientists and highlight their contributions to their field in short talks of 15 minutes. mehr erfahren
The exhibition "Women of mathematics thoughout Europe. A gallery of portraits" is displayed in various parts of the world and offers a glimpse into the world of mathematics through photographs by Noel Tavia Matoff and excerpts of interviews by Sylvie Paycha und Sara Azzali of thirteen women mathematicians throughout Europe.
On the occasion of the international Women in Science day - which aims to make the achievements and specific challenges of female scientists more visible - we invite all interested to join us in a cozy atmosphere with snacks and drinks.
Students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will give short talks about their conversations with women scientists from around the world. What motivated these women to go into science? How do they go about their daily lives? What specific challenges have they experienced along the way?
We look forward to exchange our experiences! Please let your colleagues and fellow students know! You can find more information here.