
Seminar of the analysis group

Reflecting the diversity of topics represented in the group, our weekly seminar includes talks on topics ranging from pseudo-differential analysis, stochastic PDEs and quantum field theory to higher geometry and combinatorics, with motivations coming from mathematical physics.

List of talks for the Summer Semester 2024.

List of talks for the Winter Semester 2023/2024.


Joint Mathematical Physics seminar Hannover-Potsdam

The goal of this seminar series is to provide a platform for regular meetings, where young and expert researchers in mathematical and theoretical physics, algebra, analysis and geometry can interact, exchange ideas and discuss a wide range of topics at the interface of all these disciplines. 

The initiative is promoted by the Universities of Hannover and Potsdam, but researchers also from other universities are welcome to participate! 

For more information and for registration visit the webpage: Mathematical Physics seminar Hannover-Potsdam


Institute Colloquium

The colloquium consists of two 45-minute to one-hour lectures with a tea break in between. The aim is to provide a mixed audience - whose research areas can range from statistics to algebraic topology - with a pedagogical introduction to a topic, leading to the presentation of new results at the end of the lecture. Learn more


Monthly Online Colloquium "Mathematics in Lebanon and beyond" (momentarily suspended)

This colloquium will serve as a meeting place for scientific exchange, bringing together mathematicians from the Lebanese diaspora, friends of Lebanon from around the world, and researchers based in Lebanon. By nature, the colloquium will be interdisciplinary and speakers will be asked to prepare pedagogical talks addressed to a wide audience including non experts in the subject. Presentations can be given in French or English. Learn more

Here is the list of past events.