29.01.2025, 13:00
– Haus 9, Raum 0.17 und Zoom
Forschungsseminar Diskrete Spektraltheorie
Dynamics of the Sturmian Trace Skew Product
Seung uk Jang (Université de Rennes)
Dear students, on this website you will find general information about your studies.
You can find further information about the teacher training programme on the homepage of the working groups for the didactics of mathematics (German only).
Communication between you, the university, the Institute of Mathematics and your lecturers usually takes place by e-mail. Therefore, read your e-mails regularly (preferably daily).
You can apply for a position as SHK (student assistant) at the institute. For current job advertisements, please register in the Moodle course SHK/WHK Stellengesuche Mathematik. If you are enrolled in the course, you will automatically receive all new job advertisements by e-mail.
In principle, the current study regulations (German: Studienordnung) apply at the time of enrolment. Enrolments are only made for the current version of the study regulations. Upon application to the examination board, a change to the currently valid study regulations is possible if you enrolled before the current regulations came into force.
In addition to the subject-specific study regulations, the associated framework regulations, which are superordinate to the study regulations, also always apply.
All current study regulations can be accessed here, all framework regulations here.