08.10.2024, 10:15 - 11:45
– 3.06.H02
Kálmán Lecture
Particle Methods in Machine Learning and Inverse Problems
Martin Burger, Helmholtz Imaging
Der AHP-Preis 2015 wurde an Ira Herbst und Juliane Rama für ihre Arbeit
"Instability for Pre-existing Resonances under a small constant Electric Field"
verliehen. (Dieser Preis wird jedes Jahr für den bemerkenswertesten Artikel in der Zeitschrift Annales Henri Poincaré verliehen.)
Classical scattering trajectories are known to form a Lagrangian manifold in euclidean phase space, which allows the classification of local focal points for sufficiently small dimensions. For the case of a short-range potential, we show that the natural description of focal points at infinity is a Lagrangian manifold in the cotangent bundle of the sphere and establish the relationship between focal points at infinity and the projection singularities of the manifold.