
The Institute of Mathematics. Learn about us

Welcome to the home page of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam. We are one of eight institutes in the Faculty of Science. The Faculty is the largest of the six faculties at the University of Potsdam. We thank you for your interest in our institute, our research projects and collaborations.Learn more

Education & Research

Mathematics in Potsdam

The study of Mathematics opens a variety of doors for a career in business, industry, education or science. The University of Potsdam offers students interested in Mathematics a diverse, research-oriented course of study with numerous links to research centers outside the university. Information for pupils and schools can be found here and further information on studying here.

Research and Contact Information

There are currently 20 professors at the Institute of Mathematics in Potsdam. Their research groups represent a broad spectrum of current research directions in Mathematics. Members of the institute coordinate a Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1294) and are part of the steering committee of a Priority Program (SPP 2026) both financed by the German Research Foundation DFG. Learn more


Lunch Talks: "Women in Science – Dialogue of the Generations"

To celebrate the UN’s “Women in Science” Day, on February 11 the Faculty of Science and Mathematics at the University of Potsdam will host its annual Lunch Talks.

We welcome everyone to come together for snacks, drinks and conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.
11.02.2025, 12 – 2 pm  –  Campus Golm, Building 28, Room 0.108

Exhibition ‘The fascination of mathematics: Measuring the world with mathematical methods’

Immerse yourself in the art of measurement through various insights into the history, present and future of different measuring methods. From the ingenious methods of antiquity to modern findings - our exhibition shows how mathematical measurement methods are used.

Bring your smartphone and headphones for the interactive elements.
Location: Foyer, House 5, Golm Campus
Exhibition period: 05.02.2025 to 07.05.2025

MATh. en.JEANS Mitmach-Konferenz

Das Institut für Mathematik der Universität Potsdam und das Weierstrass Institute organisieren die MATh.en.JEANS Mitmach-Konferenz 2025. Schülerinnen und Schüler präsentieren hier ihre mathematischen Forschungsprojekte.

Die Konferenz findet am 17. März 2025 auf dem Campus Griebnitzsee statt.

Lehrkräfte können ihre Klassen der Jahrgangsstufen 6 bis 12 zur Teilnahme anmelden.

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung: Veranstaltungsseite des WIAS.

Congratulations to all award winners of the regional Mathematics Olympiad!

The Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam extends its heartfelt congratulations to the outstanding talents for their impressive achievements. At the festive award ceremony held in the Audimax of the university, not only were the top young mathematicians honored, but fascinating insights into the world of mathematics were also shared: Marcus Röhming explained the intriguing Goat Problem, and Professor Max Lein demonstrated how "Mathematics = Language + Ideas" broadens our perspective on the world. We thank all organizers, teachers, and supporters who made this competition possible. We wish the Potsdam team representing our region in the next round the best of luck and great success!


Job Applications

Are you interested in working with us? Current vacancies at the Institute of Mathematics and our partners can be found here.

For students who would like to work as research assistants (WHKs), we offer a special Moodle course (only with a university account). There you will find all relevant information and can apply directly.

We also recommend that you take a look at the job advertisements of the University of Potsdam, where numerous other exciting positions are advertised.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Taster programme: Experience mathematics at the University of Potsdam!

Are you interested in maths and want to find out what studying at university is like? Then come to the taster course at the University of Potsdam from 6 to 31 January 2025!

Experience exciting lectures on topics such as linear algebra, analysis, geometry or applied mathematics and get a taste of university life. You can experience first-hand what studying is really like.

Come along - alone or with friends - and discover what the world of maths has in store for you! You can find information about the programme and registration here. We look forward to seeing you!