
The Institute of Mathematics. Learn about us

Welcome to the home page of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam. We are one of eight institutes in the Faculty of Science. The Faculty is the largest of the six faculties at the University of Potsdam. We thank you for your interest in our institute, our research projects and collaborations.Learn more

Education & Research

Mathematics in Potsdam

The study of Mathematics opens a variety of doors for a career in business, industry, education or science. The University of Potsdam offers students interested in Mathematics a diverse, research-oriented course of study with numerous links to research centers outside the university. Information for pupils and schools can be found here and further information on studying here.

Research and Contact Information

There are currently 20 professors at the Institute of Mathematics in Potsdam. Their research groups represent a broad spectrum of current research directions in Mathematics. Members of the institute coordinate a Collaborative Research Center (SFB 1294) and are part of the steering committee of a Priority Program (SPP 2026) both financed by the German Research Foundation DFG. Learn more

Introductory Events

Bachelor of Science & Bachelor of Education

Welcome new Bachelor students!
We would like to invite you to the introductory events of the Institute of Mathematics for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education students.
The introductory event for the Bachelor of Science will take place on Wednesday, 2 October from 14:00 in room 0.47 house 14 on the Golm campus.
The introductory event for the Bachelor of Education (Sekundarstufe I und II & Förderpädagogik) will take place on Wednesday, 02 October from 15:00 in room 0.47 house 14 on the Golm campus.
Site plan Golm campus


Introductory Event

Master of Science

Welcome new Master students!
We would like to welcome you to the introductory events of the Institute of Mathematics for Master of Science students.
The introductory event for the Master of Science will take place on Monday, 14 October from 16:15 in room 2.22 house 9 (Institute of Mathematics) on the Golm campus. The Zoom dates will be announced in due course. Further current information can be found here in Moodle.

Information about the Master's programme can be found here.


Israeli-German research group approved

The Israel Institute of Advanced Studies has approved the joint application by Prof Dr Matthias Keller (Potsdam) and Prof Dr Jonathan Breuer (Jerusalem) for a research group on the topic of "Analysis, Geometry and Spectral Theory of Graphs". This programme finances the research stay of 8 scientists from September 2025 - June 2026 at the IIAS in Jerusalem. Among the invited researchers are Dr Siegfried Beckus (Potsdam) and Prof Dr Ram Band (Haifa), who is currently a visiting researcher at the UP.

Workshop Analytical methods in interplay with physics

A workshop to explore Asymptotics, Randomness and Noncommutativity in Analysis
This three day workshop aims at fostering interactions between mathematicians who use analytical tools in a variety of fields in mathematics reaching out to physics, ranging from asymptotics and spectral analysis to topological insulators and rough paths. It will shed light on the intricate interplay between analysis, including stochastic analysis on the one hand and algebra, combinatorics, spectral and noncommutative geometry on the other hand.

Please register here before October 15th 2024.

Dates and venue:
Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th November 2024
University of Potsdam, Campus "Am Neuen Palais"
Building 8, Seminar room 0.58

Faculty awards for outstanding teaching to Prof. Dr. Sven Raum

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Potsdam has awarded Prof. Dr. Raum for his outstanding teaching in the field of "Algebra" on the Bachelor's degree course in Mathematics. The students appreciate his structured courses, the continuously improved lecture notes and his patient, helpful supervision. Prof. Dr. Raum creates a productive and error-friendly working atmosphere through appreciative communication, which significantly promotes learning. We are delighted about his award and thank him for his commitment. You can find more information here.


Interview with Prof. Melina Freitag

It is often said that you have to be passionate about science. Do publication pressure, conferences abroad, working after hours and a passion for the subject leave any room at all for a child? Many young scientists ask themselves this question. Melina Freitag is Vice Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Centre "Data Assimilation" and mother of a few-month-old baby. For Mother's Day on 12 May, we asked the mathematician how she balances family and professorship. Read the interview here.

Ausschreibung Promotionsstipendien in der hochschuldidaktischen Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe 29

Die Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe des Lehrstuhls für Didaktik der Mathematik II beschäftigt sich im Projekt CReAL-PS mit den Merkmalen der universitären Lehre, insbesondere den Vorlesungen, im Mathematikstudium. Das Projekt will herausfinden, welche Zusammenhänge zwischen den Merkmalen einer Vorlesung und den Merkmalen von Studienanfänger*innen bestehen, um diesen einen erfolgreichen Einstieg in ihr Studium zu erleichtern. CReAL-PS nutzt Theorien zur Person-Umwelt-Passung, um empirische Ergebnisse in quantitativen Designs zu generieren. Diese sollen mittels Workshops in die Praxis getragen werden und die Lehre an deutschen Hochschulen verbessern.

Die Bewerbungen sind bei der Hans Böckler Stiftung vom 15.08. bis 02.11. einzureichen. Nähere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der Didaktik der Mathematik

Job Applications

Are you interested in working with us? Current vacancies at the Institute of Mathematics and our partners can be found here.

For students who would like to work as research assistants (WHKs), we offer a special Moodle course (only with a university account). There you will find all relevant information and can apply directly.

We also recommend that you take a look at the job advertisements of the University of Potsdam, where numerous other exciting positions are advertised.

We look forward to receiving your application!

New to the Institute

We would like to welcome our new colleagues to the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Potsdam. The most important information about the first days at the institute can be found in our onboarding document.

Dr. Lennart Ronge

I started a postdoc position in the Geometry group at the beginning of October and am excited about the opportunity to work with my new colleagues. In my dissertation in Bonn, which I completed earlier this year, I worked on a formula for Hadamard coefficients (the Lorentz equivalent of heat conduction coefficients).

My more general research interests are geometry (especially Lorentz geometry), global analysis, operator theory and mathematical physics. Following on from my dissertation, I plan to work on finding a Lorentzian equivalent of a spectral action, but am also happy to see joint research projects on other topics.