16.01.2025, 16:30+
– Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie
The Rarita-Schwinger Operator on the 3-Sphere with Homogeneous Metric
Peter Grabs
We study two notions of relative differential cohomology, using the model of differential characters. The two notions arise from the two options to construct relative homology, either by cycles of a quotient complex or of a mapping cone complex. We discuss the relation of the two notions of relative differential cohomology to each other. We discuss long exact sequences for both notions, thereby clarifying their relation to absolute differential cohomology. We construct the external and internal product of relative and absolute characters and show that relative differential cohomology is a right module over the absolute differential cohomology ring. Finally we construct fiber integration and transgression for relative differential characters.