16.01.2025, 16:30+
– Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie
The Rarita-Schwinger Operator on the 3-Sphere with Homogeneous Metric
Peter Grabs
In the limit ℏ→0, we analyze a class of Schr\"odinger operators Hℏ = ℏ2 L + ℏ W + V idEh acting on sections of a vector bundle Eh over a Riemannian manifold M where L is a Laplace type operator, W is an endomorphism field and the potential energy V has a non-degenerate minimum at some point p ∈ M. We construct quasimodes of WKB-type near p for eigenfunctions associated with the low lying eigenvalues of Hℏ. These are obtained from eigenfunctions of the associated harmonic oscillator Hp,ℏ at p, acting on C∞(TpM, Ehp).