Lecture: "Microlocal Analysis"

Lecturer: Christian Bär

The lecture course offers an introduction to microlocal methods for solving partial differential equations. In particular, the wavefront set of distributions, microlocal regularity theory, Fourier integral operators and propagation of singularities are discussed. Special emphasis is put on developing the whole theory for operators acting on sections of vector bundles over manifolds.

Tuesday and Thursday 14:15-15:45
Until further notice, the lectures will be held as zoom meetings. You can find the access data in the moodle.

Moodle link:
If interested sign up here. You find all relevant information in the moodle (times, access data, exercise sheets, ...)

Necessary prerequesites:
Basic knowlegde of differential geometry (manifolds, vector bundlesl, ...), of funktional analysis (Hilbert spaces, ...), and of linear partial differential equations.