16.01.2025, 16:30+
– Raum 0.14
Forschungsseminar Differentialgeometrie
The Rarita-Schwinger Operator on the 3-Sphere with Homogeneous Metric
Peter Grabs
Verantwortliche(r): Lars Andersson
During the summer semester 2018, we'll focus initially on the geometry of black holes and the black hole stability problem. Other topics of interest which we may cover, depending on time, are hidden symmetries and conservation laws for fields with spin, as well as supersymmetric fields. As black holes increasingly come into focus in astrophysics and cosmology, it is important to understand their properties. The family of Kerr (1963) solutions to the vacuum Einstein equations describes stationary, isolated, rotating black holes and is conjectured to be unique and stable. In spite of intense efforts since the early 1970's both conjectures remain largely open, although important progress has been made. In the seminar, we shall present some recent progress on the stability problem. We start with the necessary background on 2-spinor calculus, the geometry of the Kerr spacetime, the Teukolsky Master Equation and the Teukolsky-Starobinsky Identities, as well as aspects of scattering and asymptotics for fields on Kerr. The seminar will run on Thursdays, 14:15-15:45 in room 1.10, House 9. The first talk by Thomas Bäckdahl on April 19th will introduce the 2-spinor calculus appropriate for 4-dimensional Lorentz spaces. Basic differential geometry background will be sufficient.
The program and lecture notes of the seminar can be found here.
Donnerstag 14:15-15:45
Haus 9, Raum 1.10
Seminarplan (Vorträge):
Zu den Seminarvorträgen
Geeignet für:
MSc Mathematik, Doktoranden, PostDocs
851, 852, MATVMD1011, MATVMD1012
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