Archiv der Kolloquiumsvorträge

15.01.2025, 14:00 - 14:45  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

A solution to Ringel’s circle problem

Linda Kleist (Universität Potsdam)

In 1959, Ringel asked for the chromatic number of tangency graphs of a collection of circles in the plane in which no three circles have the same tangent point. Particularly, he wondered whether a... 

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11.12.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Decoupling non-causality from the quantum, coupling gravity to relativistic quantum matter

Rainer Verch (Leipzig), Hanno Gottschalk (TU Berlin)

14:00  Rainer Verch (Universität Leipzig):  Quantum non-causality in spacetime may be not exclusively quantum.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Hanno Gottschalk (TU Berlin):  How classical gravity... 

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04.12.2024, 13:30 - 14:45 (special session)  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Mathematical probability: Why a game-theoretic approach?

Glenn Shafer (Rutgers Business School, Newark)

Most applications of mathematical probability rely, in one way or another, on theorems that give certain events high probability. Since the 1950s, mathematicians have largely agreed that these... 

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20.11.2024, 14:00 - 16:00 (Special session)  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Quantitative elliptic homogenization: at the interface of PDEs, probability theory and statistical physics

Mitia Duerinckx (Brussel), Marius Lemm (Tübingen)

14:00  Mitia Duerinckx (Bruxelles):  Quantitative elliptic homogenization: a regularity perspective and Bourgain's surprising insight.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Marius Lemm (Tübingen): ... 

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06.11.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Graphon Models for Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

Olga Klopp (Paris), Nicolas Verzelen (Montpellier)

14:00  Nicolas Verzelen (MISTEA Laboratory, INRAE, Univ. Montpellier)
14:45  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Olga Klopp (ESSEC Business School, CREST)


Title:     Network models and sparse graphon... 

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16.10.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Übungen: Konzepte und ihre praktische Umsetzung

Anke Lindmeier (Jena), Rolf Biehler (Paderborn)

14:00  Anke Lindmeier (Jena):  „Lehramtsaufgaben" in fachwissenschaftlichen Übungen: Vom Konzept zu Practices und ersten Wirkungsanalysen.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Rolf Biehler (Paderborn): ... 

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10.07.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Group theory meets Hilbert spaces

Piotr Nowak (Warsaw), Adam Skalski (Warsaw)

14:00  Adam Skalski (Academy of Science, Warsaw):  Haagerup property: groups and operator algebras.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Piotr Nowak (Academy of Science, Warsaw):  Rigidity results for... 

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05.06.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Variational problems for knotted curves and surfaces: how repulsive energies come into play

Heiko von der Mosel (University of Aachen), Henrik Schumacher (University of Georgia)

14:00  Heiko von der Mosel (University of Aachen):  On the Tangent-Point Energy.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Henrik Schumacher (University of Georgia):  Numerical Optimization of the... 

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29.05.2024, 14:00 - 16:00 (Special session)  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Mathematical structures from studying and counting points

Abhiram Kidambi (Leipzig), Noah Arbesfeld (Vienna)

14:00  Abhiram M. Kidambi (MPI, Leipzig):  Computer assisted number theory: Past, Present and Future.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Noah Arbesfeld (University of Vienna):  Structures from points... 

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15.05.2024, 14:00 - 16 00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Operator algebras and their classification

Karen Strung (Czech Academy of Science, Prague), Sven Raum (Potsdam)

14:00  Karen Strung (Czech Academy of Science, Prague):  Operator algebras arising from topological dynamics.
  Tea and Coffee Break
15:15  Sven Raum (Uni Potsdam):  Operator algebras from... 

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10.04.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

A glimpse into the world of quantum computing and programming

Bettina Just (Gießen), Dominique Unruh (Aachen)

14:00  Bettina Just (Gießen):  Some Basics of Quantum computing.
  Tea and Coffee Break
Zoom 15:15  Dominique Unruh (Aachen):  Quantum Hoare Logic ... and Ghosts.


Bettina Just (Gießen):  Some... 

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24.01.2024, 14:00 - 16:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Analytic methods in Geometry: Quantum limits and H-infinity functional analysis.

Véronique Fischer (Bath), Lashi Bandara (Deakin Uni, Melbourne)

14:00 Véronique Fischer (Bath): Sub-Riemannian quantum limits.
Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Lashi Bandara (Deakin Uni, Melbourne): Functional calculus, garnished with a little geometry.


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17.01.2024, 15:30  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22

Metric inequalities under lower scalar curvature bounds

Rudolf Zeidler (University of Münster)

We will discuss situations where a lower bound on the scalar curvature of a Riemannian manifold leads to a quantitative distance estimate as well as corresponding rigidity results. The study of these... 

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13.12.2023, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22

Exploring the International Mathematical Union

Norbert Schappacher (Strasbourg), Marie-Françoise Roy (Rennes)

2-2:45pm: Framing Global Mathematics.
The International Mathematical Union between Theorems and Politics
Norbert Schappacher (Strasbourg)

I will present examples that show how national and... 

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22.11.2023, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Information geometry

Lorenz Schwachhöfer (TU Dortmund), Nihat Ay (TU Hamburg)

14:00 Lorenz Schwachhöfer (TU Dortmund)

14:45 Tea and Coffee Break

15:15 Nihat Ay (TU Hamburg)

Lorenz Schwachhöfer (TU Dortmund): Information Geometry in the classical and quantum setting


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25.10.2023, 14:00 - 15:30  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

80 Years of Mathematical Modelling of Geosphere, Biosphere, and Anthroposphere

Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbeck (Roskilde)

14:00 Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbeck (Roskilde)

14:45 Tea and Coffee Break


Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbeck (Roskilde): 1943-2023, Tribute and Review - 80 Years of Mathematical Modelling of Geosphere, Biosphere, and... 

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19.07.2023, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Duality in random phenomena.

Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (UNAM, Mexico and UC Berkeley, USA), Maite Wilke Berenguer (HU Berlin)

14:00 Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (UNAM, Mexico and UC Berkeley, USA)

14:45 Tea and Coffee Break

15:15 Maite Wilke Berenguer (HU Berlin)

Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (UNAM, Mexico and UC Berkeley, USA):... 

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12.07.2023, 14:45 - 17:00  –  Campus Golm, Building 9, Room 2.22 and via Zoom

Arithmetic groups in action

Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine University), Roman Sauer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

14:45 Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine University)

15:30 Tea and Coffee Break

16:00 Roman Sauer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

Holger Kammeyer (Heinrich Heine University): Can one recover... 

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14.06.2023, 14:00  –  Golm campus, Building 9, Room 2.22

On the design of scientific visualization

Nicolas Rougier (INRIA, Bordeaux)

14:00 Nicolas Rougier (INRIA, Bordeaux): On the design of scientific visualization

15:00 Tea and Coffee Break


Nicolas Rougier (INRIA, Bordeaux): On the design of scientific visualization

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19.04.2023, 14:00  –  Golm campus, Building 9, Room 2.22 and online

Mathematical aspects of tipping points in climate studies

Anna von der Heydt (Utrecht University) and Robbin Bastiaansen (Utrecht University)

14:00 Anna von der Heydt (Utrecht University): Dynamical systems approaches to climate response and climate tipping (via zoom)

14:45 Tea and Coffee Break

15:15 Robbin Bastiaansen (Utrecht University):... 

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25.01.2023, 14 Uhr  –  Golm, Haus 9, Zimmer 2.22 + Zoom

Differential equations and matrix equations in data science

Martin Stoll (Uni Chemnitz) und Melina Freitag (Uni Potsdam)

Zoom 14:00 Martin Stoll (Uni Chemnitz): From PDEs to data science: an adventure with the graph Laplacian

14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause

15:15 Melina Freitag (Uni Potsdam): Large scale Lyapunov... 

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07.12.2022, 15:00 (unusual!)  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22 + Zoom

Two combinatorial viewpoints on geometry

Christian Haase, FU Berlin and Federico Ardila, San Francisco State University

15:00 Christian Haase: Lattice Point Semigroups — Toric and Non-Toric

15:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause

16:15 Federico Ardila: Combinatorial Intersection Theory: Three Examples

Wenn Sie digital an den... 

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23.11.2022, 14:00  –  Golm, Haus 9, Zimmer 2.22

Two perspectives on the geometry of Ricci-flat manifolds

Bernd Ammann, Uni Regensburg und Klaus Kröncke, KTH, Stockholm

14:00 Bernd Ammann (Uni Regensburg): From Pythagorean triples to constant mean curvature surfaces

14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause

15:15 Klaus Kröncke (KTH, Stockholm): From the heat flow to the Ricci flow:... 

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13.07.2022, 14:00  –  Online Meeting

The Kinetic Theory of a Plasma

Mikaela Iacobelli (ETH Zurich) und Toan Nguyen (Penn State University)

14:00 Mikaela Iacobelli (ETH Zurich): Stability and singular limits in plasma physics

15:15 Toan Nguyen (Penn State University): Landau damping in plasma physics

Wenn Sie digital an den Vorträgen... 

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29.06.2022, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22 + Zoom

Open access scientific publications

Marie Farge (ENS, Paris) und Dieter Meschede (DPG, Bonn)

14:00 Marie Farge (ENS, Paris): The Diamond Open Access: a model for researchers and funding agencies to recover control of their articles

14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause

15:15 Dieter Meschede (DPG, Bonn):... 

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15.06.2022, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22 + Zoom

Vorstellungen und Lernpfade von Schülerinnen und Schülern zur Geometrie

Kirstin Erath (Uni Halle) und Alexander Salle (Uni Osnabrück)

14:00 Kirstin Erath (Uni Halle): Herausforderungen auf dem Lernpfad zum Ähnlichkeitsbegriff

14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause

15:15 Alexander Salle (Uni Osnabrück): Grundvorstellungen und individuelle... 

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18.05.2022, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22 + Zoom

Amenability — From the Banach-Tarski paradoxon to Gromov’s monster groups

Kristin Courtney (Uni Münster) und Siegfried Echterhoff (Uni Münster)

14:00 Kristin Courtney (Uni Münster): Approximations on Groups

14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause

15:15 Siegfried Echterhoff (Uni Münster): Amenable group actions on spaces and operator algebras

Wenn Sie... 

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20.04.2022, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22 + Zoom

Neue Begegnungen mit den reellen Zahlen

Detlef Spalt (Hessischer Landtag, Wiesbaden) und Karlheinz Spindler (Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden)

14:00 Detlef Spalt (Hessischer Landtag, Wiesbaden): Die reellen Zahlen nach Karl Weierstraß - ein bislang unbekanntes Konstrukt, geschaffen vom traditionellen Denken

14:45 Tee und Kaffee Pause

15:15 K... 

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16.02.2022, 14:00  –  Online Colloquium

Aspects of the global theory of minimal surfaces and harmonic maps

Lynn Heller (Leibniz University, Hannover) und Markus Röser (University of Hamburg)

2 pm: Lynn Heller (Leibniz University, Hannover): Minimal and constant mean curvature surfaces in the 3-sphere

3 pm: Markus Röser (University of Hamburg): Harmonic maps and the Deligne--Hitchin... 

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12.01.2022, 14:00  –  Online Kolloquium

Quasicrystals and the Fibonacci Hamiltonian

David Damanik (Rice University, Houston) und Marko Lindner (Hamburg University of Technology)

2 pm: David Damanik (Rice University, Houston): The Fibonacci Hamiltonian

3 pm: Marko Lindner (Hamburg University of Technology): Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian & Friends

David Damanik... 

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24.11.2021, 14:00  –  Golm, Haus 9, 2.22 und Zoom

Operator algebras on manifolds: from the boundaryless to the boundary case

Elmar Schrohe (Leibniz University Hannover) und Ryszard Nest (University of Copenhagen)

2 pm: Elmar Schrohe (Leibniz University Hannover): Introduction to a Theorem by Duistermaat and Singer

3:15 pm: Ryszard Nest (University of Copenhagen): Order Preserving Isomorphisms of Boutet de... 

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03.11.2021, 14:00  –  Online Colloquium

Information theory in complex networks

Martin Roswall (University of Umeå, Sweden) und Karoline Wiesner (University of Potsdam, Germany)

2 pm Martin Roswall (University of Umeå): Mapping network flows with incomplete information

3:15 pm Karoline Wiesner (University of Potsdam): Information entropy in complex systems: Mathematical... 

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14.07.2021, 15:00!  –  Online Kolloquium

Optimal design: methods and applications

Holger Dette (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) and John Stufken (UNC Greensboro, US)

Bitte geänderte Zeit beachten! Please mind the later starting time!

3 pm Holger Dette (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany): Statistics, Geometry und Pharmacokinetics

4:15 pm John Stufken (UNC... 

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16.06.2021, 14:00 - 15:45  –  Online Kolloquium

Fractional stochastic PDEs: From statistical applications to numerical analysis

David Bolin (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia) and Mihály Kovács (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary and Chalmers Uni/University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

2pm-2:45pm David Bolin (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia): Statistical models and methods based on fractional stochastic PDEs

3pm-3:45 pm Mihály Kovács (Pázmány Péter... 

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26.05.2021, 14:00 - 15:45  –  Online Colloquium

Concentration of measure: from functional inequalities to optimal transport theory

Radoslaw Adamczak (University of Warsaw) und Nathael Gozlan (Université Paris-Descartes)

2pm-2:45pm Radoslaw Adamczak (University of Warsaw): Concentration of measure and functional inequalities

3pm-3:45 pm Nathael Gozlan (Université Paris-Descartes): The two-periodic Aztec diamond


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21.04.2021, 14:00 - 15:45  –  Online Meeting

Dimers and diamonds: From the Aztecs to Ising via Gibbs

Béatrice De Tilière (IUF, University Paris Dauphine CEREMADE) and Sunil Chhita (Durham University)

2pm-2:45pm Béatrice De Tilière (IUF, University Paris Dauphine CEREMADE): The Z-invariant Ising model via dimers

3pm-3:45 pm Sunil Chhita (Durham University): The two-periodic Aztec diamond


...  mehr erfahren

27.01.2021, 14:00 - 15:45  –  Online Meeting

Evolution of probability densities in complex systems

Michela Ottobre (Heriot-Watt University) and Carsten Hartmann (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)

2pm-2:45pm Michela Ottobre (Heriot-Watt University): Non-mean-field interacting particle systems

3pm-3:45 pm Carsten Hartmann (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg): Optimal control of the underdamped Langevin... 

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13.01.2021, 14:00  –  Online Meeting

Entanglement of graphs and networks

Sonja Berthel (Vrije Universitet, Amsterdam) and Myfawny Evans (University of Potsdam)

If you wish to attend the talks,  please contact Sylvie Paycha for the login details.

2pm-2:45pm Sonja Berthel (Vrije Universitet, Amsterdam): Entanglements in (molecular)... 

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25.11.2020, 14:00  –  Online Meeting

Through the looking-glass: a walk in the land of Fusion Categories

Ana Ros Camacho (Cardiff University, Wales), Yiby Morales (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia))

If you wish to attend the talks,  please contact Sylvie Paycha for the login details.

14:00 Ana Ros Camacho (Cardiff University, Wales): A gentle introduction to fusion... 

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15.07.2020, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Holomorphic maps on complex manifolds: two perspectives

Florian Bertrand (American University of Beirut), Francine Meylan (Uni Freiburg)

If you wish to attend the talks,  please contact Sylvie Paycha for the login details.

14:00 Florian Bertrand (American University of Beirut) : Analytic discs in Complex... 

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17.06.2020, 14:00  –  Zoom meeting

Examples of random graphs in hyperbolic geometry

Dieter Mitsche (University of Lyon 1), David Coupier (University of Valenciennes)

If you wish to attend the talks,  please contact Sylvie Paycha for the login details.

Please note that the second talk has been advanced by 15 min to 3:15pm!

14:00 Dieter... 

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13.05.2020, 14:00  –  Zoom meeting

From dynamics to rigidity

Nguyen Viet Dang (University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1) und Colin Guillarmou (University Paris XI)

If you wish to attend the talks,  please contact Sylvie Paycha for the login details.

14:00 Nguyen Viet Dang (University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1): Dynamical systems: spectral... 

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29.04.2020, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22


David Damanik (Rice University, Houston), Marko Lindner (Technische Universität Hamburg)

Spectral Theory, Dynamical Systems, Aperiodic Order

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05.02.2020, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

A mathematical perspective on solid state physics: localisation and ergodicity

Peter Müller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Felix Pogorzelski (Universität Leipzig)

14:00 Peter Müller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): Localisation for Delone operators: results from wonderland and beyond

15:00 Tea and Coffee Break

15:30 Felix Pogorzelski (Universität... 

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15.01.2020, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Model-based Data Analysis in the Life Sciences

Jan Hasenauer (Universität Bonn), Sebastian Sager (Universität Magdeburg)

14:00 Jan Hasenauer (Universität Bonn) On the mathematical modelling of biochemical reactions networks

15:00 Tea and Coffee Break

15:30 Sebastian Sager (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg)


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04.12.2019, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

A tribute to Emmy Noether, a hundred years after she obtained her habilitation thesis

Elizabeth Mansfield (University of Kent), David Rowe (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)

14:00 Elizabeth Mansfield (Universität Kent): Noether's Theorem, both smooth and discrete

15:00 Tea and Coffee Break

15:30 David E. Rowe (Universität Mainz): On the Background to Emmy Noether’s... 

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20.11.2019, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 10, Raum 0.25

Mathematische Lernvoraussetzungen für MINT-Studiengänge

Aiso Heinze (Leibniz-Institut, Kiel) + Diskussion

Was erwarten Hochschulen, was sollen Schulen leisten und welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es?

Seit Jahren werden mangelnde mathematische Kompetenzen von Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfängern in... 

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23.10.2019, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

A probabilistic outlook on optimal mass transportation and fluid motions

Christian Léonard (Université Paris Nanterre), Marc Arnaudon (Université de Bordeaux)

14:00 Christian Léonard (Université Paris Nanterre): Optimal mass transportation: a probabilistic approach
Tea and Coffee Break
Marc Arnaudon (Université de Bordeaux): The motion of... 

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17.07.2019, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Holomorphic functional calculus and nonlinear evolution equations

Sylvie Monniaux (Université Aix-Marseille), Lutz Weis (Universität Karlsruhe)


14:00 Sylvie Monniaux (Université Aix-Marseille): Maximal regularity and Navier Stokes equations

15:00 Tea and Coffee Break

15:30 Lutz Weis (Universität Karlsruhe): The H-calculus and its... 

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12.06.2019, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Reversibility vs Irreversibility in gas dynamics

Thierry Bodineau (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau), Laure Saint-Raymond (École Normale Supérieure, Lyon)


Consider the Hamiltonian dynamics of a system of hard spheres, such as billiard balls or marbles. In the kinetic limit (when the number of spheres tends to infinity), the system is described... 

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15.05.2019, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Regularization theory for inverse problems

Bernd Hofmann (TU Chemnitz), Elena Resmerita (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt)


14:00 Bernd Hofmann: An introduction to regularization theory for inverse problems

15:00 Tea and Coffee break

15:30 Elena Resmerita: Old and new facets of sparsity promoting regularization

...  mehr erfahren

17.04.2019, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Lessons from General Relativity for Riemannian Geometry

Anna Sakovich (Uppsala University), Michael Eichmair (University of Vienna)

14:00 Anna Sakovich (Uppsala University): Mass in Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity

15:00 Tea and Coffee break

15:30 Michael Eichmair (University of Vienna): The isoperimetric problem for... 

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06.02.2019, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Aperiodic systems from a spectral point of view

Jean Bellissard (Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta and WWU Münster), Hans Daniel Lenz (Universität Friedrich Schiller Jena)

14:00 Jean V. Bellissard: Self-adjoint Operators on aperiodic media

15:00 Tea and Coffee break

15:30 Hans Daniel Lenz: Discrete spectrum for topological dynamical systems


Jean V. Bellissard... 

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23.01.2019, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Differential operators on manifolds: where analysis meets geometry

Jan Slovák (Brno, Czech Republic), Nadine Große (Freiburg)

14:00 Nadine Große (Freiburg): Boundary value problems: an approach via bounded geometries
In this talk, we consider boundary value problems on domains with non smooth boundaries. For the Dirichlet... 

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12.12.2018, 14:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Mathematik & Geschlecht

Kerstin Palm (HU Berlin), Renate Tobies (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena)

14:00 Renate Tobies, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena

Klein, Hilbert und die Förderung von Frauen in der Mathematik, nebst zu überwindenden Problemen

Mit Felix Klein und David Hilbert entstand... 

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21.11.2018, 14:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Urn models and random walks

Paolo Dai Pra (Università degli Studi di Padova), Pierre-Yves Louis (Université de Poitiers)

14:00 Part I
Popular urn models:interaction and synchronization

(Pierre-Yves Louis)

Urn models  have found several applications, from adaptive

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24.10.2018, 14:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Mathematical models of living tissues

Anna Marciniak-Czochra (Universität Heidelberg), Marie Doumic (Inria, CNRS and Sorbonne Université, Paris)

14:00 Marie Doumic: Modelling protein polymerisation: results and open questions
15:00 Tea and Coffee break
15:30 Anna Marciniak-Czochra: Mathematics of stem cells


Marie Doumic: Modelling... 

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11.07.2018, 14.00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Statistics in interactions with other fields of mathematics

Marc Hoffmann (Univ. Paris-Dauphine), Guillaume Sagnol (TU Berlin)

14:00 Marc Hoffmann (Univ. Paris-Dauphine): Age-structured model in a large population: combining a statistical analysis and PDEs
15:00 Tea and Coffee break
15:30 Guillaume Sagnol (TU Berlin):... 

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20.06.2018, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Bridges between symplectic geometry and combinatorics of polytopes

Silvia Sabatini, Milena Pabiniak (Uni Köln)

14:00 Silvia Sabatini (Köln): 12, 24 and beyond: A bridge from reflexive Polytopes to symplectic Geometry
15:00 Tea and Coffee break
15:30 Milena Pabiniak (Köln): How to distinguish between symplectic... 

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23.05.2018, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Zeta functions everywhere!

Pierrette und Philippe Cassou-Noguès (University of Bordeaux)

14:00: Philippe Cassou-Nogues (Bordeaux): Zeta functions and Galois module structures.
15:00: Tea and Coffee break
15:30: Pierrette Cassou-Nogues (Bordeaux): Zeta functions and roots of Bernstein... 

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25.04.2018, 14:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Mathematik Neu Denken

Rainer Danckwerts (Universität Siegen), Thomas Bauer (Universität Marburg)

Mathematiklehrerbildung Neu Denken


Die Probleme der universitären Lehrerbildung im Fach Mathematik für das gymnasiale Lehramt sind alt, gut beschrieben und vielfach unverändert aktuell.... 

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07.02.2018, 14:15  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Probabilistic approaches to the evolution of some biological systems

Jean Bertoin (Universität Zürich), Anton Wakolbinger (Goethe-Universtität Frankfurt)

The colloquium begins at 14:15  with a talk

Large populations over many generations:

from Wright and Fisher to experimental evolution

by Anton Wakolbinger (Goethe University, Frankfurt)


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17.01.2018, 14:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

From Operators and Function Theory to Parabolic Problems: Semigroups everywhere

Wolfgang Arendt (Universität Ulm), Isabelle Chalendar (University Paris Est)

The colloquium begins at 14:00  with a talk

Composition operators on spaces of analytic functions: universality and asymptotics

by Isabelle Chalendar (University Paris Est)


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20.12.2017, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Learning and Imaging: A Trip through Modern Data Science

Carola Schönlieb (University of Cambridge), Gitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin)

The colloquium begins at 14:00  with a talk

Model-based learning in imaging

by Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (DAMTP Cambridge)


One of the most successful approaches to solve inverse problems... 

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08.11.2017, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Interactions between mathematics and physics: symmetries and randomness

Simone Warzel (TU München), Frank Rupert (LMU München)

Das Kolloquium beginnt um 14:00 Uhr mit einem Vortrag


von Rupert Frank (LMU, München):


"Symmetry and Reflection Positivity"



There are many examples in mathematics,... 

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12.07.2017, 15:00 Uhr  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

From classical to quantum gravity

Kristina Giesel (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Benjamin Bahr (Universität Hamburg)

  • 15:00 Kristina Giesel (University of Erlangen)
  • 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:30 Benjamin Bahr (University of Hamburg)


Spin networks and spin foam models  (Benjamin Bahr)
While spin networks... 

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07.06.2017, 15:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Ungewöhnliche Einblicke in die Mathematik

Ehrhard Behrends (FU Berlin) und Dirk Werner (FU Berlin)

  • 15:00 Dirk Werner (FU Berlin)
  • 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:30 Ehrhard Behrends (FU Berlin)


Wer soll das alles lesen? (Dirk Werner)

Klassifizieren, Indexieren und Referieren mathematischer... 

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10.05.2017, 15:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Biochemical networks; modeling randomness in and outside the cell

Heinz Köppl (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Verena Wolf (Universität des Saarlandes)

  • 15:00 Verena Wolf: Stochastic chemical kinetics: method of conditional moments
  • 16:00: Coffee break
  • 16:30 Heinz Köppl: Biochemical networks in random environments: modeling and inference



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08.02.2017, 15:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Hypersurfaces in relativistic space-times

Carla Cederbaum (Tübingen), Oliver Rinne (Golm)

  • 15:00 Carla Cederbaum 
  • 16:00 Kaffeepause
  • 16:30 Oliver Rinne 



Carla Cederbaum (Tübingen)

Mathematical General Relativity: hypersurfaces of constant time


After a brief introduction into General... 

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25.01.2017, 15:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Energy diffusion and evolution equations

Ralph Chill (Universität Dresden), Alexander Mielke (WIAS Berlin)

  • 15:00 Ralph Chill: Dissipative evolution equations: recent progress on their qualitative behaviour
  • 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:30 Alexander Mielke: A geometric approach to reaction-diffusion systems  



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07.12.2016, 15:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Rods, spheres and balls from a Hamiltonian system perspective

Alberto Abbondandolo (Ruhr Universität Bochum), Nils Waterstraat (University of Kent)

  • 15:00 Uhr Alberto Abbondandolo "On short geodesics and shadows of balls"
  • 16:00 Uhr Teepause
  • 16:30 Uhr Nils Waterstraat  "The buckling of the Euler rod"



Alberto Abbondandolo (Ruhr Universität Bochum)


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09.11.2016, 15:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Markov chains: a new approach to their long-time behaviour

M. Scheutzow (TU Berlin), A. Kulik (Uni Kiev/TU Berlin)

  • 15:00 Uhr M. Scheutzow,  Coupling, transportation plans and Markov chains   
  • 16:00 Uhr Teepause
  • 16:30 Uhr A. Kulik,  Generalized couplings and  Markov chains


M. Scheutzow (TU Berlin), Coupli... 

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26.10.2016, 15:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Campus Golm, Haus 10, Raum 0.26

Two Berlin mathematicians: Kurt Heegner and Karl Weierstraß

Norbert Schappacher (Straßbourg); Reinhard Bölling (Potsdam)

15:00 Uhr  Norbert Schappacher (Straßbourg)


"The Berlin bridge from 19th century mathematics to today´s Arithmetic Geometry"


The talk is about the Berlin mathematical outsider Kurt Heegner (1893... 

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13.07.2016, 14:30 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

"Artificial intelligence, inductive reasoning and decision making"

Alexandra Carpentier, Yann Ollivier


 Achtung: geänderte Uhrzeiten !


 14:30 Uhr  Yann Ollivier (Paris-Saclay)

Artificial intelligence and inductive reasoning: from information theory to neural networks

 In order to one day build an... 

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08.06.2016, 14:00  –  Haus 9, Raum 2.22

An invitation to the world of strings; where mathematics meets physics

Johannes Brödel, Valentina Forini

-- 14:00 Uhr Johannes Brödel (HU Berlin)

"String theory: a perfect laboratory for iterated integrals and multiple zeta values"

-- 15:00 Uhr coffee break

-- 15:30 Uhr Valentina Forini (HU Berlin) 


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18.05.2016, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Ergodic theory and dynamical systems

Tatjana Eisner (Leipzig), Tobias Jäger (Jena)

  • 14:00 Tatjana Eisner (Leipzig) "Ergodic theorems"
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Tobias Jäger (Jena) "Model sets and Toeplitz flows"


Tatjana Eisner (Leipzig) "Ergodic theorems"
Originally motivated... 

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27.04.2016, 14.00  –  Universität Potsdam, Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Die Macht der Mathematik

Michael Korey, Charlotte Wahl


  • 14:00 Michael Korey (Dresden)     'Was ich mit meinem newerfundenen instrument zeigen unnd darthun kan'. Fürstliche Lust, mathematische Macht und der Einsatz von historischen... 
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03.02.2016, 14:00 Uhr  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

The mathematical heritage of Alexander Grothendieck

Winfried Scharlau (Universität Münster), Leila Schneps (Université Paris VII)

  • 14:00 Winfried Scharlau (Universität Münster): Alexander Grothendieck - a stranger in our world
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Leila Schneps (Université Paris VII): Alexander Grothendieck: mathematician,... 
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20.01.2016, 14:00  –  Campus Golm, Haus 9, Raum 2.22

Countable groups: an operator algebra point of view

Georges Skandalis, Sara Azzali

14:00 Georges Skandalis (Paris): "Traces and determinants on non commutative algebras and countable groups"
15:30 Sara Azzali (Potsdam): "Countable groups, covering spaces and spectral invariants"



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16.12.2015, 14:00  –

From geometry to computer graphics

Ulrich Pinkall (Berlin), Max Wardetzky (Göttingen)

  • 14:00 Ulrich Pinkall (Berlin): Schrödinger Smoke
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Max Wardetzky (Göttingen): Variational convergence of minimal surfaces


Ulrich Pinkall (Berlin): Schrödinger Smoke

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25.11.2015, 14:00  –

From symmetric to quasisymmetric functions - combinatorics and topology

Christine Bessenrodt (Hannover), Birgit Richter (Hamburg)

  • 14:00 Christine Bessenrodt (Hannover): From symmetric to quasisymmetric functions - combinatorial refinements
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Birgit Richter (Hamburg): From symmetric to quasisymmetric... 
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28.10.2015, 14:00  –

Topology in Algebra and Computer Science

Josef Slapal (Brno), Martin Schneider (Dresden)

  • 14:00 Martin Schneider (TU Dresden): Amenable topological groups
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Josef Slapal (Brno University of Technology): Digital topology


Josef Slapal (Brno University of... 

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01.07.2015, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 09, Raum 1.12

Lattice points on polytopes

Alexander Barvinok (Michigan), Christian Haase (Berlin)

  • 14:00 Alexander Barvinok (University of Michigan): How to count integer points in polyhedra?
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Christian Haase (FU Berlin):Adding lattice points in lattice polytopes




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17.06.2015, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 09, Raum 1.12

Stochasticity in complex and biological systems

Ralf Metzler (Potsdam), Aljaz Godec (Potsdam)

  • 14:00 Ralf Metzler (Institute for Physics and Astronomy, University of Potsdam): Ergodicity violation and ageing: From granular gases to living cells
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Aljaz Godec (Institute for... 
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13.05.2015, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 09, Raum 1.12

On some combinatorial zeta functions, How quantum field theory can help to understand representation theory

Christian Kassel (Strasbourg, Frankreich), Christoph Schweigert (Hamburg)

  • 14:00 Christian Kassel (Strasbourg, Frankreich): On some combinatorial zeta functions
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Christoph Schweigert (Hamburg):How quantum field theory can help to understand... 
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22.04.2015, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 8, Raum 1.45

Raphael Levi & E. J. Gumbel

Christoph Schulte (Potsdam), Annette Vogt (Berlin)

  • 14:00 Christoph Schulte (Potsdam): Raphael Levi, Mathematiker und Astronom des 18. Jahrhunderts
  • 14:30 Coffee break
  • 15:00 Annette Vogt (Berlin):E. J. Gumbel und seine Mathematiker-Kollegen gegen das... 
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28.01.2015, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 09, Raum 1.12

Quantum Ergodicity on Large Regular Graphs

Nalini Anantharaman (Straßburg), Alexander Strohmaier

  • 14:00 Nalini Anantharaman (Straßburg):
    Quantum Ergodicity on Large Regular Graphs
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Alexander Strohmaier:
    Quantum Chaos and Discontinuity
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03.12.2014, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 9, Raum 1.14

Symmetric groups and Young diagrams

Pierre Cartier (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Paris)

  • 14:00 Uhr: Pierre Cartier (Institut des Hautes Études Scientiques, Paris)
    An introduction to the representation theory of the symmetric group
  • 15:00 Uhr: Coffee break
  • 15:30 Uhr: Pierre Cartier (Institut... 
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12.11.2014, 14:00 Uhr

Positive scalar curvature

Thomas Schick (Göttingen), Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)

  • 14:00 Thomas Schick (Göttingen): The topology of positive scalar curvature
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg): Obstructions to positive scalar curvature from submanifolds



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29.10.2014, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 9, Raum 1.12

Geometric perspectives; from curved spaces to game theory and its applications

Martina Zähle (Jena), Julie Rowlett (Bonn)

  • 14:00 Uhr: Martina Zähle (Jena)
    Geometry past and present; a stroll through curved spaces.
  • 15:00 Uhr: Coffee break
  • 15:30 Uhr: Julie Rowlett (Bonn)
    Biological applications of algebraic geometry


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09.07.2014, 14:00 Uhr  –  Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 09, Raum 1.12

Networks and graphs between geometry and statistics

Ulrike von Luxburg (Hamburg)

  • 14:00 Ulrike von Luxburg (Universität Hamburg):
    Complex network science: the quest for understanding the internet, facebook and the brain
  • 15:00 Coffee break
  • 15:30 Ulrike von Luxburg (Universität... 
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