16.01.2025, 10:15 - 11:45
From Model to Market: Enhancing Phase 3 Design with MID
Jane Knöchel (InSilicoTrials, Sweden)
Norbert Schappacher (Straßbourg); Reinhard Bölling (Potsdam)
15:00 Uhr Norbert Schappacher (Straßbourg)
"The Berlin bridge from 19th century mathematics to today´s Arithmetic Geometry"
The talk is about the Berlin mathematical outsider Kurt Heegner (1893 - 1965) whose mathematical work has given rise, after his death, to time-honoured notions like "Heegner point”, "Heegner cycle”, etc. Apart from an overview of his unusual biography, the talk will propose an analysis of how Heegner's new ideas for the arithmetic of modular and elliptic curves came about, starting with his education at Berlin University at the beginning of World War I. This talk reports on joint work with S.J. Patterson.
16:00 Uhr Coffee break
16:30 Uhr Reinhard Bölling (Potsdam)
"Alles im Leben kommt doch leider zu spät"
Neben biographischen Eckdaten werden einige Aspekte der Weierstraßschen Behandlung der Grundlagen der Analysis diskutiert. Von seinen Ansichten, seinen Erfolgen und Misserfolgen wird die Rede sein. Weierstraß wird dabei möglichst selbst zu Wort kommen.