29.01.2025, 13:00
– Haus 9, Raum 0.17 und Zoom
Forschungsseminar Diskrete Spektraltheorie
Dynamics of the Sturmian Trace Skew Product
Seung uk Jang (Université de Rennes)
Karen Strung (Czech Academy of Science, Prague), Sven Raum (Potsdam)
14:00 Karen Strung (Czech Academy of Science, Prague): Operator algebras arising from topological dynamics.
14:45 Tea and Coffee Break
15:15 Sven Raum (Uni Potsdam): Operator algebras from approximate lattices.
Karen Strung (Czech Academy of Science, Prague): Operator algebras arising from topological dynamics.
Abstract: One meets C*-algebras in many areas of mathematics, sometimes without even being aware that it is a C*-algebra. A prototype is the algebra of bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space and many of its subalgebras. Despite the multitude of examples, a recent breakthrough result could classify a significant class of C*-algebras. With this abstract classification theorem in hand, we are left with questions about which "naturally occurring" C*-algebras are covered by the theorem. In this talk I address the question which C*-algebras arising from topological dynamical systems are covered and will discuss the underlying classification programme for C*-algebras.
Sven Raum (Uni Potsdam): Operator algebras from approximate lattices.
Abstract: In operator algebras a common belief is that first associating a C*-algebra to a classical object and then understanding some of the C*-algebra's invariants can lead to a new perspective on the classical object. In this talk I will first introduce approximate lattices, which generalise mathematical quasi-crystals to other groups but R^n. I will then show how to associate a C*-algebra to such approximate lattices. Finally, I will explain why these algebras fit into Elliott's classification programme for C*-algebras, which tells us exactly which invariants of C*-algebra describe it up to isomorphism.
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