Joint Seminar

14.06.2018, 16:15  –  Free University of Berlin, Arnimallee 6, SR 025/026
Seminar "Topics in Geometric Analysis"

Andreas Gastel and Olaf Müller

Andreas Gastel
p-harmonic maps and Cosserat elasticity

For minimizers in a geometrically nonlinear
Cosserat model for micropolar elasticity of continua, we prove interior Hölder regularity, up to isolated singular points that may be possible if the exponent p from the model is 2 or in (32/15,3). The obstacle to full continuity turns out to be the existence of certain minimizing homogeneous p-harmonic maps to S^3. For those, we slightly improve existing regularity theorems in order to achieve our result on the Cosserat model.                                                                               


Olaf Müller      
Black Holes in Maxwell-Einstein Theory                                                                            

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